
Robin Jokes

150 robin jokes and hilarious robin puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about robin that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover the best and funniest robin jokes around! From red robin, christmas robin, Christopher Robin, and Robin Williams to Robin Uncle, Kathy, Denise, and Gordon, enjoy a variety of joke types. Laugh out loud with our collection of robin jokes, perfect for any occasion!

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Funniest Robin Short Jokes

Short robin jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The robin humour may include short robber jokes also.

  1. Why does Batman only wear dark colors? Easy. Batman doesn't want to get shot. Why does Robin only wear bright colors? Easy.
    Batman doesn't want to get shot.
  2. Robin said to Batman... "Batman, why do you wear dark colors?"
    "Easy Robin, it makes me less likely to be shot"
    "Then why do I wear bright colors?"
    "It also makes me less likely to be shot."
  3. Robin tells Batman "I can't get the batmobile started" Batman: check the battery
    Robin: what's a tery?
  4. What's the difference between a black man and Batman? Batman can go inside a store without Robin
  5. Robin turned and shouted, "The Batmobile won't start!" Batman growled, "Check the battery!" Puzzled, Robin wondered... "What's a tery?"
  6. Robin was having problems starting the Batmobile And then he went to Batman "The Batmobile won't start!"
    "Have you checked the battery?"
    "What's an Ery?"
  7. What do you call Batman and Robin after they've been run over by a steamroller? Flatman and Ribbon!
    My father told me this joke the same day he taught me how to whistle.
    R.I.P. Dad
  8. Robin: Where are you, Batman? Batman: on my way, was in the bathroom
    Robin: what's a hroom?
  9. Why did the robin become a comedian on the first day of spring? It wanted to chirp people up!
  10. Robin says to Batman: - Batman, batremote to battv doesn't work!
    - Did you check batteries?
    - What are teries?

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Robin One Liners

Which robin one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with robin? I can suggest the ones about rob name and batman.

  1. Robin: The batmobile won't start. Batman: Check the battery Robin: What's a tery
  2. What did one orphan say to the other? Robin, get in the Batmobile!
  3. What did Batman say to Robin before he got in the car? Robin, get in the car.
  4. Robin hood went to see a doctor... ...he was diagnosed with Menintightis.
  5. My name's Robin Robin Dakarma
    That's right, put it in the bag.
  6. Without a doubt, my favourite Robin Williams movie is... ...Mrs Fire.
  7. How do you know Robin’s really a Jewish girl? She had a bat-mitzvah.
  8. What was the burglar doing in Wayne Manor? He was Robin.
  9. What's Robin Hood's favourite font? Sans Sheriff!
  10. How does Robin Williams go thrift shopping? Good Will Hunting
  11. What would batman do if he wasn't rich? He would be robin.
  12. What's in common between Batman and a black guy? They can't go into a store without Robin
  13. Did you hear about the bird that held up a bank? It was a robin'
  14. What was Robin Hood's favourite variety of font? Sans-sheriff
  15. Batman and robin came out 20 years ago today But we always sort of suspected.

Batman And Robin Jokes

Here is a list of funny batman and robin jokes and even better batman and robin puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why does Batman only wear dark colours? Easy. Because Batman doesn't want to get shot. Why does Robin only wear bright colours? Easy.
    Because Batman doesn't want to get shot.
  • I'd like to see Batman and Robin fight crime in places that need it the most. "Hey Batman!"
    "Yeah, Robin?"
    "Didn't we park the Batmobile here?"
  • Why doesn't Batman like going to Robin's house? They don't like rich people in Robin's hood
  • Batman giving his Batmobile to robin Batman: Robin, im giving you my Batmobile.
    Robin: aww really batman? thanks!
    Batman: yes, its 555-522-8626
  • Batman wears dark colour clothes at night so that Batman doesn't get shot. Robin wears light colour clothes at night so that Batman doesn't get shot.
  • Why does Batman wear dark colors? Because Batman doesnt want to get shot.
    Why does Robin wear bright colours?
    Because Batman doesnt want to get shot.
  • What do you call Batman and Robin after they got run over by a steamroller? Flatman and Ribbon
  • Batman and Robin were on the car... "The car isn't working", says Robin.
    "Check the battery", says Batman.
    "What's an tery, Batman?"
  • What do you get when a herd of elephants tramples Batman and Robin? Flatman and Ribbon.
  • Batman does not like stealing or cheating. I bet he also doesn't like Robin.

Batman Robin Jokes

Here is a list of funny batman robin jokes and even better batman robin puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What did Batman say to Robin before getting into the Batmobile? "Robin, get in the Batmobile"
  • What happened to Batman and Robin when a herd of elephants trampled over them ? They became Flatman and Ribbon...
  • Batman's suit ran out of battery power. Batman: I need a battery
    Robin: What's a tery?
  • What happened to Batman and Robin when they got run over by a steamroller? They became Flatman and Ribbon.
  • Robin: Batman, the batmobile wont work... Batman: did you check the battery?
    Robin: what's a tery
  • What do you call Batman and... What do you call Batman and Robin after the Joker ran them over with a steamroller?
    Flatman and Ribbon!!!
    --Apparently this was my 5yo self's fav joke.
  • What do you get when an Elephant runs over Batman and Robin? Flatman and Ribbon.
  • There's an upcoming show featuring the woman from Tiger King and Batman's sidekick, going around and reviewing ice cream parlors Carole Baskin And Robin's
  • What do you get after an Elephant runs over Batman and Robin????????? Flatman and Ribbon.
  • BATMAN: I need to use the bathroom ROBIN: What is hroom ?
Robin joke, BATMAN: I need to use the bathroom

Robin Hood Jokes

Here is a list of funny robin hood jokes and even better robin hood puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Robin Hood hands over stolen goods to the poor man Man: Wow thank you robin hood, now i'm rich!
    Robin: *squints* you're what?
  • Robin Hood doesn't always have to steal from the rich and give to the poor... sherwood help though.
  • I got a pet owl named Robin. Robin Hoo-d.
  • What's he difference between Robin Hood and Robinhood? Robin Hood is apt to steal while Robinhood is app to steal.
  • Robin Hood Logic [Robin Hood] Poor friend, here's some money .
    [Poor Friend] Thanks! Now I'm rich!
    [Robin Hood] You're… what?
  • A group of women made a religion about Robin Hood They were called Menintights
  • What's Robin Hood's least favourite font? The Serif of Nottingham
  • Would Robin Hood steal from the rich and give to the poor? He Sherwood!
  • What do you call Legolas, Robin Hood, and Katniss Everdeen when they're leaving? Dep-archers
  • A man asked Robin Hood, "would you rob from the rich to give to the poor?" To which he replied, "I Sher-would."

Robin Williams Jokes

Here is a list of funny robin williams jokes and even better robin williams puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What's the difference between a tornado and a divorce in the South? Nothing, someone's losing the trailer.
    -Robin Williams
  • Without a doubt, Robin Williams is great. Without a doubt, my favourite Robin Williams movie is Mrs. Fire.
  • Robin Williams Without a doubt, my favorite Robin Williams movie is Mrs. Fire.
  • Q. What do Robin Williams and Joan Rivers want for Christmas? A. Betty White.
  • I have invented microscopic robots that can form the face of Robin Williams. I call them "nanu-nanubots."
  • What's your favorite Robin Williams movie? Without a doubt, mine is Mrs. Fire.
  • What's the difference between a Southern wedding and a Southern tornado? Nothing - either way someone's gonna lose a trailer
    *shamelessly stolen from Robin Williams
  • A woodpecker's a bird... ...unless you're a puppet.
    ~ The late great Robin Williams
  • Anthony Bourdain and Robin Williams got into a fight over the phone. After a while they both hung up.
  • A German once asked Robin Williams why there are no funny German comedians Did you ever think you killed all the funny people?

Red Robin Jokes

Here is a list of funny red robin jokes and even better red robin puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do numbers and food at Red Robin have in common? They're both bottomless.
Robin joke, What do numbers and food at Red Robin have in common?

Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Robin Jokes

What funny jokes about robin you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean martin jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make robin pranks.

Why does Batman call his teenage, tights wearing sidekick Robin?

cause s**... was too obvious.

So a Rabbi with a frog on his shoulder walks into a bar...

...and the bartender says: "That's awesome! Where'd you get one of those?"
And the frog says "Brooklyn! There's hundreds of em!"
*credit to Robin Williams for the joke

My favorite Robin Williams joke

U2 is playing a concert in Scotland, and as a hush comes over the crowd, Bono starts clapping his hands above his head very slowly.
As he claps, he tells the crowd, "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies." And a man stands up in the back of the room, and shouts "Then stop clappin' your hands!"
Thanks, Robin.

Robin Williams' Favorite Joke

Guy's having s**... with his wife. All of a sudden he looks over, and there in the doorway is his son, about eight years old. Kid looks horrified, and the kid runs away. The guy says to his wife, ''Well, I'd better talk to Timmy.''
He puts on his clothes and goes to Timmy's room. He opens the door , and there's Timmy nailing Grandma. The father goes ''Oh, my God!'' And the kid goes, ''Not so funny when it's your mom, is it?"

Is it too soon for a Robin Williams Joke?

It's been a few weeks, so I think the waters are safe for this joke I told my cousin:
David Carradine and Robin Williams are in heaven, Carradine looks at Williams and says, "what do you mean you weren't jerking off?"

Robin Hood

The teacher asked "Who can tell me the name of Robin Hood's love?". Little Billy raised his hand and said "It's Trudy Glen miss". The teacher says "No that's not right Billy, the correct answer is Maid Marian." Billy says: "That's not true miss. In the song it says.. Robin Hood Robin Hood Riding Trudy Glen"

Two Robins were lying in the sun when a cat ran up and gobbled them up..

..It licked its lips and said 'I love basking robins'

What did Batman say to Robin before they got into the Batmobile?

"Robin, let's get in the Batmobile."
Bonus joke:
What did one orphan say to the other orphan as they got into their car?
"Robin, let's get in the Batmobile."

What did Batman say to Robin before they got in the Batmobile?

Quick, to the Batmobile!!!

People say to me Jesus was not Jewish

## I say ofcourse he was Jewish
+ 30 years old, Single, Living at home with his parents
+ Working in his father's business
+ His mother thought he was God's gift
## He's Jewish. Give it up
_by Robin Williams_
Happy Birthday Robin!

My friends and I are all dressing as different Robin Williams characters at a Comic Con this weekend...

We're the s**... Squad!

A Man Goes to the Doctor...

The Doctor says, "Mr. Smith - you have to stop m**...."
The man replies, "Why, Doctor?"
The Doctor says, "Because I'm trying to examine you."
[Originally heard from Walter Cronkite and Robin Williams]

I once visited a gay s**... club in Soho, where the main attraction was a drag queen/ stripper they called Mrs.Doubtfire...

She was hung like Robin Williams.

What is the name of Robin Hoods girlfriend?

Says one man to another. The second replies, it's maid Marian, isn't it? . The first man scoffs and replies absolutely not, her name is Trudy Glenn.
At this point the second man is beyond confused and questions the statement I disagree, I can't say I've ever heard of her.
The first man says haven't you heard the song? To which he is replied to with what song?
'Robin Hood, Robin Hood, riding Trudy Glenn.'

Whats the difference between Batman and a b**...

Batman can walk into a gas station without robin

I had an injection to prevent me from becoming Robin Hood.

Yeah, it was the MenInTightus Jab.

Did you hear about Robin Leach's new show?

Afterlifestyles of the Rich and Famous

Robinson Crusoe finds footprint in sand.....

...must of been *black Friday*!

A man goes to the doctor. The doctor says : Mr Smith you have to stop m**.... The man asks : why doctor ?

Because I'm trying to examine you.
Joke is from the late, great, Robin Williams.

Poker game

I was playing poker with my friends Robin and Drake and some of their distant cousins.
There was this one chick who won almost every hand.
I can't be sure but I suspect fowl play.

How did Robin Hood not impregnate maid Marion?

With his little Jon...

Winnie-the-Pooh is on a Picnic with Christopher Robin, Piglet and Eeyore. Christopher Robin says Pooh, you haven't touched any food yet. What gives?

Pooh: I'm stuffed

Corona Virus has spread to species of birds

It now infects bat man and robin

A girl and her mom are in a car.

Girl: "Why is my name Rose?"
Mom: "Your dad loves roses."
Girl: "Why is my brother named Robin?"
Mom: "Your dad loves the bird."
Girl: "Then why is my sister named Secretary?"
Mom: "That's why we are driving away from home."

A joke I translated from Russian

A pauper is sitting by a road in medieval England. All of a sudden, Robin Hood comes out of the forest, throws a bag of gold at the pauper's feet and says, "I am Robin Hood. I take from the rich and give to the poor."
The pauper tears up, embraces Robin Hood and says, "I am finally rich." Robin Hood then stabs the pauper with his sword,
"I am Robin Hood. I take from the rich and give to the poor."

A teacher asks her class.

Teacher: "Can any tell me the name of Robin Hood's girlfriend?"
Little Johnny: "Yes Miss, it's Trudy Glen."
Teacher: "No Johnny, the answer is Maid Marion."
Johnny: "But miss in the song it says, Robin Hood, Robin Hood,
riding Trudy Glen."

Robinhood is going to be renamed Custer

Because they're about to get Sioux'd.

Robinhood and my wife have a lot in common...

They both like to take control of my money without my say in it

The Robinhood app has a rating of 4.7 stars in the app store.

But current market conditions prevent us from allowing investors to add new star. You may only remove stars until conditions improve.

Why did Robinhood steal from the rich?

He actually didn't he instead limited what the working class could trade in stocks in order for the rich to make money. Disney lied.

Batman : You idiot Robin. You don't have to pee in the hall. There is a bathroom you s**....

Robin : Sorry. What is a hroom.?

Batman and Robin get ready for patrol

Batman: You ready Robin?
Robin: I'm not sure about this costume Batman. It's so bright and red. And why do I have to wear a silly yellow cape?
Batman: Well, we're superheroes Robin. We got to dress the part.
Robin: I'm still not sure about this Batman. I mean, you aren't dressed in any bright colors at all!
Batman: Well, if I did that then they'll be shooting at me and not you now wouldn't they? And didn't I train you to be the greatest acrobat in the world? So why all the worrying? The other ones never complained about this, they loved being heroes, god rest their souls.

Some people say Jesus wasn't Jewish

Of course he was Jewish 30 years old single
living with his parents,
working in his father's business,
his mother thought he was gods gift
Give it up oh course he was Jewish
- Robin Williams obm

Robin joke, Some people say Jesus wasn't Jewish

jokes about robin