Rooftop Jokes
23 rooftop jokes and hilarious rooftop puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about rooftop that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Are you looking for a good chuckle from up above? Check out this article for some hilarious rooftop jokes that will have you laughing from the attic in no time. With jokes related to rooftop bars, skyscrapers, and even Superwoman, this collection is sure to impress!
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Funniest Rooftop Short Jokes
Short rooftop jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rooftop humour may include short house roof jokes also.
- A physicist sees a man standing on a rooftop And shouts
"Don't do it! You have so much Potential!" - Two antenna meet on a rooftop and get married. The wedding was nothing special, but the reception was great!!
- Two antennas fell in love on a rooftop The antenna asks the other one to marry him.
The wedding itself was not up to par but the reception was excellent. - Why didn't the security guard want to work at the rooftop bank? Because he was scared of heists.
- Two antennas met on a rooftop... ...they fell in love and got married. I heard the ceremony was pretty average... but the reception was excellent!
- My friend opened a rooftop pub and wanted to make it the best in the business. He wanted to set the bar really high.
- I could have sworn I heard an Italian fellow running on my rooftop... But I reckon it was just an Auditore hallucination.
- What's the best thing about attending a rooftop party at the Ritz-Carlton with the leader of Russia? Putin on the Ritz
- I did a play where the kid on the rooftop told their dad they were suicidal. The dad says "Hi suicidal. I'm Dad."
- I went to one those secret New York City rooftop concerts last night. Seeing FIDLAR on the roof was great!
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Rooftop One Liners
Which rooftop one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rooftop? I can suggest the ones about dog on roof and roofer.
- I bought a rooftop tent for my Ford SUV I like living on the Edge
- Why did the man open a rooftop bar? He wanted to have drinks on the house.
- A man walks onto a rooftop bar. Gets a beer on the house.

Laughter Rooftop Jokes for Everyone for Fun and Frivolity
What funny jokes about rooftop you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean loft jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rooftop pranks.
A homeless vagabond approaches a woman, who is about to commit s**... from by throwing her self from the rooftop.
Vagabond says
- excuse me, lady. I know you are very depressed. But you know... eh... I've never been with a woman, can you sleep with me, your going to kill your self anyway...
Woman replies
-what, are you crazy!
To what he answers
-fine, I'll wait downstairs!
Jesus, Moses, and an old bearded guy are playing golf...
Moses steps up first and lands his ball in a water hazard. He then proceeds to part the water where the ball is and lands it in the hole.
Jesus hits his ball and also lands it in the water hazard. So he walk on the water, picks it up, places it on a nearby lily pad and also lands it in the hole.
Now the old bearded guy steps up and just hits the ball with all his strength. The ball goes flying! It then proceeds to hit a nearby rooftop, bounce along the grass and land on a lily pad. A frog appears and eats the golf ball. Then out of nowhere a bird picks up the frog in its talons and flies off. As the bird flies over the green, the frog spits out the ball and it manages to land the ball in the hole...
After witnessing this Moses turns towards Jesus and says, "I hate playing with your dad."
Stan Lee stopped by my rooftop apartment to check out my comic collection. Things were fine until he saw my pet parrots; he suddenly started blubbering! I pointed out there were parrots in the foyer as well, & they didn't affect him. For some reason, only my parrots upset him. Now I'm wondering...
...why do birds sadden Lee up here?
This is the story of a man named Jack.
Jack was, well lets just say he was a repairman. One day while repairing the shingles on a rooftop, Jack got stuck. Will you help j**...?
Why did the news j**... always insist on meeting his girlfriend at rooftop patios?
Because he always had to be up-to-date.
Two people are in an insane asylum.
There are two people in an insane asylum. One day they decide they are going to try and escape. They both go on the the roof and see the city. Over there is freedom one of them says. One of them jumps over to another rooftop and tells the other one to jump over too, but he refuses because he is scared. The one that jumped has a flashlight and says I'll shine it across and you can walk over here. The other one says What do you think I am, crazy? You'll just turn it off when I'm halfway across .
Two patients are trying to escape a mental hospital
They devise a plan to get up to the rooftop and jump from one building to another. When they get there, the first patient jumps across to the next building with ease, but his friend was scared that he wouldn't make it if he jumped. The first patient thinks for a while then comes up with an plan.
P1: "I know! I'll just shine my flashlight to you and you can use the beam to walk towards me."
The second patient thinks for a moment and replies :
"What am I, s**...? You'll just turn the light of when I get halfway across."