Right Angle Jokes
58 right angle jokes and hilarious right angle puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about right angle that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Right Angle Short Jokes
Short right angle jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The right angle humour may include short right triangle jokes also.
- A horse walks into a bar and says, On a right-angled triangle with sides X, Y and Z, if X and Z are perpendicular, which side is opposite the right angle? The bartender says, Y, the long face.
- I was going to write a joke about the pentagon... But I gave up when I couldn't find the right angle.
- Who won the argument between the 20 degree angle and the 90 degree angle The 90 degree angle because 90 degrees is always right
- This bloke at uni today told me he had 90 degrees... I said 90 degrees how is that even possible? He said you just need to look at uni from the right angle
- Saw a right angle resting under a tree this afternoon and thought.... Wow! 90 degrees in the shade!!
- Taking the side length that's opposite of an angle in a right triangle is very much frowned upon. It's considered a sin.
- Did you hear about the geometry teacher who tried to take a selfie? It was a protracted process but eventually he found the right angle.
- How is a man and a 45 degree angle alike? How is a man and a 45 degree angle alike? Neither of them are ever right.
- How do you tell if an angle is female ? It has no rights.
- When choosing an angle always remember... ...if it's acute one, its not the right one.
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Right Angle One Liners
Which right angle one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with right angle? I can suggest the ones about 180 degrees and degree angle.
- Why was the 89 degree angle not trusted He's never right
- Why shouldn't you argue with a 90 degree angle? It's always right.
- Calculated the angle in the triangle to be 45 degrees I think that's about half right
- I had an argument with a 90 degree angle... Turns out it was right.
- Why are 89 degree angles sad? Because they're almost right, but not quite.
- Why are obtuse angles so depressed? Because they're never right.
- Yesterday I had an argument with a 90° angle. It turns out it was right
- Why was the right angle so smart? He had 90 degrees.
- Which body part hurts most when you get hit by a right-angled triangle? Your sinuses.
- Why are obtuse angles so unsure? Because they cannot be right
- Did you hear Obtuse Angle lost weight? He looks all right now.
- What do you call the longest side of a suicidal right-angled triangle? The hypotenoose.
- What do you call a polygon with 4 right angles? A correctangle!
- What do you call a right angle that gets beaten into a long square? A rekt angle
- Why was the hypotenuse so bad in bed? He could never find the right angle.
Right Angle Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about right angle you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean straight line jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make right angle pranks.
Q: What did the 30 degree angle say to the 90 degree angle?
A: "You think you're always right!"
Right angles used to be called wrong angles until Chuck said, "I don't see anything wrong with them."
Pythagoras walks into a bar...
...muttering, 'If a right-angled triangle has a short side, X, a long side, Y, and hypotenuse, Z, then the square of Z must be equal to the sum of the square of X and the square of, erm... uh...'
The barman says, 'Y, the long face?'
French Jokes
What's the standard issue weapon in the French army? A white flag.
What's the only French martial art? Parkour, the art running away.
Like the entrance to Hogwarts, if you look at the French flag from exactly the right angle (like that of an invading army), it turns white.
An American, Russian, and French soldier see a German machine gunner. The Russian calls on his comrades to repeatedly s**... charge the German until he runs out of bullets. The American calls for a synchronized b**... strike using the full might the American military to obliterate the German (and all the nearby land). The Frenchman gets blown up by the American strike, because he already surrendered and was taken prisoner by the German.
For sale: A French rifle. Never fired, dropped once.
What's the difference between a French soldier and a brain-dead jugghead? The jugghead runs towards the battle.
Inspired by the American president. The French prime-minister ordered his secret service to carry around a locked briefcase that can only be unlocked by the prime-minister in case of an emergency war. Inside is said to be the controls to the national white-flag system.
What's the French military motto? Don't shoot, we surrender.
Once upon a time, there was a computer
Once upon a time, there was a village idiot. He excelled at doing precisely what he was told to do. However, being an idiot, he never questioned his orders.
His parents convinced the village blacksmith to apprentice the idiot.
The blacksmith explains to the idiot, "Grab a rod with these tongs, and put it on the anvil, and I'll hit it with this hammer." The idiot puts the rod on the anvil OK, but it's at the wrong angle. The blacksmith realizes his instructions were a little vague on that point, and he tries giving clearer directions. But it's no use -- he can't explain it precisely enough for the idiot to hold the rod just right.
So the blacksmith says, "Let's change jobs -- **I'll** position the rod and **you** hit it with the hammer." The instant the blacksmith touches the rod to the anvil, before even he has a chance to position it properly, the idiot starts hammering away at the rod.
Frustrated, the blacksmith thinks to himself -- how can he phrase this so there's NO POSSIBLE WAY the idiot can screw up? Aha!
The blacksmith says: "I am going to put the rod on the anvil -- **do not** hit it. When I nod my head, you hit it."
Why are 90 degree angles so c**...?
Because they are always right
How come the right angle felt so hot?
Because it was 90°.
Favorite Cheese
What is a mathematicians favourite cheese?
Dairylea Cheese Right Angles
Are you a 90 degree angle?
Because you are looking right for me.
A Russian officer is giving his cadets a lesson about chemistry.
He says: "Cadets, write down: the temperature of boiling water is 90°."
One of the privates replies, "Comrade praporshchik, you're mistaken — it's 100°!"
The officer consults his handbook, and then announces, "Right, 100°. It is a *right angle* that boils at 90°."
What are 90 skinheads in a corner?
A right angle.
Yesterday i asked my friend square how his angles are.
He said that they're all right.
How do you bring a female mathematician to c**...?
Find the right angle.
My daughter informed me that the earth is tilted at a 23.5 degree angle
I responded, That's not right.
With a scowl, she pulled up google and proved to me that the earth is, in fact, tilted at a 23.5 degree angle.
Precisely, I agreed. If the angle were right it would be 90°.
Why are obtuse angles so depressed? (BPI)
Because they're never ***right.***
\- brought to you by the Bad Puns Initiative (BPI)
This dude and his girlfriend are making out on the sofa
After a while it starts getting a bit more intimate and intense. He asks her should we take this to the bedroom? She's thrilled and agrees. Only problem of they couldn't work out the right angle to get the sofa through the door.
A 90 year old man goes to the doctor.
Full disclosure, I got this joke from Tom Jones on Marc Maron's w**... podcast today. Tom's 80, mentally spry like he's 30, and he swears like a sailor.
90 year old man goes to the doctor.
Says Doctor, it used to be that I'd get these erections so hard that I couldn't even bend them with two hands! 16, 17, 18 years old, all through my twenties... 30, I could bend a little bit, 40s a little bit more. 50s and 60s I'm getting it to about a 90 degree angle, and now I'm 90 I can bend it in half!
I'm getting stronger, right?"
An engineer, a physicist and a statiscian go hunting in the woods.
They spot a deer and take turns shooting at it. First goes the physicist. He look at the angle, calculates the speed of the bullet and shoots but his shot goes 50 meters to the right. The engineer says he didn't count for the wind and he also makes his measurement and shots but his shot goes 50 meters to the left. Then the statiscian yells hapilly: We did it!