
Pubg Jokes

7 pubg jokes and hilarious pubg puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about pubg that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Great Pubg Jokes to Share, Laugh and Enjoy with Friends

What is a good pubg joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

What day of the year are there no hackers on PUBG?

Chinese New Year.

Why couldn't the 2-seater bike stand up by itself?

It was two tired.

Billy! What have you done?!

I spent 1,500 $ on a pc to only play PUBG Mobile.
*Aim for Billy's head.

When you kill someone with your car in PUBG

PUBG swore they would end fortnite.

2 weeks later, Fortnight was over.

Do you know that in PUBG?

There are more guns at School than at the shooting range

Do you know what a person gets in Africa after winning a game of PUBG?

No dinner

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