
Sea Shell Jokes

57 sea shell jokes and hilarious sea shell puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about sea shell that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Sea Shell Short Jokes

Short sea shell jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The sea shell humour may include short seashells jokes also.

  1. My girlfriend got a tattoo of a shell on her thigh Every time I lay my ear on it I can smell the sea.
  2. My girlfriend has a tattoo of a sea shell on her inner thigh. When you put your ear on it, you can smell the ocean.
  3. I met this girl with a tattoo of a sea shell on her inner thigh She told that if I put my ear to it, I can smell the ocean.
  4. Why does the little mermaid wear sea-shells? Cause B-shells are too small, and D- shells are too big.
  5. I heard the titanic got a new job... She sells sea shells down by the sea floor.
    I hear it's a pretty high pressure job.
  6. Someone told me that if you hold a Shell up you can hear the sea All I got was 6 years for armed robbery.
  7. It's really hard for me to tell people what my wife does for a living. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
  8. There's no easy way to say this..... She sells sea shells on the sea shore, the shells that she sells are sea shells for sure.
  9. It is really hard to say what my wife does for a living. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
  10. I had a one night stand with a girl who had a shell tattooed on her inner thigh. If you put your ear to it you could smell the sea.

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Sea Shell One Liners

Which sea shell one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with sea shell? I can suggest the ones about turtle shell and sea animal.

  1. Why does Aeriel always wear Sea Shells? Because D shells were too big
  2. Why do mermaids wear sea shells? B shells aren't big enough.
  3. Why does the little mermaid wear sea shells? She's not big enough for d shells.
  4. Why did the mermaid wear sea shells? Cause she was too big for B- shells!
  5. Why did Ariel wear sea shells? The D shells were too large.
  6. My mother does unspeakable things at the beach. She sells sea-shells on the seashore.
  7. Why do mermaids wear sea shells? Because they can't fit in d-shells.
  8. Why do mermaids wear sea shells? Because they outgrew their B-Shells. 😉
  9. Why does sally Wear Sea Shells? She grew out of her B shells.
  10. Why do mermaids wear sea shells? Because B shells are too small.
  11. Why do mermaids wear sea shells? Because the B shells are too tight
  12. Why does a mermaid wear sea shells? She outgrew her B shells
  13. If i dress up as a sea shell nobody can see me... It's my clamouflage.
  14. Sean Connery please say, "She sells sea shells on the seashore." "SSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

Sea Shell Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about sea shell you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean snail shell jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make sea shell pranks.

Girl: Babe I just gotta a tattoo of a sea shell on my thigh can you hear the ocean?
*Pulls his head to her thigh*
Guy: Nope, But I sure can smell the fish.

What did one ocean say to the other?

Nothing- they just waved.
Are you shore you get it?
Do you sea what I did there?
I should shell some better puns
But I cant dolphink of any!
And what would be the porpose of that?
When Im having a whale of a time saying these?
Sorry if these jokes are making you crabby.

You can't hear the ocean, but . . .

I used to know a girl that had a tattoo of a sea shell right below her belly button.
The odd thing was that if you put your ear next to the tattoo, you couldn't hear the ocean, but you could smell it!

new tattoo

My wife has a new tattoo.
its a shell on the inside of her thigh.
when i put my ear to it i can smell the sea...

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

If sally sold more than sea shells down by the seashore

What did one ocean say to the other ocean?

Nothing! They just WAVED.
SEA what I did there?
I'm SHORE you did.
Let MINNOW if you are not getting it.
SHELL I continue??
No?.. I guess I'll stop WHALE I'm ahead.
Thanks ladies and gentlefish

My wife has a tatoo of a shell on the inside of her thigh

If you put your ear against it you can smell the sea

My wife has a shell tattood on her upper thigh..

And if you lay your ear on top of it, you can smell the sea.

My wife has a tattoo of a shell on the inside of her thigh...

It's a really weird thing, when you lay your ear on it you smell the sea.
- I hope it came off right, thats an old joke they tell in my country

People always ask me what my wife does for a living, but it's just too hard for me to say.

You see...
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

I didn't hear the sea when I held a Shell up

I did, however, get six years in jail for armed robbery of a petrol station.

Sea Shell

Did you hear about the woman with a sea shell tattoo on her thigh? If you put your ear up to it, you can actually smell the ocean.

What did the young, privileged, and naive crustacean say to the other crustacean?

I don't sea shells

Your mother said she has a sea shell tattooed on her inner thigh.

She also said that if you put your ear to it you can smell the ocean.

I got with a girl last night.

When we got home I realised she had a tattoo of a shell on the inside of her thigh. I put my ear to it and could smell the sea.

My girlfriend gives people things from the war that she finds in the ocean. You can find her in the school playground.

She sells sea shells by the seesaw.

Why does Ariel wear sea shells?

Because the B shells were too small and the D shells were too big

She sells sea shells by the sea shore

But why would you buy seashells if you're already by the sea?

Hermit c**... have been known to have symbiotic relationships with sea anemones.

The c**... let the anemones ride around on their shells and will even share food with them.
It's a prime example of keepng your friends close and your anemones closer.