Rice Jokes
167 rice jokes and hilarious rice puns to laugh out loud. Read food jokes about rice that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discover the best rice jokes from Asian nations like the Philippines, China, and other nations! Whether you love fried rice or any type of wheat-based food, you'll be sure to get a laugh out of these classic jokes.
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Funniest Rice Short Jokes
Short rice jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rice humour may include short bread jokes also.
- I told my girlfriend that brown rice was just white rice with a criminal record... ...she called me a riceist
- Ray rice got caught punching his girlfriend in an elevator It was wrong on so many levels.
- As a food photographer, I've always hated taking pictures of rice They always come out too grainy
- I've started buying store brand Spanish rice instead of the expensive stuff As they say, "Arroz by any other name..."
- Ray Rice doesn't believe in giving women rights. However, he has no problem giving them a couple lefts
- I asked my Asian girlfriend for 69 She made me crunchy sweet and sour pork with double rice
- LPT: If your phone gets water damage, leave it in a bowl of rice overnight. When you're sleeping, Asians will come to eat the rice and will fix your phone for fun
- My friend told me white rice was better than brown rice... I stopped talking to him, because I don't associate with ricists.
- What do you call it when Condoleezza Rice pushes a stuck-up criminal down a flight of stairs? Conde sending condescending con descending.
- You can't fool me. I know chicken fried rice isn't real. You expect me to believe a chicken fried this rice?
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Rice One Liners
Which rice one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rice? I can suggest the ones about beans and corn.
- What is the one thing spiderman can't eat? Uncle Bens rice.
- What's the worst part of an nfl wedding? Getting hit by Rice
- What do you call someone who hates brown rice? Ricist.
- What does Asian Matthew Mcconaughey want for dinner? All rice, all rice, all rice
- I treat both brown and white rice equally. I'm not riceist.
- Chinese Food is amazing but I do find it hard to believe that a chicken fried this rice
- Pasta is long and stringy. Rice is short and stubby. Orzo you think
- What is the sushi chef's dream car? rolls rice
- The dumpling said to the chopstick, “You complete me rice away.
- I took a picture of rice but I decided to delete it... It was too grainy.
- What kind of car does a sushi chef drive? Rolls Rice
- If you love white rice, and hate brown rice.. You're a ricist.
- Why doesn't Spiderman like rice? It reminds him of Uncle Ben.
- I only like white rice I guess you could say I'm ricist
- I like my women like I like my rice... Hot, white, and with my meat in it.
Rice Paddies Jokes
Here is a list of funny rice paddies jokes and even better rice paddies puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What do you call a person of Irish and Asian descent? Rice p**....
- - Once a man in the mafia, was tasked with killing another man. He ended up killing him with a porcelain doll in a rice p**....
It was the first known case of a knick knack p**... whack. - What do you call an Irishman standing in a field in China? A rice p**...!
- Did you hear about that guy who got killed in a rice field by a hitman with a porcelain doll? Police are saying it's the first known case of a knick-knack-p**...-wack.
- A man was arrested for killing a cow in a rice field using only 2 small porcelain figures. Police say this may be the first known case of a Knick-knack p**... whack.
- Did you hear about the man who was hit over the head with a bobble-head in a rice field? It's the first reported case of a knick knack p**... whack.
- What do you call an Asian Irishman? A rice p**....
- A Mafia hit-man was arrested for killing a man in a rice field with a porcelain figurine The police said this is the first known case of a knick knack p**... whack.
- What do you call a half Chinese half Irishman? A Rice p**....
- What do you call a someone who is a mix heritage between and Asian and and Irish? rice p**...
Fried Rice Jokes
Here is a list of funny fried rice jokes and even better fried rice puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Every time I go to dinner with my parents, they constantly argue about the mashed potatoes, rice or french fries... And I always tell them that I'm not choosing sides…
- I never order shrimp-fried rice. Call me old fashioned, but I like my food to be prepared by a human.
- A shrimp fried this rice joke What did the fried rice say to the shrimp?
Don't wok away from me! - Asian stereotype joke An Asian man walks up to a fast food restaurant for takeout.
He says "Flied lice please."
He leaves but comes back a minute later
"This is fried rice, I ordered flied lice." - Why are Asians such bad drivers? Because fried rice can make you drowsy.
- Ladies love me like white on rice Fried rice.
- I've got s**... women on me like white on rice Fried rice that is.

Grains Rice Jokes
Here is a list of funny grains rice jokes and even better grains rice puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- A man exclaims, "I would die to fulfill my quest.. to create the perfect grain blend. I would make.. ..the ultimate sack of rice."
- What does Supertramp do after buying rice? They take the long-grain home.
- An African man was found lying on the ground with a grain of rice next to him in the morning, what happened? He was vomiting the whole night.
- What does two rice grains in the sink mean? Some Somalian has been up all night puking.
- What kind of grains do white supremacists like to eat? Alt-rice
- Received a christmas card todah, inside there was nothing but grains of rice. It was from Uncle Ben.
- What happens when a Chinese person puts a grain of rice on his head? He gets lice in his hair.
- how do you know a Ethiopian beens drinking? There's 2 grains of rice in the sink
Rice Cooker Jokes
Here is a list of funny rice cooker jokes and even better rice cooker puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What was the original name of the atomic bomb dropped on Japan? The rice cooker 3000
- Got a new rice cooker recently. I think she's finally starting to grasp the English language.
- What do you call your Japanese wife? A rice cooker.
- What's the difference between a Chinese and a Thai girl? One is a rice cooker, the other is a nice h**....
(I know this one's bad, SCNR.)

Fun-Filled Rice Jokes to Boost Your Mood
What funny jokes about rice you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rams jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rice pranks.
Jesus likes to drink wine.
As we all know, Jesus liked to drink wine. One day, however, he got tired of wine. He said unto John and Thomas, "Go, and fetch me some ingredients so that I may create another kind of drink." And so they went to the market, and John asked Thomas "So, what should we get Him?" Thomas responds, "The rice, for Christ's sake."
What do you get...
When you cross Aunt Jemima with Uncle Ben?
Rice cakes!
George W. Bush joke....
One morning while George was having breakfast, Condoleezza Rice walks in saying, "Mr. President, three Brazilian soldiers were killed in action yesterday." "Dear God, " he replied, "how much is a brazilian?"
Have you heard about Gandhi?
Gandhi walked around a bunch and built up giant callouses on the bottoms of his feet. He fasted a bunch which gave his bones a rather fragile brittle nature. He was a spiritual man, a mystic to many people. And he had a strange diet of green tea and white rice which gave him constant bad breath.
So **tl;dr** Gandhi was a super-calloused, fragile mystic, vexed with halitosis.
Did you hear that a mob boss was killed...
Did you hear that a mob boss was killed in a rice field by assailants wielding small figurines?
Police are saying it's the first recorded instance of a knick knack patty whack.
A hitman was caught by the police one day.
After a long interrogation he confessed that he was hired beat to a man to death in a rice field and he did it using 2 small porcelain figures. Police say that this was the first case in town of a knick knack p**... whack.
A Chinese farmer tells a judge he wants a divorce...
So the judge asks him why. The farmer says, "I'm just a simple farmer, I never went to school, and I don't know very much. But I do know this: when I plant corn, I get corn; when I plant rice, I get rice; now when I plant Chinese boy and black boy comes out, something's wrong."
If you drop your cellphone in water put it in a bowl of rice...
It will attract an Asian who will fix it for you. (just heard from buddy of mine)
So someone dropped a Chinese baby in a toilet?
My advice is to pop it in a bag of rice overnight...
Have you read the news?
I was reading the news the other day and came across a story from Vietnam. There were two gentlemen working in a rice p**... when one became enraged at the other and bludgeoned him to death with a small ceramic figurine. Reports indicate that this is the first ever case of knick-knack p**... whack.
What did the messed up psychologist have for dinner?
Freud rice.
When your phone is wet, put it in a bag of rice
...the rice will attract Asians, and they will proceed to fix your phone.
How to fix water-damaged electronics
If you drop your phone in water, just leave it in a bag of rice over night.
The rice attracts Asians who will come fix it for you.
What would be the worst meal for a football wife?
OJ and Rice
Chipotle is releasing a new "Ravens" burrito.
It comes with everything but rice.
Did you guys hear about the new Ray Lewis action figure?
Batteries included.
If it makes you feel any better I made the joke up a few months ago and it was a Chris Brown joke, but with Rice being topical and all.
What did Ray Rice say the first time he met his girlfriend?
"Dayuum. I'd hit that."
Why were there no feminists in Communist China?
Because everyone had equal rice.
Ray Rice just signed another endorsement deal
Black & Decker
My favorite joke when I was a kid..
There are four men on a small boat: an Italian, Chinese, American and Mexican.
The boat is too heavy, and begins to sink. The American yells "quick, throw out whatever you have most of in your country!"
The Italian throws out pasta.
The Chinese throws out rice.
The Mexican throws out oranges.
The American throws out the mexican.
Happy Birthday Ray Rice!
I offered to bring punch to the party but, his wife said she already had enough.
What was Sigmund Freud's favorite food?
Freud Rice
o**... Bin Laden sends George W. Bush a coded message
o**... Bin Laden sends George W. Bush a coded message to let him know he is still alive:-
"370H SSV 0773H." Bush is baffled. Condi Rice and her aides and even the FBI and CIA
can't decipher it. So they ask Britain's MI6 for help. Within a minute MI6 replies:-
"Er, tell the President he's holding the message upside down."
I went to the cannibal restaurant the other night and the waitress gave me the cold shoulder.
It came with rice and a salad.
LPT: If you accidentally get your phone wet, leave it inside a bag of rice overnight.
At night, the rice will attract Asians who will come and fix your phone for you.
If you get your phone wet, put it in a bag of rice overnight
Eventually an Asian will come and fix it
I dropped my phone in the bath.
I dropped my phone in the water. I put it in rice to dry out, it works now but i lost all my contacts except for my uncle bens.
If your phone gets wet, try placing it in a bag of rice...
... at night, the rice will attract Asians who will fix your electronics for you.
What do you call a person who likes white rice, and not brown rice?
A ricest.
If you drop your phone in water, put it in a bowl of rice.
At night the Asians will come and fix it for you.
One of Colin Mochrie's many gut busters.
Famous Irish hit-man Jimmy "Two Shoes" McClardy was arrested today, and confessed to the crime of beating a cow to death in a rice field, using only two small porcilean dolls. The police admit, this may be the first recorded instance of a knick knack p**... whack...
I work in tech support and one of my co-workers drowned last week...
we buried him in rice and he came back a day later!
How is it that rice originated from China to become a staple food for a large part of the world's human population?
I mean, come on! They couldn't even pronounce it.
I only like brown rice not white rice.
I think that makes me a ricist.
Took a peak at one of my Christmas presents.
A bag of rice? Thanks a lot Uncle Ben.
An American, a Chinese, a Russian, a German and a Syrian passenger are on a train...
The American starts to toss legal documents out the train's window.
The German asks, "Vy are you doing zat?"
The American replies, "We have too much of these."
Then the Chinese begins throwing rice out the window.
The German asks, "Vy are you doing zat now?"
The Chinese replies, "We got lay too much of that lice."
The Russian then flicks dashcams and v**... out his window.
The German asks, "Vat's the matter vith those?"
The Russian replies, "They're too common where I'm from, comrade."
The German looks at the Syrian guy.
#The Syrian guy, nervous, exclaims, "Don't you fooking dare!"
Colin Mochrie's best joke.
Our top story today: Convicted hitman Jimmy 'TwoShoes' McClardy confessed today that he was once paid to beat a cow to death in a rice field using only two small porcelain figures.
Police admit this might be the only case of a knickknack paddywhack.
If you ever get your phone wet, put it in a bag of rice
It will attract an Asian, who will then fix it.
What's the best rice to sleep on?
I love white rice, but hate brown rice!
Does that make me rice-ist?
Peter and John walk into a Japanese bar
Peter and John are sitting at the bar. Peter orders some rice wine, and John orders a beer. Peter gets up to go to the restroom. A few moments later, their drinks arrive.
John says to the bartender: this is chilled, can I get a hot cup to keep it warm?
The bartender replies: For your beer?
To which John replies: No, for Pete's sake!
When daughter told me she prefers white rice over brown rice I was extremely disappointed.
I didn't raise her to be a rice-ist.
Wet phone solution.
Person 1: If you drop your phone into some water, fill a bag with rice and put the phone in the bag and sit it on the kitchen bench overnight.
During the night, the rice will attract asians who will fix your broken electronics.
Person 2: Dude, that's not how it works. They would eat the rice too.
So these 2 cannibals are eating dinner.
One cannibal says, man I hate my mother-in-law. The other cannibal says, so eat the rice.
What's spider-mans favorite brand of rice ?
Uncle Ben
What are the origins of rice Krispys?
They were invented in Hiroshima, 1945.
2 north korean farmers were working in a field
When all of a sudden they spot 2 grenades in the rice p**... up ahead.
Farmer 1: let us take the grenades to the police in a car
Farmer 2: what if one of them explodes while we are on the way to the police station?
Farmer 1: we tell the police that we found only 1
What made Rice Krispies long before Kellogg's?
The Atomic Bomb
I don't like brown rice
Guess I'm a little ricest.
"911 "
"Hello my wife was cookin dinner and she fell" says the husband
"What's the emergency?"
The huband replies " how do I know when the rice is ready?"
How do you know if you have been robbed by an Asian?
Your rice is gone.
Your homework is done.
Your computer is fixed.
And he is still backing out of the driveway....
I opened my birthday card and a load of rice fell out
I know exactly who sent it. It was my Uncle Ben.
My phone stopped working!!! what do i do?
Then someone said put it in rice... BUT WHY?... The rice attracts asians which secretly repair your phone at night...
What made rice krispies before kellogs
What does Matthew McConaughey eat when trying to bulk up?
All rice, all rice, all rice
I like my women like I like my rice
Brown and wild
Officer, my wife left yesterday saying she was going to buy rice and did not come back. What do I do?
- Spaghetti, maybe(?)
What is the Asian version of "good morning"?
"Rice and shine!"
My daughter had a sleepover last night. I awoke to a mess of rice scattered all over the floor...
...turns out they were having a pilau fight.
Convicted hit man Jimmy "Two Shoes" McClarty.
Confessed today that he was once hired to beat a cow to death in a rice field using on two small porcelain figures. Police admit this may be the first know case of a knick knack p**... whack.