Purple Grape Jokes
38 purple grape jokes and hilarious purple grape puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about purple grape that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Purple Grape Short Jokes
Short purple grape jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The purple grape humour may include short wine grape jokes also.
- Why are elephants big and grey? Because if they were small and purple, they would be called grape.
- I bought purple Jell-O mix and now I feel like a superhero. With grape powder comes great responsibility.
- Humans are like grapes... Grapes are green or purple, and a human has colors too. A grape is picked, and eaten by a human. Then we die of old age. I'm not good with metaphors.
- How are an elephant and a grape alike? They're both purple.....
Except for the elephant. - What's the similarity between a grape and a squirrel? They're both purple except for the squirrel
- A green grape is on a vine next to a purple grape A green grape is on a vine next to a purple grape. It looks over, gasps, and says "BREATHE!"
- Whats the difference between an elephant and a grape? They are both purple, except for the elephant.
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Purple Grape One Liners
Which purple grape one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with purple grape? I can suggest the ones about grape and grape juice.
- What did the Green grape say to the Purple grape? Breathe idiot! Breathe!
- What did the green grape say to the purple grape? Breathe!
- Cutest joke ever What does a red grape tell a purple grape? Breathe, you idiot! Breathe!!
- What do a grape and a rabbit have in common? They're both purple except for the rabbit.
- What do you call a purple gorilla? A grape ape.
- Why were Helen Keller's hands purple... ... because she heard it through the grape vine.
- How is a chicken like a grape? They're both purple except for the chicken.
- What's small, purple and dangerous? A grape with a gun
- What is purple and commutes? An Abelian grape!
- What's longest purple thing on earth you can see from the moon? The Grape Wall of China
- In what way is an elephant like a grape? They're both purple, except for the elephant.
- Why shouldn't you drink purple Fanta with a roofie in it? You might get "graped".
- What did the green grape say to the purple grape? Breathe d**..., BREATHE!
- What's purple and tries to have s**... without consent? A grape.
- What do you call it when you get r**... by a purple man? Grape
Purple Grape Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about purple grape you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean purple jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make purple grape pranks.
Doc and Marty mcfly find a mysterious bottle of purple liquor.
Marty opens it and takes a whiff. "Smells kinda like wine, Doc"
Doc grabs the bottle, exclaiming "I don't think it's wine, Marty". Doc takes a sip and spits it into Marty's face. "Grape Scotch!?"