Rolled Hill Jokes
96 rolled hill jokes and hilarious rolled hill puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about rolled hill that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Rolled Hill Short Jokes
Short rolled hill jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rolled hill humour may include short hills jokes also.
- I was writing a joke about a stone rolling up a hill, but it lost momentum. It still has potential.
- I fondly remember our childhood when Dad used to roll us down the hill in a tire. Those were the Good Years.
- I remember my childhood quite fondly when Dad used to roll us down the hill inside car tires. Those were the Good Years.
- What's black and white, black and white, and black and white? "A penguin rolling down a hill"
My 6 y.o just told me this one and I don't know why I laughed so hard. I felt it should be shared. Lol - Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To reach the bottom.
As told by my 5 y/o cousin. - Why did the orange stop rolling down the hill? It ran out of juice.
I shall take my leave now. - Researchers rolled an assortment of vegetables down a hill to see which would travel fastest Stephen Hawking won by a landslide
- How do you make a Swiss Roll? Push him down a hill.
BONUS: How do you make French Wine?
Invade. - I went to the used car dealer and bought the only thing I could afford, the Rolls-Canardly It rolls down one hill and canardly make it up the next.
- What's black and white, black and white and black and white? A panda bear rolling down a hill
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Rolled Hill One Liners
Which rolled hill one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rolled hill? I can suggest the ones about rick rolling and harry hill.
- What is Harry Potter's favorite way to get down a hill? walking.
j/k…rolling. - How does the author of harry potter get down a hill? By walking. JK. Rolling
- How did Harry Potter make it to the bottom of the hill? By walking... jk rolling
- How did harry potter get down the hill? Walking.
JK. Rolling. - What do you call 100 little sheep rolling down a hill? A lambslide
- What is Harry Potter's favorite method of getting down a hill? Walking....
Jk, rolling - How does a transphobe get down hill? Walking.
JK, rolling - What do you get when a chicken lays its eggs on the top of a hill? Egg rolls.
- What do you call a pig that's falling down a hill? A sausage roll.
- Threw myself down a hill the other day No real reason for it, it's just the way I roll.
- How does Dumbledore get down a hill? Running....
J.K. Rolling - What do you call a bunch of sheep rolling down a hill? A lambslide
- What do you call a Rwandan tribe falling down a hill? Tutsi Roll.
- My favorite one How did Harry Potter get down the hill?
By walking…
jk rolling. - Dad joke Why did the toilet roll, roll down the hill?
To get the the bottom
Cheerful Rolled Hill Jokes for Unforgettable Laughter with Friends!
What funny jokes about rolled hill you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rick roll jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rolled hill pranks.
What's Harry Potter's way to get to the bottom of a hill? Running...JK! Rolling.
What's Harry Potter's way to get to the bottom of a hill? Running...JK! Rolling.
What's Harry Potter's way to get to the bottom of a hill? Running...JK! Rolling.
What's Harry Potter's way to get to the bottom of a hill? Running...JK! Rolling.
Two guys on a double bike where pedaling up a hill.
It took forever to get to the top.
When they finally got to the top the first guy said in a pant, "Whew, that was so hard."
The second replied, "If I hadn't been pushing the brakes the whole time we would have rolled down backwards."
Yo mama so fat when she went rolling down a hill no one could pick her up.
Your so fat you were rolling down a hill and you never stopped.
Why did the toilet roll go down the hill?
Because it wanted to get to the bottom.
What's black and white and black and white and black and white.....?
A penguin rolling down a hill
What's black and white and laughing?
The penguin that pushed him
Terrain Disasters
What do you call white people rolling down a hill? --Avalanche
What do you call Hispanic people rolling down a hill? --Landslide
What do you call black people rolling down a hill? --Jailbreak
Two drums and a cymbal roll down a hill
ba dum tsss
why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
to get to the bottom!
Blonde on a plane.
(First submission, Hope people like it)
A very attractive blonde boards a plane for a long flight and settles in. As she is leaning against the window trying to get some rest a business man takes the seat next to her. "Hi I'm Frank" he says. "Oh hi" says the blonde before she tries to settle back in. "Wait a second now" says the guy "this is a long flight why don't we play a game. Tell you what, I will ask you a question, if you don't know the answer you have to give me $5. Then you can ask me a question and if I don't know the answer you get $500." "Ok fine" says the Blonde. "Alright! What is the Capital of Malta?" Admittedly the Blonde didn't know she she hands the guy $5. "See!" he says "It's a fun game! now you ask me one." "Alright... What goes up a hill on three legs, and comes down the hill on five?" Now the business guy is genuinely stumped. He pulls out his laptop and goes to work. As he does the blonde goes back to sleep. About an hour later the guy taps her on the shoulder "Alright... I have been every where on the internet, I tried everything and I can't figure it out. Here." and he gives the Blonde $500 "Thanks" she says and rolls back over to go to sleep "Wait! You can't just go to sleep! I want to know! What goes up a hill on three legs on down the hill on five?!" The blonde just smiled at him and handed him $5.
How do you find the population of Mexico?
Roll a quarter down a hill, and count the people chasing it.
How do you find the richest person in Mexico?
Find the guy who got the quarter.
What do you call an Irishman with no arms and no legs who's rolling down a hill?
Rick O'Shay.
A man visits his doctor...
and asks him how to improve his s**... performance because he has a date with his girlfriend the next day. The doctor suggests m**... a couple of hours before a s**... encounter.
After leaving the doctor's office, he decides he needs to find a window of time to do the deed. He can't risk doing it at work for fear of being fired, and he can't do it at home because he is meeting his girlfriend at a nice restaurant and won't have time to stop. After a little more thinking, he devises a brilliant plan: he will pretend he is fixing the underside of his car and do it there so no one can see him.
The next day, the man leaves work and heads to the restaurant. He pulls over to the side of the busy highway, discreetly slides under his car, closes his eyes and begins furiously slapping the salami. Some time goes by when another car pulls up behind him. A police officer steps out and says, "Excuse me sir, can I ask what you're doing there?"
"Oh, I'm just fixing my axles." The man replies.
The officer responds, "Well you might want to fix your brakes too, because your car rolled down the hill 5 minutes ago."
What do you call the president when he is rolling down a snowy hill?
An Obama-nable snowman
I remember a time when my dad used to roll me down the hill in his old tires...
...Those were good years.
Sometimes I come up with a punchline so terrible... contrived and unfunny, that a mob forms around me brandishing flaming torches and pitchforks.
It happens frequently enough that I've devised a getaway technique for just this type of occasion...I run to the top of the nearest hill, curl up in a ball and throw myself down the other side at a high enough speed to make good my escape. It's unorthodox, I know, but it's just how I roll...
What did the stone say to the hill?
Let's Rock and Roll.
How do you find the fastest man in Africa?
Roll a penny down a hill.
What happened when Rick fell down a hill?
Rick rolled.
What would make Jennifer Lawrence a famous writer?
Rolling down a hill while married to Lenny Kravitz.
Who fell down the hill and how did he do it?
His name was Rick and he Rolled
Ba dum tsk
Two drums and a cymbal roll down a hill
ba dum tss
What's black&white, black&white, black&white?
A nun rolling down a hill.
What's black&white, and goes "Heheheheh."?
Why didn't the quarter roll down the hill with the nickle?
Because it had more cents
How do you make a sausage roll?
You push it down a hill.
What is yellow and rolls down a hill?
Mustard in a rollerskate
What do you call 100 rabbits all stuck together and rolling down a hill?
Hare ball.
A poor mexican went to a hill to pray for a way to feed his family
As he was praying a black guy was walking nearby with groceries when he dropped his cheese wheel and it rolled to the Mexican. The Mexican grabbed it, praised god, and ran home.
When he gets home he instructs his wife to make nachos with the cheese.
"Why nachos" asks his wife "we can make so many better meals with this cheese"
"No" said the Mexican "god instructs me to make nachos."
"What do you mean" asked the wife
"As I was praying God sent me the cheese wheel and as I was running home with it I heard him yelling That's Nacho cheese, that's nacho cheese!"
Why did the orange stop rolling halfway up the hill?
Because he ran out of juice!
A sheep a drum and a snake roll down the hill...
Baa dum! tss...
What is white,black,white,black?
A penguin rolling down a hill.
A French General sees a German and sends a scout over a hill.
After a little bit, the general hears gunshots, and the scout does not return.
Angry, the general sends a squad over the hill. Once again, there are gunshots, and the squad doesn't return.
The general cursed and stomped the ground and sent a whole platoon over the hill. Yet again, a firefight is heard, and the platoon doesn't return.
Infuriated, the general sent his entire command over the hill. Tanks rolled over the hill and failed to return after a massive firefight ensued. A private crawled back over the hill with his legs on the other side of the hill and exclaimed "It's a trap! There are two Germans!"
A car carrying 3 men broke down in the middle of a desert...
"Let's each take a part and try to make it back to civilization." One of them suggested. They all agreed it was a good idea.
"I'll take the hood," said the first, "This way if I find myself atop a hill, I can slide down quickly, like a sled."
"I'll take the wheels," said the second, "In case I want to bring something with me I can roll it along instead of carrying it."
"I'll take the door." Said the last, "If I get hot I can simply roll down the window."
Two oranges were rolling down a hill but one stopped.
It had run out of juice.
My grandpa said his first car was a Rolls Canardly.
It rolls down the hill and canardly get back up.
Someone put me inside a barrel..
..and push me down a hill.
I just roll with it
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill
to get to the bottom. Ever since my dad heard this he cant. Stop. Telling. It. To EVERYONE.
What do you call a bunch of Aboriginals rolling down a hill?
A rabbi was lost at sea when he saw an island in the distance.
The rabbi swims to the island and climbs up onto the beach when he sees a small, round creature roll down the hill. Then another, and another. He goes over and asks one Who are you? The creature responds We're Trids! We just go up the hill, as they point to a hill in the distance, and a giant kicks us down! The rabbi is curious, and treks all the way to the top of the hill, where he sees the giant. He sees Trids being kicked down the hill while laughing hysterically. The rabbi asks the giant, Can I get a kick? That looks fun! to which the giant responds, Silly rabbi, kicks are for Trids!
Harry Potters favorite way of going down a hill is sliding
JK, Rolling
How did the magical cauldron get down the hill?
By J.K. Rolling
We were just reminiscing about when I was young, my dad used to put me and my brother inside car tyres and roll us down the hill.
They were goodyears.....
300 Bagels Roll Down A Hill, the 301st makes it about a half way and falls over. It wanted to make it all the way down...
But it was outta lox.
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
To get to the bottom.
Thought this was a clever one from the 8 year old I nanny
What do you call a group of Caucasians rolling down a hill?
A c**... barrel
How does Harry Potter go down a hill?
He walks..
Jk, rolling
A hearse is driving up the street...
A hearse is driving up a very steep street and once it gets near the top, the back door opens up and the coffin comes shooting out of the hearse and rolls down the street.
People are diving out of the way, cars are swerving, it's chaos! By the time it reaches the bottom of the hill it has picked up a lot of speed and crashes into a wall surrounded by people.
The door pops open, the body sits up and says Do you have anything to stop this coughin?
You should never roll a pair of CD's down a hill and see which one reaches the bottom first.
It would be a disk race.
When I was a kid we would get some big tires, then get inside and roll down the hill.
Those were the Goodyears.
Why did the toilet paper roll roll down the hill?
It had to get to the bottom
A guy put a gallon each of strawberry, grape and apple flavored punch in a barrel, jumped in and rolled down a local hill. His friend asked, but why?
He replied: I just wanted to roll with the punches.
Sometimes I like to think back to when my dad used to put me in tires and roll me down the hill
...those were the Goodyears.
A Native American goes to court
and says: - "I want to change my name"
the clerk asks him: "What is your name?"
\-"The big round rock that rolled down the hill and fell into the creek"
\-"And what will your new name be?"