Rhyming Word With Jokes
18 rhyming word with jokes and hilarious rhyming word with puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about rhyming word with that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Rhyming Word With Short Jokes
Short rhyming word with jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rhyming word with humour may include short rhyming words for jokes also.
- Why are programmers so good at poetry? Well, all words rhyme in binary.
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Rhyming Word With One Liners
Which rhyming word with one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rhyming word with? I can suggest the ones about rhymes with and rhymes.
- Why are programmers so good at poetry? Well, all words rhyme in binary.
- Cough, Rough, Though, Through. Why don't these words rhyme, yet pony and bologna do?
- What is another word for a rap battle? Black-on-black rhyme
- What word rhymes with bigger? Hint: starts with an N
- Did you know? You can't rhyme a single English word with 'bird'.
Rhyming Word With Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about rhyming word with you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean spelling word jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rhyming word with pranks.
Two crudely translated Persian dad jokes
Dad: Say skill.
Kid: Skill.
Dad: The frog is your height!
Dad: Say bicycle.
Kid: Bicycle:
Dad: Your mustache spins!
Explanation: I grew up with these Persian dad jokes and they always make me laugh when my dad says them. The "punchline" is that the word the dad tells the kid to say and the word in the "punchline" of the joke rhyme in Farsi. They're meant to be nonsensical and the words sound silly and it's a laugh that the father and son can share. Just thought I'd share some Persian culture with you :)
A Navy Rhyme
A Navy man, a war hero, attends a lunch at a Ladies' Patriotic Society. Cucumber sandwiches on crustless bread – he endures it manfully. Then the ladies, who have been at the sherry, ask to hear a Navy rhyme. Ladies, he says, I will accede to your request. But in place of each atrocious word, I will insert a nonsense syllable. Yes, yes! they clamor. So he recites –
*Da da da da da da da da*
*Da da da da da da da da*
*Da da da da da*
*Da da da da da*
*Da da da da da da da c**...*
*^(This was found while researching William Walker Atkinson (a.k.a. Yogi Ramacharaka) and stumbling upon William Illsey Atkinson's website.)*
A Navy Rhyme
A Navy man, a war hero, attends a lunch at a Ladies' Patriotic Society. Cucumber sandwiches on crustless bread – he endures it manfully. Then the ladies, who have been at the sherry, ask to hear a Navy rhyme. Ladies, he says, I will accede to your request. But in place of each atrocious word, I will insert a nonsense syllable. Yes, yes! they clamor. So he recites –
*Da da da da da da da da*
*Da da da da da da da da*
*Da da da da da*
*Da da da da da*
*Da da da da da da da c**...*
*^(This was found while researching William Walker Atkinson (a.k.a. Yogi Ramacharaka) and stumbling upon William Illsey Atkinson's website.)*
A priest and an Australian shepherd got a tie in a quiz show so they have to solve the last question: find a rhyme on the word Timbuktu.
After five minutes the priest returns and says:
"I was a father all my life, I had no children, had no wife, I read the bible through and through on my way to Timbuktu..."
The crowd was cheering him and thought he would win as the shepherd returns:
"When Tim and I to Brisbane went, we met three ladies cheap to rent. They were three and we were two, so I booked one and Tim booked two..."
What rhymes with Timbuktu?
A priest and a shepherd from Australia participate in a TV game. After answering all the questions, there is a tie. So both are given one final assignment. It is to write a poem in three minutes, using the word "Timbuktu". It is city in Africa.
The priest returns with the fruit of his inspiration:
"I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu ... "
The poem makes a great impression, and the priest smells a sweet victory. But then comes the shepherd, with his winning masterpiece:
"When Tim and I to Brisbane went
We met three women cheap to rent.
They were three and we were two,
So I booked one and Tim Booked Two ... "
Poetry Competition
The two finalists at the annual poetry competition were an Ivy League college graduate and a r**.... The final stage of the competition was to write a rhyming poem using the word *Timbuktu.* The college graduate stands up to the microphone and starts.
>A desert caravan astray beneath a dusk deep blue
>On a path unknown the camels walk two by two
>Men search the stars for a bearing true
>Destination Timbuktu
The crowd erupted with applause then settled back into their seats. The r**... approaches the microphone, clears his t**... and begins to speak.
>Me n' Tim a huntin' went
>Met three w**... in a pop up tent
>They was three and we was two
>So I buck'd one and Tim-buck'd-two
Legendarily naughty Little Johnny sat in class quietly as the students were composing a poem with their teacher.
When she asked for an F-word that rhymed with "duck" he waved his hand feverishly.
The teacher frowned and passed him by.
No kids, however, could offer her a solution.
Finally she glared at Johnny and called on him.
Johnny put on his devlish grin and said, "An F-word that rhymes with duck is...fluctuation."
The teacher blurted out, "No Johnny, that's s**...! I'm so sick of telling you what a little frigging a**hole you are!"