
Saddam Hussein Jokes

34 saddam hussein jokes and hilarious saddam hussein puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about saddam hussein that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Saddam Hussein Short Jokes

Short saddam hussein jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The saddam hussein humour may include short osama bin laden jokes also.

  1. What do Little Miss Moffat and Saddam Hussein have in common? They both have curds in their whey.
  2. What did Saddam Hussein have in common with Little Miss Muffet? They both had Kurds in their way.
  3. So Saddam Hussein was trying to give George Bush a high-five... But George Bush left him hanging.
  4. After all these years I can't quit thinking Saddam Hussein might still be in power if he hadn't named his missiles "Scuds."
  5. I went to university with Saddam Hussein We were studying chemistry and combined inhumanities
  6. Q: Why weren't the Republicans behind the verdict in the Saddam Hussein Trial a couple of days before the 2006 Midterm Elections?
    A: Because they were so busy fixing the price on oil!
  7. What was Saddam Husseins favourite TV show? Despot Housewives
  8. Where does Saddam Hussein keep his plates? In Iraq.
  9. There's a new TV drama coming out starring Saddam Hussein it's going to be called "Soap on a Rope"
  10. Why do women like saddam hussein? He was hung

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Saddam Hussein One Liners

Which saddam hussein one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with saddam hussein? I can suggest the ones about osama bin and george bush.

  1. I high-fived Saddam Hussein Didn't want to leave him hanging
  2. Where was Saddam Hussein found hiding? Between Iraq and a hard place.
  3. I just used a Saddam Hussein jelly mould.... I think I've set a dangerous president.
  4. I wish I could go like Saddam Hussein did. Hanging out with his people
  5. If Saddam Hussein had married Little Miss Muffet... would the Kurds have had their whey?
  6. Why didn't Saddam Hussein watch Return of the King? He was living under Iraq
  7. Where did Saddam Hussein keep his CDs? In Iraq
  8. What is Saddam Hussein's favorite band? My Chemical Romance
  9. What did Saddam Hussein say every time he played pool? I rack.
  10. What is Saddam Hussein's favorite food? Yellow cake.
  11. Saddam Hussein wanted to rule the world... ...but he couldn't kuwait
  12. why didnt saddam hussein take a shower he wanted to take a ba'ath
  13. Saddam Hussein was found Guilty in a Court of Law but he was given a suspended sentence
  14. Why did Bush overthrow Saddam Hussein? He didn't want him to build an iraqet
  15. Where did Saddam Hussein keep his CD's? In Iraq.

Saddam Hussein joke, Where did Saddam Hussein keep his CD's?

Comical Saddam Hussein Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter

What funny jokes about saddam hussein you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean george w bush jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make saddam hussein pranks.

Why did Saddam Hussein never have s**...?

....because he was afraid he'd see Bush.

I spent £96 on eBay today to buy a cheese grater once owned by h**... and Saddam Hussein.

It was the grater of two evils.

What do Saddam Hussein and Little Miss Muffet have in common?

They both had kurds in their way. (Curds in their whey.)
***This joke is phonetically superior to its' written version.

Saddam Hussein joke, Saddam Hussein was found Guilty in a Court of Law