
Russian Jokes

145 russian jokes and hilarious russian puns to laugh out loud. Read ethnic jokes about russian that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

This article is about Russian jokes.

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Funniest Russian Short Jokes

Short russian jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The russian humour may include short soviet jokes also.

  1. I tried to warn my son about the dangers of Russian roulette... It went in one ear and out the other.
  2. Oh man you know what my favorite thing about being Russian is? Getting to vote in American elections.
  3. Told my son to stop playing Russian roulette, but you know how it is with kids... In one ear, out the other.
  4. A lot of Russian girls are trying to hook up with American guys online. But it's really just Putin trying to interfere with our erections.
  5. The best part about being Russian, is getting to vote in American elections. Which is nice, because we never get to vote in our own.
  6. My brother just broke the record by downing 22 Russian jets in Ukraine He'll forever be remembered as the worst mechanic in the Russian Air Force
  7. TIL in 1974 Russians accidentally blew up their own submarine, thinking it was an enemy Oops, wrong sub
  8. A German joke from 1944 How do you tell an Optimist German from a Pessimist German? The Optimist studies English, while the Pessimist studies Russian.
  9. Cardi B's sister used to spy for the Russian government, but refuses to talk about it publicly They call her 'Cagey B'
  10. A Russian Tourist Travels Abroad. Border guard: Nationality?
    tourist: Russian.
    Border guard: Occupation?
    Tourist: No, no, just visiting this time.

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Russian One Liners

Which russian one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with russian? I can suggest the ones about red army and russian name.

  1. I have a Russian friend who's a sound technician And a Czech one too.
    A Czech one too.
  2. How many Russians does it take to capture Kyiv? Its ok. Putin doesn't know either.
  3. If pronouncing my b's as v's makes me sound Russian, Then soviet.
  4. Why is Putin in such a hurry to get into ukraine? Because he's always Russian.
  5. 5 out of 6 scientists say Russian Roulette is safe.
  6. What do you call a Russian with Covid? Kalashnicough
  7. How do you stop a Russian tank? Shoot the soldiers pushing it.
  8. What do you call a Russian that enjoys programming? Computin.
  9. How do you stop a Russian tank? You shoot the two soldiers pushing it.
  10. What should ukrainian soldiers paint on captured Russian tanks? Ctrl-
  11. Why do Russians wear white armbands so they have something to wave when they surrender
  12. How can you spot the rank of a Russian? By the stripes on his Adidas jumpsuit.
  13. What do you call a homosexual Russian knight Sergei
  14. My dad is a professional Russian roulette player. He only lost once.
  15. How do you stop a russian tank from advancing? Shoot the soldier pushing it.

Russian Roulette Jokes

Here is a list of funny russian roulette jokes and even better russian roulette puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I tried to warn him about playing Russian roulette. But it went in one ear and came out the other.
  • My grandfather was a legendary Russian roulette player He only ever lost once
  • My friend loves playing Roulette, so I figured I would introduce him to Russian Roulette. Blew his mind.
  • I tried to warn my son about playing Russian Roulette. It went in one ear and out the other.
  • My friend was the best at Russian Roulette. He only lost once.
  • 1 in 6 people... find Russian roulette mind blowing.
  • My friends and I used to love a good game of Russian Roulette. Unfortunately, they're a bunch of sore losers and won't play it with me anymore.
  • 5 out of six researchers conclude, Russian roulette is complete safe.
  • Five out of six people are okay with Russian Roulette... ... The sixth one loves it to death.
  • Saw a documentary on Russian roulette It was mind blowing.

Russian People Jokes

Here is a list of funny russian people jokes and even better russian people puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I'm being attacked by Russian hacker! Sorry! Is mistake. Russian people not do such things! Have good day.
  • Everybody who has played Russian Roulette will tell you it's safe. Well, at least 5/6 people will.
  • 5 out of 5 people enjoy Russian Roulette. There was supposed to be a sixth, but he never got back to me about his experience.
  • Five out of six people agree Russian roulette is completely safe.
  • I heard WW 3 might be starting... I don't know... I think people might be Russian to conclusions.
  • 5 out of 6 people would recommend it... 5 out of 6 people who played Russian roulette, would recommend it to others.
  • Fun Fact: ...5/6 people find Russian Roulette harmless.
  • Russian Roulette is completely safe to play! I interviewed people who played and %100 said that they all survived!
  • Every 5 out of 6 people say Russian Roulette is fun... I wonder why the sixth guy hates it
  • How long does it take a Russian tank to drive from Moscow to Kyiv? Depends how many people are pushing.
Russian joke, How long does it take a Russian tank to drive from Moscow to Kyiv?

Russian Vodka Jokes

Here is a list of funny russian vodka jokes and even better russian vodka puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Know why v**... is so clear? Its so Russians can tell it isn't tap water.
  • A Russian doctor is treating his patient. *"Take this for insomnia... take this for depression... and take this for anxiety."*
    *"Thank you Doctor, but do you have any other medicine besides v**...?"*
  • A short joke. If a former 80's Russian comedian went out and bought some off-brand v**.... Would that be Yakov Smirnoff buying knock-off Smirnoff?
  • A cat walks into a bar... Bartender asks what he'll have.
    Cat orders a White Russian.
    Bartender says he's out of v**....
    Cat is fine with that, thats actually how he prefers it.
  • Give a Russian Tanker v**..., He'll Be Warm for a Night Set his ammunition on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
  • Local retailers have stopped selling Russian Standard v**.... That's the spirit!
  • A Russian alcoholic loses the key to car... His wife wakes him from his drunken slumber.
    "Where are the keys to the car!?" she demands.
    "v**...? Whiskey?" he replies.
    (read with Russian accent)
  • What do you get when you mix v**... with laxatives? A Russian tanker in Ukraine.
  • How much v**... does it take to kill a Russian? None.
  • Russian joke "Daddy I want an ice cream."
    "I want an ice cream too, son. But we only have enough money for v**...."

Russian Name Jokes

Here is a list of funny russian name jokes and even better russian name puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • A Russian named Rudolf woke up one morning He looked out the window and announced, _"It's raining."_
    His wife said, _"No dear, it's sleeting."_
    He replied, _"Rudolf the Red knows rain, dear."_
  • I had a Russian Uber driver the other day. His name was Pikup Andropov
  • I hired a Russian chauffeur the other day... his name was Pikup Andropov
  • A Russian Goes For His Eye Examination The doctor places an eye chart before him and asks if he can recognize what's written.
    The Russian: Are you kidding me? That's my cousin's name
  • Experiment made by Russian scientist Vazilikyev Karaazuruvsky reveals shocking information Nobody reads Russian names
  • I've been hitting on a lot of Russian women at my local bar lately, at least I think they are Russian... They all say their name is Fuckov
  • What is the one thing that Azhikelyamov Rozhdestvenskij learned in his career? That nobody reads long Russian names.
  • What was the name of that very calm Russian tennis player? Oh yeah, I got it - Panikova!
  • What's the name of the Russian Bee Gees cover band? KGBGs
  • I had the luxury of obtaining a Russian style dishwasher during quarantine... Her name is Natalia and she makes a lot of noise when there's too much inside.
Russian joke, I had the luxury of obtaining a Russian style dishwasher during quarantine...

Uproarious Russian Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time

What funny jokes about russian you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean russian girlfriend jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make russian pranks.

A Russian spy, a s**... predator and a billionaire walk into a bar

Bartender says "What can I get you Mr. President?"

I really don't like russian dolls...

They are so full of themselves.

Double Positives.

A linguistics professor was lecturing his class one day.
'In English', he said, 'A double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative.'
A loud voice from the back of the room piped up, 'Yeah, right.'

A man bought a horse from a pastor of a church...

The pastor explains to him "to make the horse go yell 'Thank God!' And to make it stop yell 'Hallelujah'". He is riding the horse and gets distracted when he notices he is about to ride off a cliff and begins to yell "Hallelujah! Hallelujah!", and the horse stops just at the edge of the cliff. He wipes his sweat off and says "Phew! Thank God!".
*Old Russian joke my dad used to tell*

A Russian is travelling to Poland...

and he is stopped to be checked by an officer.
"Name?" the officer asked.
"Vlad Dobrynin," the man answered.
"No, no, just visiting."

Why did the CIA t**... the Russian wasp?

Because he was a cagey bee agent.

I have finally punched my membership card into Dad jokes!

So last night my 12 year old son and I are watching the Little League World Series. The pitcher for the Nevada team has a last name of "Kryszczuk". My son looks to me and asks "Do you think he's Russian?"
My response: Nope, it looks like he's taking his time.
It took him a couple of seconds to realize and then he gave me that wonderful "Really, Dad?" look. I'm so proud.

Ol' Russian joke

Comrade Stalin approaches a farmer and asks :
"Comrade, how many potatoes have we grown this season?"
"Enough to reach God, comrade!" Replied the farmer.
"But there is no God" said Stalin
"Ah, said the farmer, as there are no potatoes."

A Russian, visiting the USA, went for an eye check up

A Russian, visiting the USA, went for an eye check up.
The Doctor shows the letters on the board:
Doctor: Can you read this ?
Russian: Read ??? I even know the guy, he's my cousin.

Do Russians only write in lower case letters?

I mean, they hate Capitalism.

Obama, Putin and Merkel at the baltic sea

Obama declares: Our submarines can stay submerged for ten days before needing air.
Putin promptly says: That's nothing. Russian submarines can stay submerged for up to a month.
Merkel is embarrassed and stays silent.
Suddenly a submarine emerges. The hatch opens and the man yells: Heil h**...! Is the war over?

A linguistics professor is lecturing his class

A linguistics professor was lecturing his class the other day. "In English," he said, "a double negative forms a positive. However, in some languages, such as Russian, a double negative remains a negative. But there isn't a single language, not one, in which a double positive can express a negative."
A voice from the back of the room retorted, "Yeah, right."

"Dmytry! I take my hat off to you!"

"You and Sarah have been married for 50 years, whenever I see you walking around town you are still holding hands!
Well." Dmytry began
"If I let her go she will surely buy something!"
Translated from Russian, sorry if I made mistakes.

A conman, a mentally handicapped person, and a Russian spy walk into a bar

And the bartender asks, "What will it be, Mr. President?"

A Russian goes to a watchmaker.

He says, "My clock is defective. It only goes 'tic...tic...tic...tic...' unlike the others, which go 'tic...toc...tic...toc...'."
"No problem", says the watchmaker, taking the clock from its owner.
He then shines a light in the clock's face and says menacingly, "We have ways to make it toc."

A Briton, a Frenchman, and a Russian are standing and staring at a portrait of Adam and Eve...

"Look at their calm, their reserve" says the Briton. "Surely they must be British!"
"Nonsense!" Replies the Frenchman. "They are beautiful. Surely they must be French!"
The Russian finally speaks, "they have no clothes, no shelter, only an apple to eat, and are being told this is paradise. They are Russian."

I hate Russian dolls

They're so full of themselves

An American and a Russian were discussing their respective freedoms in the 1980's

American: We have more freedom. I can go over to the president and say "Mr. Reagan, I don't like the way you are running this country".
Russian: What's the big deal in that? I too can go to my president and say "Mr. President, I don't like the way Reagan is running his country".

My Russian wife wouldn't even teach me how to say hello in her language

She says it's private.

Russian computer: "Enter password"

Me: "Beef stew"
Russian computer: "Password not stroganoff"

A British doctor says: "In Britain, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's liver, put it in another man, and in 6 weeks, he is looking for a job."...

...The German doctor says: "That's nothing, in Germany we took part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for a job."
The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we took half a heart from a man, put it in another's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for a job."
The American doctor laughs: "You are all behind us. A few months ago, we took a man with no brain, no heart, and no liver and made him President.
Now, the whole country is looking for a job!"

A Russian enters a bar full of Turkish people.

He's wearing a t-shirt with bright lettering "Turkish got 3 problems."
Just a few seconds later the Turkishs oppose him and say "Hey, yopu know what you're wearing is insulting?"
The russian responds: "This is your first problem: You're so easily offended."
The Turkish respond: "Okay, maybe we should settle this outside."
The Russian: "That's your second problem: You always want to solve your problems with violence."
The Turkish bring him outside and pull their knives.
The Russian: "And here's your third problem. You always bring knives to gun fights."

A Frenchman, and Englishman, and a Soviet are admiring a painting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

The Frenchman says, They must be French, they're n**... and they're eating fruit.

The Englishman says, Clearly, they're English; observe how politely the women is offering fruit to the man.

The Soviet replies, No, they are Russian communists, of course. They have no house, nothing to wear, little to eat, and they think they are in Paradise.

A s**... predator, a racist and a Russian spy walk into a bar.

The bartender says "What can I get you Mr. President?"

A linguistics professor says

A linguistics professor says during a lecture that, "In English, a double negative forms a positive. But in some languages, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, in no language in the world can a double positive form a negative." But then a voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."

I have a Russian friend who's a sound technician ...

I have a Czech one, too.

Donald Trump, Queen Elizabeth II and Vladimir Putin all die and go to h**....

Satan decides to let each of them to call their own countries, but at a cost. Queen Elizabeth speaks to the U.K Government for 30 minutes and pays 1 million dollars. Vladimir Putin speaks with the Russian Government for an hour and pays 2 million dollars. Donald Trump speaks with the American Government for 2 hours and only pays 300 dollars.
Upon hearing this, Putin went ballistic and demanded that Satan tell him why Donald had to pay so less but get to talk more. Satan answered simply, "Ever since Donald Trump became U.S President, he has turned America into a h**...-hole, so it's a local call."

A Russian dude enters a bar wearing a tshirt saying, "Turks got 3 problems."

Obvious repost
As soon as he enters the bar a bunch of Turks stop him.
Turks: you come in our country and have the b**... to insult us.
Russian : that's your first problem. you guys gets offended so easily.
Turks: Let's get him outside.
Russian: that's your second problem. you wanna solve everything with violence.
*They gets outside of the bar and Turks starts taking their knives out*
Russian: that's your third problem. you bring knives to a gunfight.

An American spy comes into a Soviet bar

And orders a drink.
"No drink for US spies" said the barkeep.
The spy goes pale. He pulls out a bottle of v**... and drains it in one big gulp.
"You drink like Russian, but you are American spy"
The spy pulls out his accordeon and plays a wonderful Russian folk song, everyone in the bar tearing up, including the barkeep.
"You sing like Russian", he said under tears, "but you are American spy"
He starts dancing the Kozachok, worthy of the Bolshoy dancers.
"You dance like Russian, but you are American spy"
"Ok, you got me. But how do you know?"
"There are no black Russians"

A Brit, A Frenchman and a Russian are viewing a painting of Adam and Eve frolicking in the garden of Eden

"Look at their reserve, their calm," muses the Brit."They must be British"
They pondered this possibility but the Frenchman and the Russians soon shake their heads in disagreement.
"Nonsense," says the Frenchman. "They're n**... and so beautiful, clearly they are French". The Brit and Russian agreed on this point but the Russian soon raises an objection to this.
"No clothes, no shelter and they have only an apple to eat but they're told this is Paradise. They are clearly Russian"

A Russian joke my grandmother once told me. I hope it works in English.

A man sits at the deathbed of his mother-in-law.
She suffers very much and cries in agony:
"Oh I'm dying!" "It hurts" "I'm gonna die soon"
She stops for a seconds and says:
"Well at least the weather is nice today"
The man says: "hey dear, don't get distracted!"

The Russian Agency of Research and Automation has been commissioned by Putin to develop a new robot to make gloves for the pandemic that are superior to all others. They have named it in his honour.

It's called RARA's grasp-Putin, Russia's greatest glove machine.

A Russian citizen is crossing the border into Ukraine and hands his passport to the customs officer.

The customs officer asks: "Name?"
The Russian replies: "Vladimir Krylov"
The customs officer continues: "Occupation?"
The Russian replies: "Not yet, just visiting."

Guide for Russian troops: How to identify Ukrainians

Sometimes Ukrainian saboteurs try to pass off as Russian troops. The easiest way to identify them is to remove their pants and examine their genitalia. All Ukrainians have b**... of steel. Even women.

Putin is held hostage by a t**....

A Russian truckdriver stops at the back of a long queue on the motorway. He sees a policeman walking down the line of stopped cars to briefly talk to the drivers. As the policeman approaches the truck, the truckdriver rolls down his window and asks:
Driver: What's going on?
Policeman: A t**... is holding Putin hostage in a car. He's demanding 10 mill rubles, or he'll douse Putin in petrol and set him on fire. So we're asking drivers for donations.
Driver: Oh, ok. How much do people donate on average.
Policeman: About a gallon.

Old Finnish WW2 joke

Finnish general Adolf Ehrnrooth was visiting in England after the World War II.
British general asked him how many Russian troops were stationed in Finland.
"A few hundred thousand" answered Ehrnrooth.
"Where in Finland are they stationed?" The British general asked.
Ehrnrooth answered: "Two meters underground around the border."

Russian Ruble is now worth less than 1 U.S. Cent after SWIFT Bank Sanctions

I think it's time we start calling the Ruble for what really is: Rubble

A Russian boy asks his dad for 1000 rubles to buy some candy from the store

His dad replies 1000 rubles? 1600 rubles is way too much to spend on candy. How much candy can 2300 rubles even buy?

2 Russians are robbing a bank...

2 Russians are robbing a bank... Everything went successful, quickly and silently. However, before existing the bank, one Russian stops another one: "Hey, what kind of a robbery is it if no one got injured or killed?"
Russian 2: "You're right, kill that woman that's sitting over there!"
Russian 1 (to the woman): "What's your name?"
Woman: "Sofia"
Russian 1 (to Russian 2): "I can't kill her... My wife has the same name..."
Russian 2: "Then kill that kid that's sitting beside her."
Russian 1 (to the kid): "What's your name?"
Kid: "Billy, but everybody calls me Sofia"

Russia has been cut off from CNN, CBS, ABC Pornhub, Facebook...

US is working depriving Russians of McDonalds, Coca-Cola and US fastfood. They continue with these sanctions and Russian people will probably be the most healthiest, well adjusted, spiritual and well informed people on the planet.

a joke we tell in Ukraine

A russian, a Ukrainian and an African American guys are sitting in the waiting room while their wives give birth.
The nurse comes out with 3 babies and says "sorry guys, they've got mixed up..let's see whose is whose".
The Ukrainian takes a black kid and runs.
They yell "hold on dude!!! That kid is obviously not yours!"
the Ukrainian replied "I don't care I dont want a russian!!!"

Russian army was thought to be the second best army in the world...

... It turns out it's only the second best army in Ukraine.

A woman is flirting with a Russian man at a bar(a joke)

She says,
"Hi, handsome, what do you do for a living?"
The Russian replies,
"I work for KGB."
"Cool, tell me an interesting story!"
"About me or about you?"

How many Russians does it take to change a Ukrainian lightbulb?

At least 1 battalion to lose in the attempt. Please reply with your best punchline.

A Frenchman, an Englishman, a Russian, and a Ukrainian are on a a plan when the plane's engines fail and it starts to go down.

The pilot grabs one of the parachutes and jumps from the plane. The remaining passengers see that there is only one c**... left, and quickly do the math.
The Englishman stands up, straightens his tie, says "God save the Queen!" and jumps from the plane.
The Frenchman, not wanting to be seen as less noble than the Englishman, says "Vive la France!" and jumps to his death.
The Ukrainian stands up, straightens his vyshyvanka, says "Slava Ukraini!" and throws the Russian out.

An Englishman, Frenchman, and Russian are looking at a painting of Adam and Eve.

"They are so calm and contemplative. They would surely be English." The Englishman says.
"No," the Frenchman says, "they are n**... and beautiful, they would be French."
"My friends," the Russian begins, "no clothes, no shelter, they are sharing an apple between two, they're being watched, and they're told this is paradise. They are definitely Russian."

Why does the new Russian Navy have glass bottom boats?

So they can see the old Russian Navy.

A soviet joke about censorship that I found in my school book

An American tells a Russian that people in USA have the freedom of speech and that he even could go to the White House and shout:"Go to h**..., Ronald Reagan!"
The russian answers:"Oh, we also have freedom of speech. I, too, can go to Kremlin and shout:" Go to h**..., Ronald Reagan!"

Three men are discussing Adam and Eve

The Frenchman says "Adam and Eve must be French. They are beautiful, and n**..., and have all the world's beauty before them."
The Englishman says "Not at all. They are residing in the most beautiful, perfect Garden. They must be English."
The Russian says "They are without clothes, they are forbidden from eating, they are talked to by snakes, and they are being told it's Heaven. They are Russian."

A Russian comes home after fishing trip

A Russian comes home after fishing trip and hears the news that Russia is at war. He asks another Russian what is going on, and he tells him:
"We are at war with NATO!"
"Oh wow, how many troops have been lost?"
"Well, we have lost 45,000 troops, almost 2000 tanks, a thousand artillery pieces, several hundred helicopters and aircraft, several generals have been captured, our economy is in shambles, and the Moskva was sunk.
"And NATO?"
"NATO hasn't showed up yet."

What did the Russian billionaire say when checking in at a hotel?

I'd like a room on the first floor, please.

Putin, Obama and Merkel stand at the sea

Putin presents a submarine, saying: "This best russian technology! Our submarines stay 1 month under water without ever need to go surface!"
Obama smiles and says:
"This is our submarine... It can stay up to 3 months under water, no need to emerge even one time!"
Merkel stands next to them saying nothing.
Suddenly the sea is rambling and a submarine emerges next to them.
The top hatch opens and out pops and old man, raising his arm and shouting

Russian prime minister Medvedev comes to Putin and nervously tells him to abolish time zones.

" I fly to another city, call home and everyone is asleep. I woke you up at 4AM but I thought it was only evening. - I call Angela Merkel to congratulate her on her birthday and she tells me she had it yesterday. - I wish the Chinese President a happy New Year, and he says it will be tomorrow."
"Indeed" Putin replies "but that's only minor stuff. Remember when that Polish plane crashed with their president? I called them to express my condolences, but the plane hadn't taken off yet!!"

Russian joke, Russian prime minister Medvedev comes to Putin and nervously tells him to abolish time zones.

jokes about russian