
Pythagoras Jokes

8 pythagoras jokes and hilarious pythagoras puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about pythagoras that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Pythagoras Jokes to Make Your Friends Roar with Laughter

What is a good pythagoras joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Pythagoras walks into a bar...

...muttering, 'If a right-angled triangle has a short side, X, a long side, Y, and hypotenuse, Z, then the square of Z must be equal to the sum of the square of X and the square of, erm... uh...'
The barman says, 'Y, the long face?'

How did Pythagoras win a Fishing Competition?

He was a Good Angler.

Why was Pythagoras not considered a suspect in m**... case?

No knew what his angle was.


Pythagoras wasn't a mathematician, he was a sinetist.

Why did Pythagoras like math so much?

Just cos

Pythagoras thought numbers were male or female. What is a factor called if it is a female number?

A factress.

Pythagoras was a skeptic...

...but now he believes in angles

Glen Van Brummelen, Hipparchus, Menelaus and Pythagoras are having a party!

Be there, or be square.

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