
Saharan Africa Jokes

4 saharan africa jokes and hilarious saharan africa puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about saharan africa that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Uproarious Saharan Africa Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time

What is a good saharan africa joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Ethnographic expedition lost in the Sub-Saharan Africa

An Ethnographic expedition lost in the Sub-Saharan Africa. The head of expedition, a prominent Russian scientist, Artem Pizdobolov, have bad news and good news to tell his comrades. First the bad news, he said. We run out of food and water. There left only camel's dung. Tell us a good news fellow travelers asked in desperation. The good new is that we have that camel dung in abundance.

What brand of plastic wrap do they use in North Africa?

Saharan Wrap

Where do animals in sub-Saharan Africa do their PhD research?

The Hippo Campus.

What was the first modern mammal to live in sub-Saharan Africa?

The hipsterpotamus

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