
Rep Jokes

33 rep jokes and hilarious rep puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about rep that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Are you looking for some funny jokes about sales reps, union reps, pharmaceutical reps, customer service reps, class reps, medical reps, and medical sales reps? Then this article is for you! Our list of hilarious rep jokes will make you laugh out loud and show your coworkers who the real CFO of the office is. Get ready to caucus, it's time for a fun time!

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Funniest Rep Short Jokes

Short rep jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The rep humour may include short salesperson jokes also.

  1. How many Dell Service Reps does it take to change a light bulb? I don't know, I am on hold.
  2. A customer calls AAA about roadside assistance benefits and asks, "How many tows do I get?" Rep says, "Most people are born with 10. That's all you get."
  3. I don't know why the burqa gets such a bad rep.
    I've never seen a woman wearing one before.
  4. I don't understand why Medusa has such a bad rep. Nobody that's met her has ever said anything bad about her.
  5. What's the difference between in-laws and outlaws? Outlaws are wanted
    Thank you Alaska Airlines rep
  6. Man to Lizard: "So I hear you are in flooring sales" Lizard: I am more in promotion
    Man: What do you do?
    Lizard: I rep-tile.
  7. An Oklahoman Rep referred to pregnant women as "hosts." That's so wrong! They're hostesses.
  8. So what do you do? *I sell prosthetic limbs to various countries.*
    So you're like a med rep, but for amputees?
    *I prefer international arms dealer.*
  9. How do you tell apart drug pushers that have a conscience from those who don't? Those who don't call themselves "reps,".
  10. A blonde calls airport. "How long does it take to fly to London?" 
    "Just a sec," says the rep. 
    "Thank you." says the blonde and hangs up.

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Rep One Liners

Which rep one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with rep? I can suggest the ones about sprite and republican.

  1. How did dinosaurs decorate their bedroom? With rep-tiles!
  2. I once met a lizard who was a door-to-door pottery salesman He could really rep tile
  3. Why do Russian cars have such a bad rep? Because they're always Stalin.
  4. Us psych majors get a bad rep People think we think we know what they're thinking
  5. Why does a basement have a bad rep? It's only up from there!
  6. Where do the members of congress go to workout? The house of reps
  7. If someone cheats on you in real life then: write "-rep" on their Facebook profile.
  8. Justin Bieber's Rep Demands Internet Remove Photos Showing Less-Endowed Bieber
  9. What type of fish reps the west coast? Cali-mari
  10. Any of you seen the h**... lizards in the bathroom? Apparently they rep-tiles.

Customer Service Rep Jokes

Here is a list of funny customer service rep jokes and even better customer service rep puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My customer service rep asked if everything was good, after I posed the same Q in three different ways I said, I like my answers like I like my butter: clarified.
  • I drink to forget that I accidentally once said "I love you" when ending a call with a customer service rep.

Laughter Rep Jokes for Everyone for Fun and Frivolity

What funny jokes about rep you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean paperwork jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make rep pranks.

I tried having my mother's phone disconnected, but customer service told me that since the account was in my dad's name, he'd have to be the one to put in the request.....

The fact that he'd been dead for 40 years didn't sway the rep. Then a solution hit me: If I stop paying the bill, you can turn off the service, right?
Well, yes, she said reluctantly. But that would ruin his credit.

A man marches to H.R. to complain that his paycheque is $50 short.

He arrives in the H.R. office and slams his paycheque on the desk.
"This is an outrage!"
The rep apologizes for the error, then begins to investigate the issue on her computer. Suddenly, she's smirking.
"Oh, I see. You're coming here to complain that we underpaid you by $50 this week. But you certainly didn't complain when we **over**paid you by $50 last week."
The man points his finger at the woman:
"Listen, one mistake I can forgive. But enough is enough!"

Yet another genie in the lamp joke

A sales rep, an administration clerk, and their manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp.
They rub it and a Genie comes out. The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.'
'Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.' p**...! She's gone.
'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas, and the love of my life.' p**...! He's gone.
'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager. The manager says, 'I want those two back in the office after lunch.'

A Kentucky Fried Chicken lobbyist meets with the Pope.

He offers a donation of ten million dollars to the church if the Pope agrees to change the words in the Lord's Prayer from give us this day our daily bread to give us this day our daily chicken
The Pope apologizes and says he is not interested.
100 million dollars , says the KFC rep.
Again the Pope shakes his head and explains that these words are sacred.
One billion dollars. This is our final offer.
After some consideration of the sum of the donation that the church is about to receive, the Pope reluctantly agrees to the deal. He then returned to the Vatican and called a meeting of all the Cardinals.
I have good news and bad news, the Pontiff said. The good news is, I have managed to secure a donation of one billion dollars to our church. The bad news is, we've lost the Wonder Bread account.

The half-wit

A man owned a small farm in Norfolk.
The Department of wages claimed he was not paying proper wages to his staff and sent a representative out to interview him.
'I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them,' demanded the rep.
'Well,' replied the farmer, 'there's my farm hand who's been with me for 3 years. I pay him 200 a week plus free room and board. The cook has been here for 18 months, and I pay her 150 per week plus free room and board. Then there's the half-wit. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about 10 per week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of whiskey every Saturday night. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally.'
'That's the guy I want to talk to...the half-wit,' says the agent.
'That would be me,' replied the farmer.

A guy goes to a department store and sees a display of thermoses...

"What is this thing?" he asks the sales rep. "Why that's a thermos, it keeps hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold." "Oh neat!" the guy says, "I'll take one!" The next day he goes to work with his new thermos under his arm. His boss sees him and says "Hey what is that you got there?" The guys says, "It's a thermos, it keeps hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold." "Wow that's awesome," his boss asks, "What do you have in there?" The guy answers, "Two cups of coffee and a popsicle."

A woman calls customer service..

"Hi, I bought a maternity dress through your site and I want to cancel the order." she says.
The service rep says, "Sure, I can do that for you.. but I'd also like to get your feedback; may I ask why?"
"Yeah," says the customer. "My delivery was faster than yours was."

At the company meeting, one of the managers came up with an idea.

- I think we should stop testing our products on animals, it's giving our brand a bad rep.
The CEO says:
- How come? The shampoo companies do it all the time!
- I understand, but, sir, we sell hammers.

I suffered a work-related injury on the set of the new "The Land Before Time" movie, but was told my insurance wouldn't pay for it

I asked them why but the rep. just said "we don't cover pre-existing conditions."

I went to the store to pick up a new capacitor for my broken microwave.

The sales rep. accidentally sold me a flux capacitor instead; and now my microwave turns my chicken sandwiches into egg sandwiches.

A woman walks into her HR Dept at work to complain about an employee...

The woman says He keeps telling me I smell good!
The HR rep replies why did you come to me? That sounds really nice.
The woman says He's a midget!