Raging Jokes
45 raging jokes and hilarious raging puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about raging that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Raging Short Jokes
Short raging jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The raging humour may include short raving jokes also.
- "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry... Because I always back up my rage with facts and well documented sources" -The Credible Hulk
- In a fit of rage, a friend of mine ran over a pedestrian with his electric car. He will be charged with battery.
- What do you call a Pharaoh who has road rage? Tootin' car man. (My friend swears she made up this joke so I'm pretty sure this is actual OC)
- There is a trend in psychotherapy called Anger Expression therapy where the patient is to express any anger immediately no matter how small or trivial. Its all the rage.
- People who get road rage against people riding bicycles. They've got serious cyclelogical issues.
- My wife and I got into a heated argument. "I met a man...but I married a boy." she said, her face full of rage.
I said, "I guess the jokes on you then, paedo." - The Body Acceptance Movement really died quick It seems like anti-bodies are all the rage right now
- A man finds another man with his wife in bed. In a fit of rage, he shoots him. The wife says, Keep it up and you'll lose all your friends
- I feel like with all this political stuff going on, its become popular with a lot of people to be angry all the time. Some might say its all the rage.
- What happens when a stereoid user drives their car? They get roid rage.
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Raging One Liners
Which raging one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with raging? I can suggest the ones about enraged and furious.
- Apparently Tucker Carlson is starting a new band Rage sponsored by the machine
- I just finished a book about the berserkers... apparently they used to be all the rage.
- Why are the scottish mean? They 'ave rage
- What was the Luddite's favorite band? Rage Against the Machine.
- What's Gordon Ramsay's favorite band? Rage Against the Cuisine
- You haven't heard of The Incredible Hulk's new fashion line? It's all the rage.
- I hear stoicism is all the rage these days. Sounds like they're doing it wrong.
- Why is anger the new hip emotion? It's all the rage.
- So I just started anger management Apparently it's all the rage right now
- The Incredible Hulk has started his own fashion line. It's all the rage.
- China have announced their new rage of meat free snacks. "Not Poodle"
- TIL I did not have Road Rage turns out I'm just an angry drunk...
- Custom made Exit signs are all the rage these days. But I think they are on the way out.
- Exit signs are all the rage these days But I think they're on the way out
- What kind of exercises are all the rage in Kenya? Anairobics.

Gather Around for Heartwarming Raging Jokes and Uplifting Humor
What funny jokes about raging you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean angry jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make raging pranks.
I was so exhausted when I went to bed that I slept right through my son and his friends having a r**... w**... and heavy metal party in the yard all thru the night. As the sun came up, the party was still in full swing and my phone had blown up with messages complaining about the noise and the smell.
So I wake up in the morning and I step outside and I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream from the top of my lungs 'WHAT'S GOIN' ON?'
A woman gets home from work and hears her husband call out from the bedroom...
Husband: can you come here and help me with this clock?
The woman walks in the room and sees her husband sitting at the edge of their bed with a r**... hard-on
Wife: thats not a clock
Husband: it will be when you put two hands and a face on it.
A Mexican with a r**... e**... walks into a wall. What part hits the wall first?
The lawnmower.
So it's 2004 and the War in Iraq is r**... on.
President Bush calls Sec. Rumsfeld into the Oval Office to discuss the campaign.
Rumsfeld begins by saying, "Sir, there have been no American deaths today. But we do have word that 3 Brazillian soldiers were killed."
Much Rumsfeld's surprise, President Bush begins crying and b**... his hands on the desk in the office.
Rumsfeld says, "Sir, what's wrong?"
Bush replies under his heavy sobs, "Exactly how many is a Brazillian?"
My ex-girlfriend had this weird f**...
She liked to dress up like herself and act like a r**... b**... all the time
A woman comes home late in the night and goes quietly in the bedroom.
To her surprise, she sees male and female feet peeking out from under the blanket. Shocked and r**..., she gets her baseball bat and beats and beats until all movement stops. After that she goes into the living room and sees her husband laying on the sofa. He turns to her half asleep: "Oh, you're home, darling. I'm afraid we have to sleep here tonight, My parents came for a surprise visit."
What do you call an eskimo dwarf with a r**... e**...?
A frigid midget with a rigid digit
I'm a glass is always half empty kinda guy.
I'm not pessimistic, I'm just a r**... alcoholic.
My mother has the biggest b**... in the world
My mom always get r**... mad whenever I mention that she has the world biggest b**.... She tells me that is improper to be introducing my two brothers to strangers like that and I should instead introduce them by their proper names.
What do you call it when the Speaker of the House is angry?
.... A r**... Boehner.
Two blondes on either side of a r**... river
Two blondes are on either side of a r**... river. The first blonde yells over to the other "how do you get to the other side?" The second blonde yells back "You are on the other side!"
I told my friend that I never knew that Rage Against the Machine was so political, and that it really ruined the music for me.
He looked at me deadpan and asked, "What machine did you think they were r**... against, the dishwasher?
I woke up with a r**... hard on....
I called my wife over and told her to fix my clock. She said "that doesn't look like a clock." I responded, "if you put a face and 2 hands on it it does."
This big ol' grizzly bear walks up to the bar and orders s drink.
The bartender says "We don't serve wild animals."
Furious at this, the bear loses his cool, starts roaring and r**..., knocking people and tables over. In his fury, he picks up an old woman and eats her down in one bite. Crunch.
Now, a bit sedated, he returns to the bar and says "Come on, man. I could use a beer to wash that down."
Shaking his head, the barman says "No wild animals and no drug addicts "
Confused, the bear says "Drug addicts? What drugs?"
The bartender shrugs. "What about that bar-b**...-you-ate?"
What do you call it when Stephen Hawking gets a r**... hard on?
A bonerfied genius.
Why the long face ?
A horse walks into a bar.
Bartender: why the long face ?
Horse: because I'm a r**... alcoholic.
Flying lessons
A guy is telling his buddy about his flying lessons and the guy teaching him says he is Eigth degree black belt and a r**... homosexual and if I don't succumb to his s**... advances I have to jump out of the plane. Buddy "Well did you jump?" "Yea a little at first"
Seeing his master on the other side of a r**... torrent, a student waved his arms and shouted out, "Master, master, how do I get to the other side?" The master smiled and said...
"You are on the other side."
r**... Gamers
A recent survey conducted asked about a thousand 13-year old gamers what they had done last week.
92% said "your mum"
A drunk wandering around the alley at night...
(...) when in front of him appeared a nun, all dressed in nun clothes. The drunk then starts r**... on the nun, k**... and punching her all over. When he finished her and knocked her out with a round house kick he looked down and screamed:
So my dad always abused me as a kid...
..but I knew it wasnt his fault. I wasnt gonna a**... him back, I was gonna a**... what made him do that to me.
So thats how I became a r**... alcoholic.
What is the difference between a r**... woman on her period and a brothel?
Nothing, they are both full of hormones.
Growing up I had r**... hormones
My parents had to beat it out of me
A Man Walks Into A Bar
A man walks into a bar. Later that night he beats his wife and kids savagely, for he is a r**... alcoholic.
I am glad as a r**... alcholic in the US.
I am glad, as a r**... alcholic in the US, I am no longer scared to be judged when I accidentally stumble into the wrong bathroom
There was a fat guy at the gym the other day. He was r**... over his tired limbs.
I guess he really is a sore loser.
With all the political debate r**... in the U.S. right now, I thought it would be constructive to briefly review the first article in the Constitution
It's "the."
Why did the r**... alcoholic throw his wife off a cliff?
What do you call a gay female barbarian?
A r**... lesbian.
The Incredible Stan Lee
I believe Stan Lee is not really dead, but he must let the world go on thinking that he is dead, until he can find a way to control the r**... spirit that dwells within him.