Quantity Jokes
17 quantity jokes and hilarious quantity puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about quantity that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Do you need some laughs? Check out this article about quantity jokes – a collection of quips, puns, and witticisms from the world of quantity surveying. Learn how to put quality over quantity in a humorous way and create abundance with your flexible approach to quantities.
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Funniest Quantity Short Jokes
Short quantity jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The quantity humour may include short amount jokes also.
- Just went to a bbq place.. Me: I'll have 6 ribs please
Waiter: We only serve those in quantities of 3, 5, 7, or 13.
Turns out it was prime rib. - Did you know, the cave where Jesus was resurrected... contained a large quantity of hydrating body lotion? He was moist-jew-rising.
- I know there are about to be a lot of jokes about Mac Miller but please, keep the quantity down I'd hate to overdose on them
- One day someone decided that the best way to refer quantities of eggs and bananas would be in multiples of 12, rather than in multiples of 10 And the whole world was ok with it.
Dozen it seem weird? - Harry's local manufacturing business was broken into last night and a large quantity of wigs was stolen. Police are currently combing the area for clues.
- It used to be if you wanted to buy large quantities of coke you contact Pablo Escobar. Today however, you can get all you can drink for 1$ at McDonalds.
- Dark: Whats one thing you can do in a vast quantity without bothering with the quality? Genocide
- I read the Archer's Handbook recently... "When it comes to arrows, quality is preferable to quantity. A well-made arrow goes a long way".
- TIL that oysters can act as an aphrodisiac when consumed in large quantities Now I can't stop shucking.
- "Quality is more important than quantity" Said the German tanks to the US tanks during WW2
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Quantity One Liners
Which quantity one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with quantity? I can suggest the ones about quality and inventory.
- My jokes are like my girlfriends. Quantity over quality.
- Majority rules? Whatever happened to; quality not quantity?
- I think quality is better than quantity... unless you're a cyclops.
- Why do marsupials have small liters? They believe in koalaty over quantity
Quality Over Quantity Jokes
Here is a list of funny quality over quantity jokes and even better quality over quantity puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- When it comes to s**..., it's all about quality over quantity. That's why I'm always on top of my wife.

Playful Quantity Jokes to Add Joy and Laughter to Your Group
What funny jokes about quantity you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean magnitude jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make quantity pranks.
Selling Condoms
An 18-yr-old starts work as a pharmacist's assistant. The pharmacist is showing the new kid around the aisles when they stop at the c**... display and the kid asks why they come in different quantities per package.
The pharmacist tells the noob that the 3-packs are for high school guy, who gets it on once on Friday night, once on Saturday and once on Sunday.
The 6-packs are for the more-experienced college guys, who do it twice each on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday.
So the kid says, "what about these 12-packs?"
The pharmacist replies "the 12-packs are for the guys who've been married for a long time - January, February, March..."
Q: How many members of a specified demographic does it take to complete a particular task?
A finite quantity. One to complete the specific task and the remainder to act in a manner stereotypical of persons from said demographic.
The quantity of consonants in the English language is constant.
If omitted in one place, they turn up in another. When a
Bostonian "pahks" his "cah," the lost r's migrate southwest,
causing a Texan to "warsh" his car and invest in "erl wells."