Richard Nixon Jokes
23 richard nixon jokes and hilarious richard nixon puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about richard nixon that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Richard Nixon Short Jokes
Short richard nixon jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The richard nixon humour may include short president reagan jokes also.
- What is the difference between Washington, Nixon and Trump? George Washington couldn't tell a lie.
Richard Nixon couldn't tell the truth.
Donald Trump can't tell the difference - George Washington: "I cannot tell a lie!"; Richard Nixon: "I cannot tell the truth!"; Donald Trump: ... "I cannot tell the difference!"
- What did Richard Nixon say after he tried to make dinner at the White House for the first time? I am not a cook
- What's the difference between Richard Nixon and Trump?? Nixon had a problem with Kissinger -- Donald had a problem with Grabbing-her.
- Richard Nixon makes a really awful dinner for his wife. He defends himself by saying "I am not a cook".
- Why did Nixon have a reputation for not being punctual? He is, after all, the late Richard Nixon.
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Richard Nixon One Liners
Which richard nixon one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with richard nixon? I can suggest the ones about ronald reagan and richard name.
- Why didn't Richard Nixon prepare his own food? Because he's not a cook.
- What do you call it when Richard Nixon hides the toothpaste? Colgate
- What did Richard Nixon say when he bumped into Gerald Ford? Pardon me.
- Richard Nixon's favorite vegetable Arooooogula
- What do you call Richard Nixon in a Roald Dahl book? ImPEACHment!
- What's Richard Nixon's favorite game? I spy.
- What's former US President Richard Nixon's favorite vegetable? AROOOOOOOgula.
- Let it be known that the movie d**...... NOT about Watergate or Richard Nixon.
Fun-Filled Richard Nixon Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle
What funny jokes about richard nixon you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bill clinton jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make richard nixon pranks.
In the 1970s, as manager of Baskin Robbins', my mom was tasked to create new flavors related to Richard Nixon...
Her choices, as she told me, were 'ImPeachments & Cream' and 'Watermelon-Gate' (as a sorbet).
Both were denied.
This is actually true.
A man walks into a t-shirt store...
There are 3 shirts on display.
The first has a picture of Richard Nixon with a white mustache. Below the picture is titled "Got Milk."
The second tee shirt has a picture of Ronald Reagan with a white mustache. It is entitled "Forgot Milk."
The third tee shirt has a picture of Monica Lewinsky with a white mustache. It is entitled "Not Milk."