
Sandwich Shop Jokes

46 sandwich shop jokes and hilarious sandwich shop puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about sandwich shop that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Sandwich Shop Short Jokes

Short sandwich shop jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The sandwich shop humour may include short sandwich jokes also.

  1. If you loiter in a Tibetan spiritual leaders sandwich shop every day, then... ... you dilly dally in the Dalai's deli daily.
  2. What do you call it when you linger too often at a Tibetan sandwich shop? A daily dilli-dallie at the Dalai Deli.
    I'll show myself out now.
  3. The server at the sandwich shop said that every sandwich comes with a free pickle. I said, That's a really good dill.
  4. Did ya'll hear about the guy from India whose sandwich shop burnt down!? He'll be alright. He got a loan to open a New Delhi.
  5. What does a sandwich shop and an adult film casting agency have in common? Both offer 6 and 12 inches in many varieties.
  6. I went to a sandwich shop and ordered a pastrami sandwich, but I received a meatball marinara. Whoops, wrong sub
  7. I'm not allowed in the Vietnamese sandwich shop anymore. They decided to banh mi for life.
  8. Persian joke Yesterday I was so hungry, I went to the sandwich shop and ordered Ham e Cheese.
    ....همه چيز means "every thing".
    (first timer here, be gentle)
  9. I'm going to cash in on the success of Avengers: Infinity War by opening a comics themed sandwich shop. It'll be called *Soup or Hero*
  10. A Buddhist monk walks into a sandwich shop The guy behind the counter asks what he wants
    He replies: can you make me one with everything

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Sandwich Shop One Liners

Which sandwich shop one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with sandwich shop? I can suggest the ones about sandwich maker and corner shop.

  1. What was built after the Indian sandwich maker's shop burned down? A New Delhi
  2. What did the Indian man name his sandwich shop? New Delhi
  3. Did you hear about that new heavy metal themed sandwich shop? It's called Pantera Bread
  4. What did Adele name her sandwich shop? A deli
  5. What do they do when I'm being disruptive at the Vietnamese sandwich shop? Banh mi.
  6. I want to open a sandwich shop in the new Islamic State it will be called the infideli
  7. I'm so crazy about those Vietnamese sandwiches... My local shop had to ban mi.
  8. What's a pirates favorite sandwich shop? Arrrby's !
  9. Served at Sancho Panza's sandwich shop: Donkey Hoagie
  10. Did you hear about the sandwich shop that just opened up in India? It's a new deli.
  11. TIL China has its own national chain of sandwich shops. Wong Sub
  12. I'd like to open a Greek sandwich shop in Lower Manhattan. I'll call it Ground Gyro.
  13. What do you call a sandwich shop that greets you from across the street? Adele-y
  14. Why did the sandwich shop sound terrible? It was out of tuna...
  15. I went to a sandwich shop, but they s**... up my order Oh wait, I've got the wrong sub.

Uplifting Sandwich Shop Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends

What funny jokes about sandwich shop you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean sandwich meat jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make sandwich shop pranks.


I'd just come out of the shop with a roast beef sandwich, large chips, ear of corn, & a jumbo sausage. A poor, homeless man sat there and said 'I haven't eaten for two days.'
I told him, 'I wish I had your will power.'

Took my dad shopping for some new shoes

He's 86 and found it quite tiring so we stopped for a coffee and a sandwich. While sitting there some teenagers sat at the table next to us.
One of them had a Mohican hairdo that was dyed all the colours of the rainbow and my dad wouldn't stop staring at him.
Eventually the boy got fed up of this and asked my dad sarcastically 'what is your problem old man haven't you ever done anything wild just for fun'
My dad, without missing a beat, replied
'I got drunk once in my 20's and had s**... with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son'

A guy was in a Subway sandwich shop

and ordered a coke and a sandwich. They asked him if he wanted his sandwich toasted. He said he sure did. He raised his coke and said, "The best of everything to you, sandwich".

Two guys walk into a sandwich shop...

The 1st guy says, "I'll take the BLT on sourdough, please."
"One BLT coming right up!" Says the sandwich maker.
The second guy looks at the sandwich maker and says "I'll have a Donald Trump."
Confused, the sandwich maker asks, "A Donald Trump, what's that?"
In which the the second guy replies, "all white bread, a bunch of bologna and a little pickle."

An Estonian visits russia

He departs from Tallinn, the journey goes as planned until, 2 hours and a half in, he realizes he needs petrol otherwise he won't get to russia, so he stops at a gas station near narva, and decides to get a snack and go to the bathroom. So before filling up his car he gets off, walks to the gas station's shop's counter and asks for a sandwich, he eats it, and then goes to the bathroom, seeing all the doors closed, he knocks.

I s**... up and cheated with the cute Australian girl from the local sandwich shop.

Now I'm trying to keep it strictly down under wraps.

What's the difference between a disappointed sandwich shop customer and Soviet Russia?

One couldn't get pastrami, the other couldn't get past the Saami.

Why did my local sandwich shop lose all of its workers??

I was told they were sick of being subordinates.

A new Indian sandwich shop opened up in my neighborhood

I guess you could say it's our New Deli.