
Roller Coaster Jokes

63 roller coaster jokes and hilarious roller coaster puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about roller coaster that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Roller Coaster Short Jokes

Short roller coaster jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The roller coaster humour may include short coaster jokes also.

  1. Why wouldn't the skeleton ride any roller coasters? He just didn't have the stomach for them.
  2. What do English speakers yell when they're on a rollercoaster? Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
    What do Spanish speakers yell when they're on a roller coaster?
  3. I find that most women are like roller coasters... They won't let me on them because I'm too fat.
  4. I was at an amusement park with my friends. They all said the invisible roller coaster was great, but I didn't see the attraction.
  5. What's the best place to propose to a French person? At the top of a roller coaster so on the way down they say wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  6. Women are like roller coasters. ##
    I tend to observe them from a safe distance, and I'll never go on a big one.
  7. Did you hear about the new Roller Coaster at Disney World Florida? It's called the Coronacoaster. It just keeps going up and up until everyone on it dies.
  8. Love is like a roller-coaster It'll seem scary at first, it's happens fast, it has its ups, it has its downs, but what's most important is that you meet it's size restrictions.
  9. Women say size isn't important. Try telling that to a midget that wants to go on a roller coaster.
  10. What does riding a roller coaster have in common with breeding rabbits? They are both hare raising.

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Roller Coaster One Liners

Which roller coaster one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with roller coaster? I can suggest the ones about roller and carnival ride.

  1. What did the Frenchman yell on the roller coaster? Yes!
  2. What do Spanish speakers scream on a roller-coaster? Nosotros...
  3. Life with me is like a roller coaster. There's a weight limit.
  4. What did the reindeer say on the Roller coaster ? Hold on for deer life!!!
  5. Did you know Helen Keller had a roller coaster? You didn't? Neither did she
  6. Do the french like roller coasters? Weee weee
  7. What did the black guy see when he went down the roller coaster? His upper lip.
  8. Why didn't the Rooster go on the Roller Coaster? He was chicken...
  9. What does an Indian-American say after riding a roller coaster? I'm Desi.
  10. What do toilets yell when they ride roller coasters? Weeeeeeeee!!!
  11. Man Gets Killed by Roller Coaster at Cedar Point
  12. I hate hearing jokes about midgets and roller coasters. They usually come up short.
  13. Q: What does a dentist do on a roller coaster?
    A: He braces himself.
  14. Lost my Rolex during a roller coaster ride Time flies when you're having fun
  15. I hate roller coasters. They always have so much potential, then they go downhill.

Uproarious Roller Coaster Jokes to Share with Friends

What funny jokes about roller coaster you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean roller skate jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make roller coaster pranks.

What's a sexoholic's favorite roller coaster? Iron Rattler.

On the day of Michael Jackson's death

The two paramedics arrive at Neverland Ranch to find Michael unconscious and not breathing.
The rookie says to the veteran "What should we try first?"
"I reckon the roller coaster."

She asked if I liked my job after I told her I'm a roller coaster mechanic...

"It has its ups and downs," I said.

I m**... on a roller-coaster once... was a real white-knuckle ride.

The teacher asks all the students to draw something on the board that's exciting...

All the other kids draw rockets, jet planes, roller coasters, and so on. But little Johnny goes up to the board, draws a dot, and sits down.
The teacher says "Johnny, there's nothing exciting about a dot. How can a dot cause excitement?"
Johnny replies "That's not a dot, it's a period, and my sister just missed hers, and it's causing a lot of excitement at our house!"

The woman next to me on this roller-coaster won't stop screaming and shouting.

It's like she's never seen a man trimming his p**... before!

Roller coasters are like your first time having s**....

for the amount of time it takes to get there, you wish it lasted longer.

s**... is like riding a roller-coaster.

If your alone you're willing to do it with anyone who will sit next to you.

What's the difference between a p**... and a roller coaster?

You have to be a over 5ft to ride a roller coaster

Daniel Gabriel gets in line for a roller coaster...

... the attendant says, "sorry, but you must be a bit taller to ride."
"It's okay, I'm *Fahrenheit*," replied Daniel Gabriel.

Women are like roller coasters

Women are like roller coasters, they have their ups and downs but in the end you always finish riding way to early.

My first time having s**... was like a roller coaster.

I was terrified, I screamed until it was completely over, and at the end my Dad showed me the pictures of our experience.

"You heard about the lady who died riding a roller coaster?"

"What? How?"
"Apparently the acceleration was too much for her."

A tinder profile pic with your ex is like a roller coaster sign: "you must be this attractive to ride."

What type of roller coaster goes through the Bronx?

The type where people scream in the flat parts.
-j**... Seinfeld

Having s**... with me is a lot like riding a roller coaster

It's over in about a minute and makes you want to v**...

Imagine if they made a park called s**... Flags

It would be a ducking roller-coaster

What's the fastest ride at the carnival?

You would think it would be the roller coaster.
But really the carousel has the most horse power.

How did the roller coaster parks decide on the acceptable height for children to ride?


Recently, a kid was decapitated by a roller coaster while trying to retrieve a hat

Turns out he didn't need it after all

Me and John went on a roller coaster

As we are about to hit the loop-de-loop he looked at me and asked "do you think we will fall out?" "No." I said. "We have been mates for years."

I think it's weird that county fairs are being cancelled.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a *good* idea, but... I just figured that anyone who isn't afraid to hop onto a 60-year-old rusty roller coaster, that gets disassembled and reassembled 22 times a year by a traveling m**... head with an allen wrench, while eating a deep fried stick of butter, wouldn't give a c**... about Covid.

Was driving through downtown Pigeon Forge and dropped this one…

So Pigeon Forge, Tennessee (US), is a HUGE tourist trap. We're talking zip lines, roller coasters, Ripley's Believe it or Not museum, Ferris wheels, life sized King Kong, etc.
Anywhoo, I was driving the family through this insanity when my wife pointed out a building to the kids and said look at that one with all the giraffes on top! I wonder what that is! Without missing a beat I said, Welcome, to Giraffic Park! And hummed the theme song while navigating through a left hand turn. I was proud and laughed out loud at my own joke. My 7 year old loved it.