Rope Knot Jokes
82 rope knot jokes and hilarious rope knot puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about rope knot that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Rope Knot Short Jokes
Short rope knot jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rope knot humour may include short rope jokes also.
- A beekeeper said he wanted to train his hives to work with stitching and rope. I asked him if he really thought that would work, and he nodded and said May bee sew, may bee knot
- One man asked another, "Do you often work with rope?" The second man replied, "I confess, I do knot."
- If I needed to climb something and I had to choose between a rope with knots in it or some parallel boards with spaced rungs... I'd choose the latter.
- A tattered rope walks into a bar... The bartender says, "Hey, are you a lasso?"
The rope replies, "Sorry, I'm a frayed knot." - Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." I say, "When you reach the end of a toilet paper roll, open your wallet, and pull out a receipt."
- Meteorology class was cancelled due to snow today, so I stayed home to practice tying a rope. I promised myself even if I can't go to school, I will learn weather or knot.
- A rope gets in an accident where it was split in half... The rope's friend, worried, asks if he is okay. The rope responds, "I'm a frayed knot"
- I once got so nervous I ate a long stretch of rope... ...for the rest of the day my stomach was in knots.
- I tied some rope yesterday It was knot that interesting
- What did the rope say when it was asked if it was new? Sorry, I'm a frayed knot.
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Rope Knot One Liners
Which rope knot one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rope knot? I can suggest the ones about tying knot and rope climb.
- TIL: rope can pass through themselves Ohh wait they can knot.
- What do you call a tangled rope in space? Astro-knot.
- I gave an annoying boy scout two ropes and asked him "Can you knot?"
- Is old rope good enough for a hanging? Frayed knot. That stuff is bad noose.
- What did the shoelace say to the annoying rope? Can you knot?
- What do they do with rope in space? Tie Astro-knots.
- Did the depressed rope maker succeed? Sadly, he did knot.
- Built a robot to tie rope together... But it does knot work.
- I want to tie a rope into the shape of the letter Y. Why you ask?
Y knot. - My friend asked me if I could tie a rope... I awnser him "No, i can knot"
- What did the string say when the rope proposed marriage? "Let's knot."
- What did the guilty rope say I did knot!
- I really hate untangling ropes, cables and the likes I'm knot really good with them
- Why did je rope want to be set free? Because why knot.
- This rope looks a bit loose KNOT!!!
Rope Knot Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about rope knot you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rope climbing jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rope knot pranks.
A length of rope walks into a bar.
The bartender looks at him and says "get out, we don't serve ropes in here!"
The rope goes outside and cuts himself in half and ties his two sections together.
Not pleased with his appearance, he takes a comb and combs out his ends.
He walks back into the bar and the bartender says "hey, aren't you that rope I just kicked out?"
And the rope replied "no, I'm a frayed knot."
I recently found out that s**... by rope typically uses a running knot.
That's noose to me.
A rope walks into a bar.
The bartender says "Get out of here! We don't serve ropes here!"
So the rope heads around the block, walks up to a stranger and says "Hey, can you tie me in a knot?" Stranger shrugs and does it.
The rope hangs out a little longer, till a lady walks by and he asks "Hey, could you fray my ends a bit?" Woman thinks it's weird, but does it anyway.
So the rope goes back into the bar. The bartender says "Hey, aren't you the rope I just kicked out of here?"
"No," answers the rope. "I'm a frayed knot."
Stop me if you've heard this.......3 pieces of rope go into a bar......
The bartender says: "We don't serve your kind here you have to leave." So the pieces of rope leave but one of them is determined and thirsty so he twists himself all up and messes up his hair real bad and goes back into the bar. The bartender says: "Say wern't you just here with those other pieces of rope?" The little piece of rope replys: "No, I'm a frayed knot!" (Yes - rope gets thirsty and can talk!)
A rope walked into a bar...
A rope walked into a bar. The bartender said, "We don't serve your kind here! No ropes allowed!" The rope left, tied his top end, and fluffed out the fringe. He reentered the bar, and the bartender said, "Hey! Aren't you that rope I just threw out?" "No," the rope said. "I'm a frayed knot."
Time to pun-ish you all!
A rope walked into a bar. The bartender looked at it and said, "Hey! No ropes in here!" So the rope walked out. Once outside, it twisted upon itself a number of times, then rubbed it's short free end until it was just a bunch of fibers without any organization. Upon completion of this, the rope walked back into the bar. The bartender looked at it and asked, "Are you a rope?" The rope responded, "I am a frayed knot."
A man walked into Denny's shortly before christmas. He was seated and ordered eggs benedict. He was surprised when the waiter brought his food out on a shiny, new hubcap. When he inquired as to why, the waiter responded, "There's no plate like chrome for the hollandaise."
A rope walks into a bar...
And orders and drink. The bartender says," We don't serve ropes here." So the rope goes outside, frays his ends, and ties himself into a knot. He comes back in and once again orders a drink. The bartender says,"Aren't you that rope I just turned down?" To which the rope replies, "No, I'm a frayed knot."
A rope walks into a bar...
"I'll have a whiskey," he says.
The bartender eyes him, then gruffly replies, "We don't serve your kind here."
The rope leaves, dejected. He turns the corner and gets an idea. He ties himself into a knot and tussles his hair, then goes back into the bar.
"I'll take a whiskey," he tells the bartender.
Again, the bartender looks him up and down, narrows his eyes and asks, "Say, ain't you that rope that was in here a few minutes ago?"
The rope replies, "No sir, I'm a frayed knot."
A rope walks into a bar...
The bartender says "we don't serve your kind here." The rope gets really mad and storms out, he scrunches over, gets all twisted up and pulls at his hair in frustration. The next day the rope goes back to the bar. The bartender looks at him thinking he recognizes him, he asks "aren't you that rope from yesterday?" The rope responds "I'm a frayed knot."
So this piece of rope walks into a bar...
...and he tries to order a drink, the bartender says, "We don't serve your kind roun' here!" The piece of rope walks outside, ties himself in half a couple times, rubs himself in the dirt and drags his edges. He walks back into the bar and orders a drink. The bartender says, "Hey! Ain't you that same piece of rope?!" The piece of rope says, "Nope, I'm a frayed knot!"
A rope walks into a bar....
...and the bartender says, "we don't serve ropes here."
So the rope walks outside, ties himself into a knot, and frays the end. He then walks back inside.
The bartender says, "Didn't I tell you we don't serve your kind? Weren't you just in here?"
The rope replies, "No, I'm afraid not."
Piece of rope walks into a gas station..
and tries to buy a gatorade, the clerk looks the rope up and down then sniffs and says "we dont serve your kind in here!". So the rope leaves, but determined to get his drink ties himself into a knot and frays his ends. He goes back in and the smae clerk looks at him and says "You a rope?" the rope replies "Frayed knot!".
A piece of rope walks into a bar.....
The bartender says, "hey, we don't serve your kind here. Now get out!" The piece of rope leaves, but it's determined to get a drink, so it starts rolling on the ground, ties itself up and splits it's ends. Looking beat up, the rope walks back into the bar and orders a drink. The bartender looks at the rope and says, "hey, aren't you that piece of rope that I just kicked out of here?" The rope looks at the bartender and says, "nope, I'm a frayed knot."
We don't serve ropes in here...
A 6 ft long piece of rope walks into the bar, and sits down.. The bartender says "We don't serve ropes in here.."
Annoyed, the rope takes off, quietly complaining under his breath.
After a week, the rope tries to get into the same bar (hoping a different bartender will be on duty).. The rope sits down, and the bartender says (yet again) "Hey, I told you, we don't serve ropes in here.. Get out!"
Now,. the rope is really ticked off. He leaves, but is so angry as he stews over the bars no-rope policy, he begins to twist himself into coils and tangles. Needless to say, his 'hair' gets mussed up, and disheveled, and he's worked himself into a ball of twists, and coils.
He decides to give the bar one more try, now that he's a little more "incognito"
...The rope sits down at the bar, and the bartender turns to him and says "Hey.. Aren't you a rope?"
The rope replies: " No, I'm a frayed knot.."
A piece of rope walks into a bar...
Bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve rope here"
Rope walks outside, frizzes up his hair, and ties himself in a knot, and walks back into the bar.
Bartender says "Hey, aren't you the same piece of rope that I just kicked out of here?"
Rope says "No, I'm a frayed knot"
a rope walks into a bar
and immediately the bartender yells at him to get out, "We don't serve your kind here!". Flustered, the rope walks out. After some time, he figures he'll give it another shot a different night, hoping for a different bartender. "We don't serve ropes here!" a different bartender thundered as soon as he opened to door to the bar. Embarrassed and angry, he turns around and leaves.
before setting off for home, the rope gets an idea. He ties himself into a knot, and messes his hair up really bad, and walks back into the bar.
once the bartender sees him, he gets a confused look on his face and asks the rope, "hey - aren't you a rope?!"
"Nope!", replied the rope. "I'm afraid not"
A rope walks into a bar
A rope walks into a bar and orders a drink.
The bartender says "We don't serve your kind 'round 'ere!" and tosses him out.
The rope, really in need of a drink since his main string just left him for a lasso, ties himself in a knot over sorrow, throws himself on the ground, and rolls down the heavily inclined street, bouncing into fencing, trees, garbage cans, and a small child.
The rope, now barely recognizable, picks himself up, marches back into the bar, and demands his beverage of choice. The bartender looks up, suspiciously, and asks "Ain't you that rope I just threw outta 'ere?"
The rope retorts "No, sir, I'm a frayed knot."
A Rope Walks into a Bar
A rope walks into a bar, asks the bartender for a beer. "We don't serve rope here" says the barkeep
Next day, same bar, rope walks in, sits down and asks for a beer. "I told you yesterday, rope, we don't serve your kind in here"
Next day, same rope, same bar. Before the rope walks in, he grabs some scissors, cuts and unravels his hair, loops himself and cinches his belt tight, walks in confidently and asks for a beer
"Ain't you that rope I've been throwing out of here all week?" Said the bartender
"Nope. I'm a frayed knot"
So, a rope walks into a bar.
Wait... that's knot how it goes.
Knot Knot
Who's there?
Rope who?
Rope Houdini use to tie himself up with!
A piece of rope walks into a bar.
The bartender says, "We don't serve your kind around here." The rope walks out back, ties himself up, and unravels his ends. The rope walks back into the bar. The bartender says, "Aren't you that rope that was just in here a minute ago?" The rope says, "Nope. I'm a frayed knot."
A rope walks into a bar...
The bartender says, "get out, we don't serve ropes here." So the rope leaves, loosens up its end bits, and ties its self up. The rope then walks back into the bar and the bartender says, "aren't you the same rope I just told to get out of here?" And the rope says, "nope, I'm a frayed knot."
A rope walks into a bar ...
A rope walks into a bar, sits down, orders a drink. The bartender says, "Hey buddy, we don't serve your kind here."
Dejected, the rope leaves. Outside he ties himself into a knot, frays his ends, and walks back into the bar. The bartender stops him and says, "Hey! Aren't you that rope I just sent out of here?"
To which the rope replies, "No. I'm a frayed knot."
A rope walks into a bar..
A rope walks into a bar, and the bartender says we don't serve ropes here. So the
rope goes outside and tangles himself all up and does his hair all funny, and walks back inside. And the bartender says "Aren't you the rope I just kicked out a moment ago?" And the rope says, " No I'm a frayed knot."
A rope walks into a bar
The bartender says "We don't serve your kind".
So the rope walks out, twists himself up and parts his hair and then walks back in.
The bartender asks "Aren't you the same guy who was here a moment ago?".
The rope replies "I'm a frayed knot."
A rope walks into a bar
The bartender says "we don't serve your kind here."
The rope leaves and cuts the top of his hair.
He comes back the next day and the bartender says, "are you that rope I kicked outta here yesterday?"
The rope says, "I'm a frayed knot."
Then he gets shot in the face.
A rope orders a drink...
But the bartender says, "We don't serve ropes here."
The rope goes outside, ties himself up, unravels one end, and goes back inside.
"Hey, aren't you that rope?" Says the bartender.
The rope shakes his head, "I'm frayed knot."
Is there knotting you're afraid of?
Rope: I'm a frayed knot
A rope walks into a bar
The bartender refuses to serve him, saying, We don't serve rope here.
The rope walks outside, ducks into an alley, loops himself around himself until he is short and fat. Then he messes his hair up and walks back into the bar.
The bartender looks him up and down. Hey, aren't you that rope I kicked out of here before?
I'm a frayed knot.
A peice of rope walks into a bar...
the rope asks for a drink and the bartender says "Didn't you read the sign? We don't serve rope here" The rope then walks out of the bar and finds a random man. The rope says to the man "Tie me in a knot" so the man ties the rope into a knot. The rope then says "Fray my ends" and so the man frays the ropes ends. The rope walks back into the bar and the bartender says "Hey aren't you that peice of rope that was just in here?"
The rope then says "No, I'm a frayed knot"
A man loved to tie knots
It was his favorite hobby. He spent all of his time tying knots in string and rope, and inventing new, stronger, or more interesting ways to tie knots. He tried to show his ropes and strings to his friends but nobody cared. He wasn't very talented at anything else, because he had spent his entire life tying knots. Everyone was disapointed in him, and he got depressed. He was depressed for months, and then he got fired from his job at a restaurant. That was the final thread. He couldn't take it anymore. He hung himself later that day. At least he died doing what he loved.
Captain: "Can you knot?"
Crew: "I can not."
Captain: "Wait, you can or you can't knot?"
Crew: "I can not knot."
Captain: "Not knot?"
Crew: "Not this rope i can not"
Captain: "Shutup"
Crew: "Can you not?"
Captain: "I can knot"
Crew: "I meant tell me too shutup"
Two friends had just finished fishing...
...and were rowing their boat back to the docks. When they arrived, the first friend got out and started to tether the boat to the nearest wooden pole. As he was doing so, he noticed that the rope was well-worn and had the potential to snap any moment. For the time being, he decided to tie up the boat and handle it later. The second friend got out of the boat and, seeing how dangerously the boat was tied, asked the first friend: "Will that...thing hold?"
The first friend shook his head, pointing to where the rope was tied. "A frayed knot."
A piece of rope walks into a bar.
After very inappropriate behaviour, the bartender asks the rope to leave.
The rope leaves and gives itself a makeover by unravelling himself at the top and tying himself into a knot.
It returns the next day and the bartender asks Aren't you the same guy yesterday?
It says: I'm a frayed knot.
A rope walks into a bar....
The bartender says, "hey, we don't serve ropes here sir". So the rope goes out side gets twisted and messes up his hair and walks back in minutes later.
"Hey are you that rope that I told to leave earlier" shouted the bartender. He looks at the bartender and says "No sir, I'm a frayed knot".
A rope walks into a bar...
The bartender points at him and says, "Hey! We don't serve your kind around here. Get out! "
The rope calmly exits the building, twists himself up, parts his hair, and goes back inside a few minutes later.
The bartender sees him again and asks angrily, "Aren't you that rope I just kicked out?"
"No, sir." the rope responds, "I'm a frayed knot."
A rope walks into a bar and orders a beer
The bartender says we don't serve ropes at this bar, you gotta leave.
The rope goes into the parking lot and messes his hair up and ties himself into a box knot.
He goes back inside and orders another beer.
The bartender says, aren't you the rope that was just in here?
The rope replied I'm afraid not.
So a rope walks into a bar
The bartender says "we don't serve your kind. "
The rope leaves, parts it's head and ties up his chest before entering the bar.
The rope enters again.
The bartender asks "aren't you the same rope? "
The rope says "well I'm a frayed knot. "
I recently learned how to s**... a rope and have it come out the other end t**... in a bow.
I s**... you knot.
What's worse than biting into an apple and discovering a worm?
Having high voltage electrodes attached to your t**... and being flogged senseless with a knotted rope.
A rope walks into a bar
A rope walks into a bar.
The bartender says we don't serve your kind here and the rope walks out, ties himself up and messes with his hair
He walks back in and the bartender says Hey didn't we just serve you he says the the rope
I'm a frayed knot.
A rope walks into a bar
He walks up and takes a seat at the bar stool and asks the bartender for a drink. The bartender tells him, "Sorry we don't serve ropes around here". So the rope leaves and tries a second place. He takes a seat and once again is told that the place doesn't serve ropes. Frustrated the rope cuts himself up a bit and ties himself up in knots. The next night the rope tries at a new place. The bartender asks him "Hey you're not a rope are you?" To which the rope responds "No I'm a Frayed Knot"