
Rookie Jokes

27 rookie jokes and hilarious rookie puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about rookie that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

If you're looking for a laugh, this article has got you covered with a collection of jokes about rookie cops! An inexperienced cop may not know all the ins and outs of their profession yet, but that doesn't mean they can't be the source of some good laughs. Read on to find out how rookie cops, veterans, and newbies alike can all get a chuckle out of these jokes.

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Funniest Rookie Short Jokes

Short rookie jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rookie humour may include short novice jokes also.

  1. When I first started playing chess, I thought the castle could move diagonally. Classic rook-y mistake.
  2. What is it called when the pieces in the corner of a chessboard move diagonally A rookie mistake
  3. My boss pulled me into his office. He sighed and said, "Look...when it comes to drinking on the job, I haven't got much tolerance." "That's okay," I replied, "I was a rookie once too."
  4. Tinder is for rookies Go to Facebook marketplace and search for wedding dresses. It'll show you recently divorced females in your area. From there you can filter by size
  5. On Kashyyyk, Chewbacca's homeworld, would amateur junior-level warriors be called Rookie Wookies? :)
  6. How are rookie marathon runners like people with erectile dysfunction? There both just honestly happy to finish
  7. I made the rookie mistake of going shopping while hungry... I'm now the happy owner of aisle 7
  8. A professional boxer has to fight a rookie. Right before the match begins, the rookie exclaims ''I think I can take that guy blindfolded!'' His coach replies "But what if he is not blindfolded?"
  9. Why did the rookie technician allow a German zeppelin to fly over Allied airspace? It was just a blimp on the radar.

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Rookie One Liners

Which rookie one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rookie? I can suggest the ones about freshman and new kid.

  1. The first time I played chess, I thought the castle moved diagonally. Rookie mistake.
  2. What did the veteran IRS agent say to the rookie? Fined everything ok today?
  3. Did you hear about the rookie cowboy who made a mistake? It was his first rodeo.
  4. What would you call Chewbacca in his first year of MLB? A Rookie Wookiee
  5. What do you call a pirate with two eyes and two legs? A rookie.
  6. I want to bake a batch of low quality Star Wars biscuits. I'll be a Wookie Cookie Rookie!
  7. The chess player moved his horizontally moving piece wrong. What a rookie mistake.
  8. Going into his rookie season everyone said l**... Bias had ups Turns out he had uppers

Rookie joke, Going into his rookie season everyone said l**... Bias had ups

Hilarious Rookie Jokes for a Fun-Filled Night with Friends

What funny jokes about rookie you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean new recruit jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rookie pranks.

In a crime scene....

"So, Rookie, What do you make of all this?"
"Well, the vic was found n**... in bed, severely beaten to death. Sounds like a clear cut m**... case if you ask me"
"close. Our prime suspect is his wife, a morbidly obese woman who says he asked to be on the bottom during s**..."
"So it was a s**... then...."

Two Alabama State Troopers were chasing a Camaro East on I-20 toward Georgia.

When the suspect crossed the Georgia line, the first Trooper pulled over quickly.
The rookie Trooper pulled in behind him and said, "Hey, sarge, why did you stop?"
The sarge replied, "He's in Georgia now. They're an hour ahead of us, so we'll never catch him.

An Artist Gets Mugged...

He goes to the police and draws them a picture.
The policeman says "That's a good picture, we could nail the guy with that."
"I dunno.." Says the rookie besides him. "It seems a bit sketchy."

A rookie carpenter is on his first day of a new job...

The foreman greets him at the job site and tells him his first task will be to nail some sheathing on a roof. The rookie grabs a hammer and nails and gets to work.
The foreman watches the rookie work for a while, and when he's finished he calls him over. The foreman says, "I think your nickname in this jobsite will be 'lightning'." The rookies face lit up, and he asked, "Why's that? Am I faster than everybody else?"
The foreman shakes his head and says, "No, it's because you never strike twice in the same place ."

On the day of Michael Jackson's death

The two paramedics arrive at Neverland Ranch to find Michael unconscious and not breathing.
The rookie says to the veteran "What should we try first?"
"I reckon the roller coaster."

Two Alabama State Troopers

Two Alabama state troopers were chasing a Mustang on I-20 East towards Georgia. When the suspect crossed the state line, the first trooper pulled over quickly.
The rookie trooper parked behind him and asked, "Hey, Sarge, why'd you stop?"
The sergeant replied, "Ah, he's in Georgia now. They're an hour ahead of us, so we ain't ever gonna catch him."

A rookie cop pulls a car over, and walks up to the driver.

The driver rolls his window down, and the cop says, "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?"
The driver looks at the cop, who is about his son's age, and responds, "No officer. I thought for sure that you would know."

A rookie cop is at an intersection.

While he's at the red light, he sees a street sign that reads: WATCH FOR PEDESTRIANS
A few seconds later he notices a lady walking across the street along the zebra crossing. He honks his horn to stop her, rolls down his window and asks: Ma'am, are you a pedestrian?
The woman, confused at the purpose of the cop's question, replies yes, officer.
The cop proceeds to take out his pen and notepad and promptly asks So, which part of Pedestria are you from?

Three boys talk in the schoolyard:

Boy one: "You know, my mom's mouth is so big, that she can s**... a whole cinnamon bun in one bite!"
Boy two: "Whatever, my mom can s**... a panini with just one bite!"
Boy three: "Those are rookie numbers! My mom can s**... a whole floor lamp in one gulp!"
Boy one and boy two look at boy three with delusion, and ask him how he knows she can do it, boy three answers:
"I heard when mommy and daddy where talking with each other in the other room the other night. Mom whispered: "turn off the floor lamp, i'll take it in my mouth.""

A rookie cop is sent to monitor a speed trap for hours...

Finally near the end of his shift a car blows by at 80 mph. He pulls over a teenager and tells him, "I waited all day for you to get here."
The teenager replies: "I got here as fast as I could."

So a rookie cop see someone speeding

" I see someone speeding. I just pulled them over. What should I do. "
" Is it the blonde? "
" Yes. "
" Pull your pants down and ask her to do a breathalyzer test. "
The rookie cop does what he is told.
The blonde gets on her knees and says.
" Not this again. "

Rookie joke, What would you call Chewbacca in his first year of MLB?