
Q And A Jokes

27 q and a jokes and hilarious q and a puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about q and a that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Q And A Short Jokes

Short q and a jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The q and a humour may include short q tips jokes also.

  1. Queue sounds like q followed by 4 silent letters, but… They're just waiting their turn.
  2. A transgender person cut me in line at the supermarket. You're LGBT, right? I asked.
    You forgot about the 'Q', they replied bluntly.
    No, I said, you did.
  3. When my cab driver found out I was gay, he told me this joke. I approve. Q: What do you call a gay man with a vasectomy?
    A: Seedless fruit.
  4. Queue is Just Q followed by 4 Silent letters Teacher: Queue is Just Q followed by 4 Silent letters
    Me: They aren't Silent, They are waiting their turn
  5. Why are New Yorkers always so depressed? Q: Why are New Yorkers always so depressed?
    A: The light at the end of the tunnel is New Jersey.
  6. From my 91 year old grandpa Q: What is the difference between a vitamin and a hormone?
    A: You can't hear a vita-min.
  7. Q: What word begins with M and ends in arriage and is a mans favourite thing? A: Miscarriage
    This joke never gets old, just like the baby.
  8. Why can't a blonde dial 911? Q: Why can't a blonde dial 911?
    A: She can't find the eleven.
  9. The first joke I made up at age 7 - found in my first grade journal Q: Where do robbers go to the bathroom
    A: Arrest-room
  10. Q: Why did the blonde stare at the orange juice bottle for 2 hours? A: Because it said 'concentrate'

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Q And A One Liners

Which q and a one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with q and a? I can suggest the ones about quantum and question.

  1. Q : With Britain leaving EU soon, how much space will be freed up?
    A: 1 GB
  2. What did the letter O say to the letter Q? "For God's sake man, put some pants on!"
  3. Q: Why can't orphans play baseball? A: Because they don't know where home is.
  4. Q: What do you call a can opener that doesn't work? A: A can't opener.
  5. Q: Why can't a blind guy see his friends? A: Because he's married.
  6. Q: What do Cowboys fans do after they win the Super Bowl? A: Turn off the XBox.
  7. When does Q come before P? When there's a line for the toilet.
  8. What did O say to Q? Put that thing away, there are kids here.
  9. When does q come before p? When there's a line to the bathroom
  10. Q: Which tastes better? An asteroid or a comet. A: An asteroid because it's meteor.
  11. How I escaped Iraq Q: How did you escaped Iraq?
    A: Iran
  12. Q: What do vegan zombies eat? A: "GRAAAAAIIIIIIIINS!"
  13. Q: How's your visit in North Korea? A: Can't complain ...
  14. Q: Why did Ariel wear seashells? A: Because she grew out of her B shells.
  15. What did O say to Q? "Pull your pants up will ya?"

Uproarious Q And A Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time

What funny jokes about q and a you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean quark jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make q and a pranks.

Did you know?

Call of duty has been released in iraq and Afgahnistan as "The Sims."

Obama walks into a bar.....

Some time passes after the 2016 US Presidential election, and Barack Obama passes away from old age. He gets bored after a while in heaven, and asks God if he can return to Earth for a while to see how the good ole' US of A is turning out. God agrees.
Obama returns to Brooklyn, and walks into a bar, ordering a beer. He asks the barkeep "How's the country? How are foreign affairs? Any problems currently being faced?"
"Oh, nothing at all, sir. We're an empire now. We're successful."
"But what about Iraq and Afghanistan? Those were t**... hotspots not too long ago?"
"We control it now. We're an empire. Everything is good."
"But what about Europe, Asia, and their financial crises?"
"That too has been taken care of. We are now finally an empire."
Pleased at the outlook of the country he once led, Obama asks the bartender for the bill:
"65 rubles, sir", replies the bartender.

George W. Bush couldn't decide what country to invade next...

He says, "It seems we're stuck between Iraq and a hard place.."

Apparently the US government has to choose between supporting ISIS and the al-Assad regime...

I think that's called getting caught between Iraq and a hard place.

I feel bad for the Kurds...

They're stuck between Iraq and a hard place.

Where was Saddam Hussein found hiding?

Between Iraq and a hard place.

I had to make a difficult decision when arrested at the border on the way to Mecca...

I was caught between Iraq and a Hajj place.

An Afghan soldier called me earlier and told me he was in a r**... camp...

...but when he told it to me, he said he was caught between Iraq and a hard place.

Pakistani Maths Problems are like really really complex

Abdul has 3 lunch boxes.
He gives one to Rafiq and another to Hassan.
Calculate the radius of the e**....

ISIS has been having a tough time lately.

They're stuck between Iraq and Assad place

What's the difference between South Korean BBQ and American BBQ?

South Korean BBQ has more Seoul

ISIS is stuck between Iraq and a hard place.

jokes about q and a