
Reeves Jokes

36 reeves jokes and hilarious reeves puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about reeves that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover the funniest Reeves and Mortimer, Roberts, Thompson and Reynolds jokes in this article. Delight in their one-liners as these comics deliver their best punchlines. Get ready for some side-splitting laughter!

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Funniest Reeves Short Jokes

Short reeves jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The reeves humour may include short christopher reeve jokes also.

  1. Answer: Christopher Walken Question: Whats something you'll never see at the Reeve household?
  2. What's the opposite of Christopher Reeves? Christopher Walken.
    (Not sure if it's a repost, but I don't think I've seen it posted here.)
  3. Not sure it's dad joke exclusive but have a fun game and could use your input. Pick a celebrity and a product line they would create.
    Keanu Reeves has a new t-shirt line, it's called Keanu Sleaves
  4. Name dropping A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. "Keanu Reeves and I are good friends," he brags to the bartender. "Just not with each other."
  5. Difference between Christopher Reeves and O.J. Simpson OJ walked and Christopher Reeves got the electric chair
  6. What's the opposite of Christopher Reeves? Christopher Alive
  7. Why didn't Keanu Reeves eat his breakfast cereal? Because....there is no spoon.
  8. Why couldn't Christopher Reeve pay his landlord? Back rent.
  9. What's better than Christopher Reeves? Christopher Walken
  10. what does keanu reeves do to stay alive Keanu breathes.

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Reeves One Liners

Which reeves one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with reeves? I can suggest the ones about adam eve and evils.

  1. Asian Keanu Asian Keanu arrives at party.
    Asian Keanu gets bored.
    Asian Keanu Reeves.
  2. What is the opposite of Christopher Walkin? Christopher Reeve.
  3. Keanu Reeves threw a grenade and killed 50 people Then it exploded
  4. What do you get when Keanu Reeves takes shrooms? Neosporin
  5. What's the opposite of Christopher Reeve? Christopher Walken
  6. Who does Christopher Reeve wish he could be? Christopher Walken
  7. Who is the oppostite of Cristopher Walken? Christopher Reeve
  8. (bad taste) What's the opposite of Christopher Walkens? Christopher Reeves
  9. What did Keanu Reeves say to COVID-19? You're Breathtaking!
  10. Whats black and sits at the top of the stairs? Christopher Reeves in a house fire.
  11. Where does Keanu Reeves go to do his research? Wick-ipedia
  12. An Asian Keanu An Asian Keanu enters a room.
    Asian Keanu got angry.
    Asian Keanu Reeves.
  13. Why can't Keanu Reeves eat his soup? There is no spoon
  14. Why is Keanu Reeves always stealing balloons? Because he's breathtaking.
  15. What do you get when you cross R. Kelly with a famous action movie star? Peeanu Reeves

Reeves joke, What do you get when you cross R. Kelly with a famous action movie star?

Comical Reeves Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter

What funny jokes about reeves you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean potter jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make reeves pranks.

The cast of the Matrix was having a barbeque

The seafood was fresh off the grill. Keanu Reeves tasted it and exclaimed "What is this! It's like charcoal!"
The cook turned and said "What if I told you...that's why they call me Laurence Fishburne"
^I'll ^see ^myself ^out

I got kicked out of Comic-Con for assaulting a guy who didnt know who Keanu Reeves played in The matrix

That was the second time I've been called a neo-n**....

Did you know Keanu Reeves did f**... work before he was famous?

He went by Peeonyou Reeves

Reeves joke, What's better than Christopher Reeves?