
Rich Kid Jokes

39 rich kid jokes and hilarious rich kid puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about rich kid that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Rich Kid Short Jokes

Short rich kid jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rich kid humour may include short quiet kid jokes also.

  1. A policeman stops a young rich kid driving a porche. Policeman - please get out of the car.
    Rich kid- you'll regret this. Do you know who my father is?
    Policeman - why? Your mother didn't tell you?
  2. I heard that Jeffrey Epstein never wanted to be rich and famous. All he ever wanted was to settle down and have kids.
  3. Did you hear about that rich kid who got a car for his birthday? He drove it into a tree to see how his Mercedes bends.
  4. What did the arrogant rich kid with amnesia say to the bouncer at a bar? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!
  5. Kid comes home from school and says 'Dad, we're gunna be rich tomorrow'. Dad's like 'How?!?!'
    'My math teacher said he's gunna teach us converting cents into dollars'.
  6. Do you know who my father is? A threat from a rich white kid.

    A question from a poor black one.
  7. A jock and a rich kid walk into a bar They bond over how easily they got into college and how little they'll contribute to society after they graduate.
  8. My friend went to this really prestigious, super expensive prep academy. I mean these kids are so rich they hire hitmen to do their school shootings.
  9. A kid asks his rich dad... ...for $20,000 worth of Bitcoin. Dad: $6,000? What do you need $32,000 for?
  10. Why do I want to drown Rich the Kid? So I can hear the sounds of "plug, plug, plug, pluug."

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Rich Kid One Liners

Which rich kid one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rich kid? I can suggest the ones about bad kid and smart kid.

  1. I have many jokes about rich kids. Sadly none of them work.
  2. We were so poor when I was a kid… I thought the teachers were rich
  3. I don't like Santa He gives all the expensive gifts only to the rich kids
  4. My boss is so rich My boss is so rich he even bought a kid for his dog to play with.
  5. What screams "I have rich parents"? Kids with rich parents
  6. I wish I was rich for one day. Just kidding, being rich everyday is more fun!
  7. When it comes time to claiming kids on your income tax. Hood rich
  8. What do you call an r**... rich kid? Downstown Abby

Rich Kid Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about rich kid you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rich guy jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rich kid pranks.

In a bar, there's a guy hitting on a cute banker girl

The guy brags about all his riches and possessions, but he got shot down by the girl immediately.
The girl said, "Leave me a loan!"
The guy noticed the wordplay, he praised the girl. "That's a pretty clever pun! ...But not as pretty as you"
The girl, now irritated, said. "I'm not kidding, leave me a loan! I lost interest."

MOM: "No more TV until you finish your math homework!"

KID: "Aww, Mom! When am I ever gonna use math in real life? I'm gonna grow up to be a super rich rock star...I'll pay people to do math \*for\* me."
MOM: "Well, why didn't you say so? That's a wonderful goal! And I know exactly how to help you pursue it."
MOM: "No more TV until you finish your guitar practice!"
KID: "Aww, Mom!"

I wish I were rich

A kid finds a magical lamp. He rubs the lamp, and a genie appears and says,  What is your first wish?  The kid says, I wish I were rich!  The genie replies,  It is done! What is your second wish, Rich?

A kid finds a magical lamp. He rubs the lamp, and a Genie appears and says,

  What is your first wish?  
The kid says, I wish I were rich!  
The genie replies,  It is done! What is your second wish, Rich?

3 jewish moms

3 moms are talking about their sons:
The first one says "my son is so rich that he can buy Paris!", the second one answers "are you kidding me? Mine is so rich that he can buy Paris AND New York!", the third one looks at them and seems surprised, then she says: "and what makes you think my son wants to sell???"

Some people have said that I'm a spoilt and pretentious rich kid that doesn't have to work, but they don't know my struggles. For instance I really don't like my Boss.

I much prefer my Balenciaga, but sometimes I have to wear it to appease mother.

A rich Arab kid goes to Portugal to study

A rich Arab kid goes to Portugal to study so his old man buys him a sports car to drive around. A few days pass and the father calls the son.
\- Hows it going son? Having fun with your car?
\- No father. I am ashamed, everyone here gets around by train.
\- Dont embarrass me son. Buy yourself a train too.

A rich kid sees a poor kid k**... a can down the road

The rich kid says "Hey, you, what're you doing?"
The poor kid says "Moving."

A kid finds a magical lamp...

He rubs the lamp, and a genie appears and says, What is your first wish? The kid says, I wish I were rich! The genie replies, It is done! What is your second wish, Rich?

Books Never Written

Hey guys, don't know if you're familiar with these kind of jokes, but they were my favorite growing up, so I thought I'd post a bunch of the here. They're pretty corny, but I hope you enjoy!
*Take A Breather* by Justin Hale
*How to Become Famous* by Anonymous
*Living Long* by Diane Perish
*How to Get Rich* by Robin A. Bank
*I'm So Greedy* by Jenna Russ
*How to Drive a Manual Transmission* by Otto Matic
*How to be a Great Pilot* by Mae Day
*Where to Find Wildebeests* By Sara N. Getti
*Raising Kids* by Bill E. Goat
*Warriors of Feudal Japan* by Sam A. Rye
*Woodwind Instruments* by Clara Net
*Tragedy at the Grand Canyon* by Eileen Dover
*The Human Brain* by Sir E. Brum and Sara Bellum
*Deep in Debt* by Owen A. Lott
*The World is a Big Place* by Mike Robe
*Confessions of a Mental Patient* by Justin Sane

A police officer was directing traffic when a little bunny hopped up to him...

The officer picked up the bunny fearing that the little guy would get squished. He waved down a BMW filled with some rich kids. He said, "You guys look responsible. Please take this bunny to the zoo for me." The rich kids took the bunny and said very seriously, "We won't let you down."
The police officer watches as they drive away, happy with himself that he saved an innocent life.
About a week later the officer is in the same spot directing traffic when the same BMW full of rich kids pulls up. One of them jumps out, holding the bunny. He presents the bunny to the officer and says, "Here you go!"
The officer looks back and says, " I thought I told you to take this bunny to the zoo!?"
And the rich kid looks back and says, "We did take him to the zoo...then to the circus...then to the mall...then to the movies...and now we're bringing him back to you!"

A man walks into a CenterLink office

A man walked into his local CenterLink office (where unemployed Australians go to collect welfare payments and apply for work), and says to the clerk at the counter.....
"I am so sick of being on the dole! I need you to get me a job like NOW!!"
The clerk replies "You're timing is fantastic, we just had a new job vacancy arrive this morning!"
"Basically, a very rich man has a nymphomaniac daughter, he requires a bodyguard/chauffeur to e**... her everyday, everywhere she goes etc....
.... The starting pay rate is $250,000 per year, you will have an apartment next door to hers free of charge, the father will work out any additional requirements with you when you start the job."
The man is flabbergasted, he says "So, when can I start? I can't believe this! You must be kidding me!"
The clerk looks him straight in the eye and says, "Kidding? Well, you started it!"

Rich Banker

A local charity had never received a donation from the town's banker, so the director made a phone-call. Our records show you make $500,000 a year, yet you haven't given a penny to charity, the director began. Wouldn't you like to help the community?
The banker replied, Did your research show that my mother is ill, with extremely expensive medical bills?
Um, no, mumbled the director.
Or that my brother is blind and unemployed? Or that my sister's husband died, leaving her broke with four kids?
I … I … I had no idea.
So, said the banker, if I don't give them any money, why would I give any to you?