
Rex Jokes

116 rex jokes and hilarious rex puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about rex that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

This article offers a collection of jokes featuring everyone's favorite dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Read on to find out why Freddy and Ricky can't seem to keep a straight face when T-Rex comes around, and to discover why T-Rex's jokes can often be so tasteless!

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Funniest Rex Short Jokes

Short rex jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rex humour may include short dinosaur jokes also.

  1. My 8-year-old wrote a dinosaur joke What do you get when you cross a T-Rex and a human?
    A T-Rex
  2. "Where'd you get that gun?" "This? I got it from T-Rex"
    "Yeah he's a small arms dealer nearby"
  3. A T-Rex and a Velociraptor are sitting at the bar The Velociraptor points to a Triceratops in the corner and says "Why is he getting served first?" and the T-Rex says "because he was herbivorous"
  4. What kinds of guns do T-Rex's prefer? ...mainly SMALL ARMS.
  5. What is the job of a T-Rex? A small arms dealer.
  6. What's a flower plus a t-Rex? A squished flower!
    (An original from my 5 year old)
  7. Why was the T-Rex selling handguns? He was a small arms dealer.
  8. Why can't the T-Rex clap his hands? Because he's dead.
  9. What do you call a group of anxious dinosaurs? Nervous Rex
  10. What do you call a T-Rex that works in a casino? A small arms dealer!

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Rex One Liners

Which rex one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rex? I can suggest the ones about t rex and tyrannosaurus rex.

  1. I buy my guns from a guy named T-Rex He's a small arms dealer.
  2. I have a T-Rex who sells me guns. He's a small arms dealer.
  3. Why can't the Tyrannosaurus Rex clap? Because they're dead
  4. Why can't a T-Rex clap it's hands? Because they are extinct.
  5. Why can't T-Rex's High Five? Because they're all dead
  6. Why can't T-Rex's Hi-Five each other? Because they are dead.
  7. Joke from my 4.5 yo son Where does a T-rex go for dinner?
    A DINE-osaur restaurant!
  8. How did the T-Rex feel after working out? Dino-sore
  9. Do you know why a T-Rex can't clap their hands? Because they're all dead.
  10. Why can't a T-Rex clap it's hands? Because it's dead
  11. What do you call a sleeping T-Rex? A Dinosnore!
  12. Why are T-Rex's unable to clap their hands? Because they are extinct.
  13. Why was the Tyrannosaurus rex selling handguns? Because he was a small arms dealer.
  14. Why can't t-rexs do push ups? Because they have been extinct for 65 million years.
  15. Why was the T-Rex angry? Because he was happy and he knew it...

T Rex Jokes

Here is a list of funny t rex jokes and even better t rex puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What goes "Chest, Chest, Chest, Chest"? A T Rex doing "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes".
  • Names T Rex and I can meet your needs for handheld weaponry​... I'm kind of a big deal in the small arms trade
  • What do you call a British dinosaur? A tea rex.
  • Why don't T-rex go to war? Because they're short on arms.
  • What do you call a T-Rex with a bomb strapped to it's chest? Dinomite
  • Why can't T-Rexes clap their hands? Because they're extinct.
  • Older lady in the bus snaps at a guy with a dog... Please get that thing away from me. I can feel flees on my legs.
    Dog owner to dog: Rex move away, the lady has flees
  • [Clean]So the T-Rex cashier says "Sorry for the wait! . . " " . . We're a little short-handed."
  • What do you call a sleeping T-Rex? A dinosnore!
  • Why can't the T-Rex clap his hands? He's extinct.

T Rex Arm Jokes

Here is a list of funny t rex arm jokes and even better t rex arm puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why did T-rex have to register with police? He was a small arms dealer.
    I'm very sorry, I'll show myself out.
  • What is T-Rex's favorite class of weapons? small arms
  • What do you call a T rex that sells pistols for a living A small arms dealer
  • What do T-Rex's do for a living? They're small arms dealers.
  • I once met a T-rex who was working at a casino. He said he was hiding out from the cops.
    I think he was a small arms dealer.
  • A man walks into a gun shop and sees that the clerk is a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He asks, "What's with the small arms?"
  • What do you call a T-Rex who smuggled guns? A small arms dealer.
  • I played cards with a guy in one of those T-Rex suits... He was a small arms dealer.
  • What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs driving a car? Rex
    (made this one up myself!)
  • Just bought some guns from a guy who called himself T-Rex He said he was a small arms dealer.

Tyrannosaurus Rex Jokes

Here is a list of funny tyrannosaurus rex jokes and even better tyrannosaurus rex puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why can't a Tyrannosaurus Rex do pushups? Because they're extinct.
  • What do you get when you cross a tyrannosaurus rex with fireworks? DINO-MITE!
  • What do you say when two T-rex break up from a relationship? - Tyrannosaurus EX
  • How does a Tyrannosaurus Rex scratch it's junk? It squats down on a Triceratops.
  • What do you call a vegan Tyrannosaurus rex? A tree rex.
  • What do you call a small Tyrannosaurus Rex? A Tinysaurus Rex.
  • What do you call a sleeping Tyrannosaurus Rex? A DynaSnore!
    A popsicle stick joke that cracked me up today.
  • What do you call a glass Tyrannosaurus Rex? Pyrex
  • Why doesn't Tyrannosaurus Rex fly? They're all dead!
  • What did the Tyrannosaurus Rex feel when it saw the Ankylosaurus approaching? Ankxiety

Rex Jurassic Jokes

Here is a list of funny rex jurassic jokes and even better rex jurassic puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why did the paleontologist measure the height of a dinosaur using a T-Rex's foot? Jurassic times call for Jurassic
  • This culture of inclusiveness is getting out of hand I mean, even Jurassic Park engineered a Trannysaurus Rex
  • In the first Jurassic Park movie, the Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn't chasing the jeep.
    Chuck Norris was chasing the Tyrannosaurus and the jeep.
  • I saw a man stop his car on the side of the road and get out, the bizarre thing is that he was wearing a T-Rex costume. That's what I call a Jurassic park
  • What do you get when you cross Mike Myers and a T-Rex? Jurassic Wayne's World!
  • Why did the Jurassic World geneticists 'cross' the road? Because they wanted resulting Indominous Rex to be able to 'go up and down but not move'
  • (Spoilers) How does Jurassic World end? Deus Rex Machina
  • Who shot the sheriff in Jurassic park? DepuT- Rex...
  • Why did the T-rex get fired? s**... Jurassment

Oedipus Rex Jokes

Here is a list of funny oedipus rex jokes and even better oedipus rex puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • what do you call a carnivorous dinosaur who falls in love with his own mother? Oedipus Rex
  • What is Samuel L. Jacksons favorite Greek play? Oedipus Rex
  • What do you call a blind dinosaur? Oedipus rex.
  • What is Oedipus Rex's Mom's favorite Elton John song? Don't Let The Son Go Down On Me
  • What do you call a dinosaur with gouged eyes? Oedipus Rex
  • What's Greek, Neurotic, and Angry all over? Oedipus Rex.

Unearthly Funniest Rex Jokes to Tickle Your Sides

What funny jokes about rex you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean ted jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rex pranks.

My 85-year-old grandfather was rushed to the hospital with a possible concussion.

**The doctor asked him a series of questions: Do you know where you are? I'm at Rex Hospital. What city are you in? Raleigh. Do you know who I am? Dr. Hamilton. My grandfather then turned to the nurse and said, I hope he doesn't ask me any more questions. Why? she asked. Because all of those answers were on his badge. **

The "Age" of Dinosaurs

A woman takes her children to a museum of natural history. As they gaze with wonder at a skeleton of *Tyrannosaurus rex*, she asks a museum guide, a bright-eyed young fellow, "can you tell me how old it is?"
The museum guide responds, "well, ma'am, that particular skeleton is 65 million and 2 years, 4 months, and 25 days old."
"Amazing!" the mother replies. "How can you know that so well?"
"Well," replied the museum guide eagerly, "when I started working here, I asked a scientist working on it the same question. He told me it was 65 million years old. And that was 2 years, 4 months, and 25 days ago."

An 85-year-old grandfather was rushed to the hospital with no memory and brain damage.

The doctor asked him a series of questions:
Do you know where you are?
I'm at Rex Hospital.
What city are you in?
Do you know who I am?
Dr. Hamilton.
the old grandfather then turned to the nurse and said, I hope he doesn't ask me any more questions. Why? she asked. Because all of those answers were on his badge.
guys i have copied this joke and edited formating. its not my original creation.

A fool is walking down the street, dragging a brick on a leash behind him.

A cop sees him and says to himself: "I'll make fun of him."
He walks up to him and says: "Gee, you've got a nice dog!"
The fool replies, "Are you crazy? That's a brick!"
The angry cop walks away.
The fool turns to the brick and says, "We got him, didn't we, Rex?"

On the badge you......

My 85-year-old grandfather was rushed to the hospital with a possible concussion. The doctor asked him a series of questions: Do you know where you are? I'm at Rex Hospital. What city are you in? Raleigh. Do you know who I am? Dr. Hamilton. My grandfather then turned to the nurse and said, I hope he doesn't ask me any more questions. Why? she asked. Because all of those answers were on his badge.

What do you call a dinosaur that doesn't accept its gender?

A Tranasaurus Rex

What do you call a blind dinosaur?

A doyouthinkhesaurus.
And what do you call a blind dinosaur's dog?
A doyouthinkhesaurus Rex.

What's the difference between a dinosaur and a British king?

One is a T-rex, the other is a tea rex.

How do you ask a dinosaur if he wants a warm beverage?

Tea, Rex?

As an archeologist, I organized a party with my friend to help me excavate the lower leg of a T Rex fossil...'s going to be quite a shin dig.

What do you call a blind dinosaur?

A "Do-You-Think-He-Saw-urus"
How do you call a blind dinosaur's dog?
Do-You-Think-He-Saw-urus Rex

What do you call a dinosaur with anxiety?

Nervous Rex

When a Tyrannosaurus Rex went missing from a Zoo meant for Dinosaur...

It was reported to be "**Armed & Dangerous**".

What do you call a fat guy with an unhealthy interest in his mother?

Adipose Rex.

How do you call a dinosaur to lunch?

Tea, Rex?

Why did the T-Rex stay away from the triceratops?

Because the triceratops was a registered rex offender.

Boy do i have an act for you! A talking dog!

"a talking dog? This I gotta see! You have one minute, so make it good, kid!"
"Rex, what's on top of a building?"
"What? You kidding me? He just says woof, any dog can do that."
"How about this? Rex, who's the greatest baseball player ever?"
"That's it, kid, you're wasting my time, get that fleabag out of my office!"
As they walked out of the building Rex looked over to his master and said "Well, kid, that's show business."

A postal carrier is working on a new beat.......

when all of a sudden he comes upon a garden gate marked BEWARE OF THE PARROT!
Befuddled, he looks down the walk and into the garden and, sure enough, there is indeed a parrot sitting on its perch.
He has a little chuckle to himself at the sign and the parrot there on its perch.
The mailman opens the gate and walks into the garden.
He gets as far as the parrot's perch, when suddenly the parrot calls out: "REX, ATTACK!"

What do you call a MtF dinosaur?

... a t**...-saurus Rex
(Not sure if this joke is PC or not)

Why wasn't the T. rex at fault for getting into an accident with a parked car?

Because it didn't move

What do you call an ugly dinosaur?

An Isaurus Rex

Which dinosaur is the strongest in the UK?

Tea- rex

Why didn't the dinosaur want to start another relationship?

He always Rex it

What do you call a building that falls in love with its architect?

Edifice Rex

How come the T Rex was an excellent stenographer?

short hands..

Did you hear about the new spin-off/crossover series starring Chris Pratt?

It's called Parks and Rex

What do you call a Dinosaur named Tyrone?

Tyronosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurs Rex

Because Tyrannosaurs drank too much before driving

What do you call a dinosaur who only eats kale, broccoli, and cauliflower?

A cruciferous rex!

What do you call a gay dinosaur

Tyranno-sore-a**... Rex

Striker, listen, and you listen close:

flying a plane is no different than riding a bicycle,
just a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.
Rex Kramer / Airplane!

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was Let Go from His Job.

Another victim of small arms fire.

What is most incestuous cologne?

Eau de p**... Rex

jokes about rex