
Scroll Jokes

9 scroll jokes and hilarious scroll puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about scroll that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Make any boring afternoon a little more fun with this collection of hilarious scroll jokes! Get ready to laugh out loud and bring a definite smile to your face. With jokes about the Dead Sea Scrolls, Elder Scrolls, and (virtually) every page in between, this article has something for everyone to bookmark.

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Ridiculous Scroll Jokes to Spark Fun and Laughter

What is a good scroll joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

To most religious people, the holy books are like a software license.

Nobody actually reads it. They just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree"

Talking with your girlfriend is just like software installation EULA

you just scroll down waiting for it to finish and agree without understanding what it says

A monk decides to become a scribe...

When he arrives at the scribes' church, he meets the bishop and begins his apprenticeship. While checking a scroll, he has question and approaches the bishop for help. The bishop decides to check the original scroll in the catacombs, so he descends into the basement of the church. Several hours later, since he hasn't returned, the monk goes down into the catacombs to find him.
The monk finds the bishop laying on the ground in the fetal position, clutching the scroll to his chest and sobbing. With tears in his eyes, he looks up at the monk and says...
"It says 'celebrate'."

Scrolling this sub is like fixing a fence that's fallen.

Repost. Repost. Repost.

Yo mama so fat

scroll down

Tablets were replaced by scrolls.

Scrolls were replaced by books.
Now we scroll through books on our tablets.

While scrolling the front page I saw the most annoying thread ever

It was coming out of the sweater I was wearing. That was my favorite sweater.

What is positive about beeing blonde?

You are allowed to park your car in the disabled spot
(Dont know if it have been done before, no energy to scroll through the endless thread)

Scroll down for some positive Brexit news!!

Scroll down for some positive Brexit news!!
Keep going...
What, you didn't seriously expect to see some did you?

Scroll joke, Scroll down for some positive Brexit news!!

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Scroll joke, Scroll down for some positive Brexit news!!

Scroll joke, Scroll down for some positive Brexit news!!