
Pull Jokes

175 pull jokes and hilarious pull puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about pull that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover the comedy in pull jokes! From tractor pull to pull out and everything in between, explore the many types of pull jokes that have been told for years. Find out why these timeless jokes are so popular, and learn what the differences between each type of joke are. Get ready to laugh with this humorous look at the world of pull jokes!

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Funniest Pull Short Jokes

Short pull jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The pull humour may include short push jokes also.

  1. The police just pulled me over, he came up to my window and said, papers? I said, Scissors, I win and drove off.
    I think he wants a re-match he's been chasing me for 45 minutes.
  2. I got pulled over by a female cop... When I rolled down my window to ask what was wrong, she said
  3. I got pulled over by the police ... He came to the window and said papers ...
    I said - scissors, I win - and drove off
    He must be desperate for a rematch as he's been chasing me for ages!
  4. Police officer pulls over 2 Catholic priests. Says he's looking for two child molesters. Catholic priests looking at each other: We'll do it!
  5. Cashier: that'll be $19.99 Me: *pulls out a $50*
    Cashier: sorry we've been having problems with counterfeit money… Have anything smaller?
    Me: Sure! *pulls out a $30*
  6. My pizza is burnt, my beer is frozen and my girlfriend is pregnant... ...I can't pull anything out in time!
  7. Kim and Kanye's divorce is rough on their son, North West. It's like he's getting pulled in two different directions.
  8. Guns are like gum... Pull it out in class and everyone acts like you've been best friends since kindergarten.
  9. The cast of star wars VII just finished their first read through Mark Hamill pulled JJ Abrams to the side and said Can I have a word?
  10. The police just pulled me over, and the officer came up to my window and said papers? I said scissors, I win! and drove off. He's been chasing me for 45 minutes now, I think he wants a rematch.

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Pull One Liners

Which pull one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with pull? I can suggest the ones about drag and press.

  1. When you pull the pin on a grenade, how do you put it back in? Quick answers please.
  2. I put a black hole in my living room. It's great. Really pulls the room together.
  3. Last night my wife started calling me Jeb Bush. I also pull out way to late.
  4. I saw a cop pull over a U Haul today... Looks like he was trying to bust a move.
  5. What is the worst response to "I love you"? "I'm still pulling the plug Grandma"
  6. How are a grenade and a wife similar? If you pull the ring off it, the house is gone
  7. What's the best way anyone could pull off a fedora? Immediately.
  8. Why did the vampire pull out? He needed permission to come inside.
  9. How do you tell X chromosomes from Y chromosomes? You pull down their genes.
  10. What do a woman and a grenade have in common? Pull off the ring and the house is gone.
  11. How did the love seat get pregnant? Because the couch didn't pull out.
  12. There are two words in life that will open a lot of doors for people Push and pull
  13. Do you know which politician has the worst pull out game? Vladimir Putin.
  14. Why did Frosty the snowman pull down his pants? He heard the snow-blower was coming.
  15. Why did Harry Potter get pulled over for speeding? Because he didn't expect-no-patrol-man

Pull Out Jokes

Here is a list of funny pull out jokes and even better pull out puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My driving instructor told me to pull over somewhere safe. Two minutes later he said, "Why haven't you pulled over yet?"
    I said, "Because we're still in Manchester."
  • Cop pulls over bad driver Cop- sir do you realize how badly you were switching lanes?
    Guy- sorry officer, I'm drunk af
    Cop-that's not a valid reason to let your girlfriend drive the car
  • The other day I got pulled over by a cop. When he walked up, I pulled out my 9mm... Once he stopped laughing, he wrote me up for indecent exposure...
  • I definitely learned my lesson about speeding today and it will never happen again. I didn't get pulled over or anything, I just showed up to work 20 minutes early.
  • A man gets pulled over by a female cop. He asks "what seems to be the problem, officer?", and the cop responds, "oh, nothing."
  • When the inventor of the USB dies... they'll gently lower the coffin, then pull it back up, turn it the other way, then lower it again.
  • Chuck Norris joke, cause it's been a while Chuck Norris pull the pin in a grenade, threw it, killed 50 men, and then the grenade exploded.
  • Every N.W.A song Verse 1: Sellin' crack rocks and shootin' muthafuckas!
    Verse 2: Police pull me over just 'cause I'm brown.
  • Why did elon musk abandon his Twitter acquisition? He wanted to experience, for the first time in his life, the sensation of pulling out
  • My friend got jailed 6 months for pulling 4 people out of a burning building. Turns out they were firefighters.

Push Pull Jokes

Here is a list of funny push pull jokes and even better push pull puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • A man is walking down the street dragging 20 ft of rope behind him. His neighbor is curious & asks, "Hey buddy, why you pulling that rope?"
    The man replies, "You ever tried pushing it?"
  • Remember these two words. They will open up the doors in your life. Push and pull
  • Always remember these 2 words in your life which will open many doors to you. Push and pull.
  • What's the difference between a gentleman and a gay gentleman? A gentleman pulls his date's chair out for her. A gay gentleman pushes his date's stool in.
  • What's the difference between pulling and pushing a car? When you pull a car, you get tired. When you push one you get exhausted.
  • A man is walking down the street with a length of string trailing behind him ... Why are you pulling that string along ? asked a nosey cop. The mans answer? You try pushing it !
  • Its funny how men and women both want to make their chest look bigger and that they're both just one similar search away from doing so .. men look for pull up bars and women search for push up bras
  • I saw a man pulling a length of rope behind him on the street the other day... Me: Why are you pulling that rope?
    Man: You want to try pushing it!
  • 2 words can open up many doors in your life. Push and Pull
  • Whenever you feel sad, just remember that somewhere in this world There is an idiot pulling a door that says "Push"
Pull joke, Whenever you feel sad, just remember that somewhere in this world

Pull The Plug Jokes

Here is a list of funny pull the plug jokes and even better pull the plug puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do hospitals and refrigerators have in common? If you pull the plug, the vegetables start to decompose.
  • If I'm ever on life support, I want you to pull up he plug... Then wait 10 seconds and plug it back in, maybe that'll work.
  • I just got in an argument with my grandpa about who's generation relies on electronics more So, I pulled the plug on him. Guess I won that argument
  • What's the difference between vegetation and vegetables? You don't have to pull the plug on vegetation.
  • So I heard Microsoft pulled the plug after their chat robot slung slurs, ripped Obama and denied the Holocaust... I guess there wasn't enough room for two Trumps in the Republican party.
  • If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cutecumber! Just kidding; if you were a vegetable, I'd pull the plug.
  • My grandfather told me my generation is too dependant on technology now-a-days. I told the doctor to pull his plug.
  • Let it be known that if I'm ever being electrocuted . . . I just want them to pull the plug on me.
  • Is your fridge running? If so, you better catch it before it pulls its plug out
  • Why did the lumberjack pull the plug? He couldn't log off.

Tooth Pull Jokes

Here is a list of funny tooth pull jokes and even better tooth pull puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My dentist pulled out the wrong tooth. He says it's accidental.
  • A patient says to a dentist : " you pulled out a tooth in like 3 seconds and you get the money, not fair! What an easy career" The dentist replies: " sounds right. Let's make it 3 hours long."
  • My dentist pulled out the wrong tooth It was accidental
  • They said I could never learn how to extract a tooth But I managed to pull it off
  • What did the dentist say when he had to pull a tooth? "I'm sorry for your floss."
  • What happens when you try to pull out a tooth using the "string and doorknob trick" or a pair of pliers? You get fired from your job as a dentist.
  • A dental doctor with patient A woman says to the dentist "I don't know which is worse having a tooth pulled or having a Baby." The dentist says "Well make up your mind I gotta adjust the chair!"
  • Why didn't the patient sue the dentist for pulling the wrong tooth? Because it was accidental.
  • Why did Al Gore go to the dentist for a tooth pulling? He had an Inconvenient Tooth.
  • What did the judge ask when he went to the dentist? Do you swear to pull the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth?

Tractor Pull Jokes

Here is a list of funny tractor pull jokes and even better tractor pull puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Yo mamma so heavy... it takes a Ukrainian tractor to pull her.
Pull joke, Yo mamma so heavy...

Fun-Filled Pull Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle

What funny jokes about pull you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean squeeze jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make pull pranks.

The Horse and the Chicken

One day the horse and the chicken were walking along the road near the farm, merrily chatting away. Suddenly, the horse fell into a muddy hole and couldn't get out.
"Help help Chicken! I've fallen and I can't get out of this hole!", the Horse yelled. "Don't worry," said the chicken. "I'll just get the farmer's BMW and pull you out!"
The chicken did this, and all was well. The following day, without thinking the chicken fell into the same hole.
"Help help Horse! I've fallen into this hole and I can't get out!"
The horse smiled and said, "Don't worry Chicken. Just grab a hold of my w**...!"
"Well, when you're hung like a horse, you don't need BMWs to pick up chicks."

A Vampire walks into a bar...

A vampire walks into a bar and takes a seat at the bar. When the bartender asks what he'll have to drink the vampire replies, "a glass of hot water." The bartender a bit confused asks, "I thought you vampires drank blood?" The vampire proceeds to pull out a used t**... and replies, "I'm having tea."

Two guys are walking down a dark alley

when a mugger approaches them and demand their money.
They both grudgingly pull our their wallets and begin taking out their cash.
Just then, o**... turns to the other and hands him a bill. "Hey, here's that twenty dollars I owe you."

This has been my stand-by joke since I was about 12

Two brothers want to go deer hunting but the only land nearby is owned by a grumpy farmer.
The decide to ask him if they can hunt on his property but when they pull up in the driveway neither brother wants to go knock on the door.
They play rock-paper-scissors and the older brother loses. He walks to the door and asks the farmer if they can go hunting.
The old farmer points to a nearby corral and says "See that horse? She's been mine for 20 years. She's blind and dying and I don't have the heart to put her down. If you do that for me, you boys can hunt on my land".
The older brother agrees and while walking back to the truck he thinks of a prank to play on his younger brother.
"I'll teach that lousy no-good farmer to say no!" he exclaims. "See that horse over there? Watch this!" He levels his rifle and shoots it! He hears gunshots next to him and looks at his brother.
"I got two of his cows" yells the younger brother, "lets get out of here!"

A question for your doctor

During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, "How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in an old age home?"
"Well," he said, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub."
"Oh, I understand," I said. "A normal person would use the bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup.."
"No" he said. "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?"

what does a frozen beer, burnt pizza, and pregnant girl all have in common?

they all happened because some d**... didn't pull it out in time.

What do burnt pizza, frozen beer and a pregnant chick have in common?

Some d**... forgot to pull it out in time.

The Skunk

One cold night, this couple was driving down the road, and the girl notices this black ball of fur on the side of the road. She makes him pull over, and she sees that it's a skunk that's about to freeze to death. She asks him, "Can we bring him with us in the truck to warm it up?"
He says, "I guess it's okay. Bring him in."
She goes, "Where can I warm him up?"
"Put him between your legs, that'll warm him up."
"Well, what about the smell?"
"You can hold it's nose, can't you?"

I wanted to have s**... with my girlfriend, but she was on her period...

so I had to pull some strings.

A 75 year old rich man marries a 20-yo beautiful woman...

And a friend of his comes to ask how did he manage to pull that off.
"I told her I was 90".

Indian On The Road

I'm driving from Santa Fe to Albuquerque when I see an American Indian lying on the road with his ear to the ground. Curious, I pull over, walk up to him and ask, "Excuse me, what are you doing?" He says, "Silver 1991 Chevy station wagon, one man, one woman, two children". I say, "Wow, you can tell all that just by listening to the road?" He says, "Heck no, they just ran me over".

Four engineers in a car...

Four engineers are driving to a conference when the car sputters and dies as they pull off to the shoulder. After a moment of silent contemplation, the electrical engineer says; "you know, I bet the coil's bad. We need to replace the core." The chemical engineer says; "you're nuts, it's obviously the fuel's gone bad. We need to drain the tank and refill." The mechanical engineer scoffs; "you're both wrong. Sounds to me like a valve lifter is froze. We're gonna need to rip the block apart."
After another moment of silence the three look back at the computer engineer who says; "maybe if we get out of the car and get back in?"

At the dentist

The wife says, -I have to get a tooth pulled and I have no time for any anesthesia. Just pull the tooth out as quickly as you can so we can get going!
The dentist was really impressed, -You are indeed a brave woman! Which tooth is to be removed?
She turned to her old man, -Show him your tooth, dear!

Two priests are out driving one day..

when they get pulled over by a police officer.
The cop approaches the priests vehicle and says to the driver
"Sorry to pull you over father, but we're looking for a couple of child molesters"
The two priests look at each other for a few moments and have a few quiet words to each other. The driver turns back to the cop and says;
"Alright officer, we'll do it"

A developer tried to pull weeds out of his garden...

...but he didn't have root access.

Got pulled over while doing calculus in my car last night

Cop said I was deriving over the limit.

Why didn't Napoleon get his wish?

Because he couldn't pull the wish Bonaparte.

This was my grandma's favourite joke

Jenny walks into the doctor's office for a checkup, and the doctor needs to check her heartbeat.
"Pull your sweater up real quick, and I'll use the stethoscope.
There we go, thank you. Big breaths, Jenny."
"Yeth, I know, and I'm only thixthteen!"

My ex girlfriend and I had a safe word...

So when things would get a little too rough in the bedroom, she'd yell, "Marry me!" and I would pull out, leave her apartment, and not call her for a few weeks. Super safe.

George stops at red light...

A beautiful blonde stops just beside him.
George pull down his window.
She also pull down her window.
George smiles and asks with a grin on his face " you also f**...?"

Two guys are walking in a rough neighborhood...

Two guys are walking in a rough neighborhood when someone jumps out from behind a car, pulls out a p**..., and demands, "Give me your wallets, NOW!"
The guys, pretty much expecting this, sigh and pull out their wallets. o**... opens his wallet and shows the thief that he had no cash and no credit cards.
The other guy opens his and grabs a bill, handing it to his friend. "Oh, hey, here's the $20 I owe you."

What did O say to Q?

"Pull your pants up will ya?"

The priest, laywer, and engineer

By chance, a priest, a laywer, and an engineer find themselves in line to be guillotined. They demand that the priest steps up, and he reluctantly does so. They put his head in the guillotine and pull the rope, but to everyone's surprise, nothing happens. The priest declares that he was saved by divine intervention, and they let him go.
They then make the lawyer step up to the guillotine. They pull the rope and again, nothing happens. The lawyer reminds them that he cannot be executed twice for the same crime, and so they reluctantly let him go.
Then they make the engineer step up, and they put his head in the guillotine. The engineer says, "Oh wait, *here's* your problem.."

A man is at his doctor ...

... And the doctor asks the man to pull down his pants and sit on the bench as the doctor examines him.
The doctor says "Don't worry, it's totally normal to get an e**... at this moment".
The man says "But I don't have an e**..." "No but I do" the doctor replied.

If I was a cop, I would write the word 'Influence' on a bridge, and pull over anyone that drives under it.

Two men with Alzheimer's are sat in a park...

... when they hear an ice-cream van pull up nearby. Bob turns to Bill and asks 'do you want an ice-cream Bill?'
Bob says 'yes please, but don't forget the chocolate sauce.'
Bob says 'I won't forget, don't worry. Anything else?'
Bill says 'in that case, I'll have some chopped nuts on it too. Don't forget now.'
Bob says 'I won't, don't worry. Chocolate sauce and chopped nuts, coming right up' and
Bob wanders off in the direction of the ice-cream van.
After 40 minutes, Bob finally turns up with two hot-dogs. Bill says 'you fool Bob! I knew you'd forget! I wanted mustard on mine!'

I got pulled over today for going 112 mph in a 55 mph zone.

The police officer said "I've been waiting for someone like you all day."
I promptly replied "Well I got here as fast as I could!"

I went to see a therapist.

I said, "I'm not sure if I'm a man or a woman."
He said, "Right. Just pull your pants down for me."
I said, "No."
He said, "You're a woman."

How many magicians does it take to pull a rabbit out of a hat?

One. It's a trick question.

Met a woman at the bar the other night

She was absolutely stunning. At least at 11/10. I asked her where she's from and what she does. She said "I live around here, and I'm a brain surgeon."
Now I don't know if it's sexist of me, but I was really impressed.
Most women can't pull off sarcasm.

whats the difference between my driveway and 14 year old daughter?

... I pull out of my driveway

What do you call people who use the pull out method?


Three members of the k**... walk into a bar...

They sit at the back in full costume.
The first k**... thinks to himself, "If the black guy at the bar tries to pull off my hood, I'll kill him!"
The second k**... thinks to himself, "If the gay guy at the bar tries to pull off my hood, I'll kill him!"
The third k**... thinks to himself, "If someone pulls off my hood, the gay black guy at the bar will recognize me from last night, and these two will kill me!"

Why are prosthetic limbs so in fashion?

Anyone can pull them off

A woman was breastfeeding in the bus the other day

...And suddenly, this old lady gets up and starts screaming "you can't do that here, have you no shame? in front of everyone???".
Everybody turns around, the old lady keeps screaming, the woman with her baby stands here mortified...
...I had to pull my pants back up and get off the bus...

Two priests are out driving and get pulled over

The cop approaches the priests vehicle and says to the driver Sorry to pull you over father, but we're looking for a couple of child molesters
The two priests look at each other for a few moments and have a few quiet words to each other. The driver turns back to the cop and says—
Alright officer, we'll do it

What do women and the stock market have in common?

If you don't pull out in time, it will cost you a lot of money.

I pulled the shell off of my snail to make him faster

Turned out it had the opposite effect, now he's a little sluggish.

I kept pulling the string from my Christmas hat and now its half the size

Oops, wrong thread

I asked my mate if he could get me a job at the t**... factory where he works.

There's no openings at the moment, he said, but I'll see if I can pull some strings.

I always play Jenga on a first date,

That way she knows how strong my pull out game is.

did you hear about the Ethiopian who fell into the crocodile pit?

he ate 6 crocs before they could pull him out.

I was always afraid of dying alone, so thanks for being with me in my final moments.

Parachute instructor: PULL THE CORD PULL THE CORD!

A father is teaching his boy how to pee in the toilet.

"OK son", he says. It's as easy as counting to 5.
1. Pull down your pants.
2. Pull back your f**....
3. Pee in the toilet.
4. Put your f**... back.
5. Pull up your pants.
From then on, every time the boy goes to the toilet, he counts from 1 to 5. One day, the father noticed his son was taking quite some time in the toilet. He went to check on him and overheard his son saying "2,4,2,4,2,4,2,4".

I went to the doctor today...

He had me take off my clothes and put on a gown so he could complete a full physical. I was worried I would be receiving a prostate exam. Anyways, he walked back in and had me pull my gown up for the ole turn your head and cough check. When I did he took one look at me and said, "Very interesting....You have got to stop m**...." I asked why, he said, "Because I'm trying to examine you."

What does a pulley like the best about its position?

It's the center of a tension.

A lot of my friends tell me I'd look good in a straitjacket

But I don't think I could pull if off

A magician lost a leg during his performance.

The audience was suprised he could pull it off.

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink.

Then he notices there are pieces of meat nailed to the ceiling of the bar so he asks the barman what they are for. The barman replies, "If you can jump up and pull one of them down you get free beer all night. If you fail, you have to pay the bar £100. Do you want to have a go?"
The man thinks about it for a minute before saying, "Nah, the steaks are too high!"

My wife and I use the pull-out method for birth control ....

we pull out our phones and ignore each other all night.

[OC] You millennials are always complaining that we ran up trillions of dollars of debt for you. Why can't you just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps?

After all, we pulled ourselves up by your bootstraps.

A wife went to the beach and didn't return. A husband called the police.

The police came in a week.
- We have 3 news for you: good, bad and great.
- Let's start with the bad one.
- Your wife drowned - we pulled her out of the water.
- And what is the good news?
- We have picked up a bucket of large c**... from her body.
- And what is the great news?
- We'll pull it out again tomorrow. Let's go for a beer!

If you get pulled over and you have some Coke in your car, you're likely to get arrested.

However, if you get pulled over and you have some Pepsi in your car, you're likely to make a new friend.
Remember to always brush your seatbelts, buckle your teeth, and drink Pepsi.®️

The stock market is like s**....

You just need to know when to pull out.

My approach to s**... is like the government's approach to Brexit

I go in hard and pull out when I realise I have no clue what I'm doing

What is the common ground between an Ak-47 and bubblegum?

When you pull it out in class everybody wants to be your friend.

me "Please to meet you, I am from East Detroit"

Other person: "Oh my gawd, have you ever seen someone get shot"
Me: "No I close my eyes when I pull the trigger"

I was trying to pull a girl in a bar, so I asked her 'What part of my body is as long as your thigh, contains over 120 muscles, and is an anagram of "pensi"?'

It was as she pulled my pants down in the bedroom five minutes later that I revealed the answer was my spine.

A man joins the mob and becomes the personal assistant to the Godfather

One day he receives a text message from the boss. "I've been having problems with my wife. Please pull the plug and then call someone in to take care of the matter."
The man knows better than to question the Godfather, so he dutifully carries out the command. He shoots the boss's wife, and then calls in the clean up crew.
But a short while later, he receives another message. "s**... autocorrect. I meant wifi."

A mother taught her son to go to the bathroom by the numbers.

1. Open your fly.
2. Take out your equipment.
3. Pull back the skin.
4. Do your business.
5. Let the skin forward.
6. Stow your equipment.
7. Close your fly."
She checked on him often to make sure he had learned his lesson, and each time heard him through the bathroom door saying, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7."
She was pleased with his progress until that day when she passed the bathroom door and heard, "3-5, 3-5, 3-5, 3-5, 3-5, 3-5."

Pull joke, A mother taught her son to go to the bathroom by the numbers.

jokes about pull