Scottsman Jokes
3 scottsman jokes and hilarious scottsman puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about scottsman that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Howlingly Hilarious Scottsman Jokes for an Unforgettable Evening
What is a good scottsman joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
What's the difference between m**... Jagger and a Scottsman?
What's the difference between m**... Jagger and a Scottsman?
m**... Jagger says "Hey, you, get off of my cloud!"
and the Scottsman says "Hey, McLeod, get off of my ewe!"
Two guys walk into a bar...
They look around, and see that at one table, there's a rabbi, a priest, and an imman. At another there's an Irishman, a Scottsman, and a Brit. At a third there's a blonde, a brunette, and a readhead. Up at the bar, sits a dog with a bandaged paw.
Guy looks to his friend and says, 'What is this, some kind of joke?'
How many canaries can you fit under a Scottsman's kilt?
Depends on the length of the perch.
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