Proven Jokes
70 proven jokes and hilarious proven puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about proven that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Proven Short Jokes
Short proven jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The proven humour may include short proof jokes also.
- Vegans proven wrong again If animals really didn't want to be eaten then why would they be made out of food?
Check mate vegans - It has been scientifically proven that women with few pounds extra tend to live a lot longer than... who point that out.
- It's scientifically proven that birthdays are good for your health. The more of them you have, the longer you live.
- It has been proven that people who talk to themselves are smarter. At least, that's what I tell myself.
- It's statistically proven that having a ladder in your home is more dangerous than a loaded gun that's why I have 12 guns in case some maniac tries to sneak a ladder in here
- It has been scientifically proven that birthdays are good for your health.... The more of them you have, the longer you live!
- What does YouTube and the US Police have in common? They take people down before they're proven innocent.
- A new study has proven... A new study has proven that people who have more birthdays live longer.
- It's been proven that vaccinated kids are more likely to have autism because the ones that aren't vaccinated are dead
- It is proven that the celebration of birthdays is healthy. Statistics show that those people who celebrate the most birthdays become the oldest.
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Proven One Liners
Which proven one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with proven? I can suggest the ones about established and confirmed.
- did you know cyan is the best colour? it's cyantifically proven.
- Turquoise is the best colour in the world It is cyantifically proven
- It has been proven that more Americans watch television than any other appliance.
- COVID-19 deaths have proven one thing Americans strive to be number one in everything!
- It's been scientifically proven ants can't get Covid-19 They have little antibodies
- What do you call Alternative Medicine that is proven to work? Medicine!
- If Facebook has proven one thing in 2020 it's that Black likes matter.
- The last words of an electrician "Yeah you can turn it on, it is proven."
- What's the best color? Turquoise
Its *Cyan*tifcally proven - US voters have definitively proven You can go black and then go back
- The proven answer to the what the world's most fatning food is. Wedding cake
- The best color is cyan. It's CYAN-tifically proven to be so.
- Don't dismiss homeopathy. It has been proven to reduce swelling of the wallet.
- All of Chuck Norris's opinions can be proven with science.
- Game of Thrones has proven chivalry is not dead Just ask Hodor
Scientifically Proven Jokes
Here is a list of funny scientifically proven jokes and even better scientifically proven puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- You know, I heard listening to Queen has been scientifically proven to give people autism. Apparently because of the unusually high Mercury content.
- It is a proven Scientific fact, that things expand when under immense heat... I'm not fat, I'm really hot
- Scientific research has proven that 90% of highschool students don't pay attention in class Other 10% don't come to school
- Why don't creationists change lightbulbd? They prefer to remain in the dark when it comes to anything scientificly proven to work.
- Did you know there's a food that's scientifically proven to kill a woman's s**... drive? Wedding Cake.
- Proven scientific fact a males s**... count is reduced when vacuuming.. Nationwide it has affected 3 people.

Fun-Filled Proven Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle
What funny jokes about proven you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean prove it jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make proven pranks.
A little proof
Women = time * money.
Time = money.
Women = money^2
Money is the root of all the problems
So, by the statements in lines 3 and 4 we get:
Women = root of all the problems^2
Women = all the problems
Now it's proven.
"It's been proven that 9 out of 10 single women who .....
"It's been proven that 9 out of 10 single women who sit at home and have conversations with their cats are mentally disturbed."
My dog's full of useful information like that.
Why was the killer's watch arrested?
Because it was proven to be accessory to m**....
Have you ever heard of the lady who was accused of being the infamous Quilted Killer?
She's innocent until proven quilty.
Just as my teachers said, math has proven useful in my everyday life.
For example, yesterday I dropped my keys into a toilet and made an integral out of wire.
People have been on the hunt for sasquatch for some time now.
Finding one has proven to be no small feat.
You know, it's a proven fact a little parking never killed a bunch of trees.
But a lot did.
Why was the guy from 127 Hours arrested for espionage?
He was proven guilty of providing arms to Iraq
Games like LoL show an increasing fervor towards h**...'s political party
It's proven that this type of games encourage the average consumer to act in a NaCl way.
What with gay marriage and w**... being legalized, the bible is proven to be right
g**... should be s**...
Physics Student Question: A parrot was sitting on an elephant ... So the elephant died. Prove that, how is it possible?
Physics Student's Answer: Think,
The name of the elephant is parrot and parrot
Name 'elephant' [proven]
This food has been proven to drastically reduce or even eliminate s**... drive in a significant percentage of women.
It's wedding cake.
I'm weak at maths but that doesn't bother me
Because my friend told me it's statistically proven 4 out of 3 people struggle with maths.
Proventative measures for preventing disease from biting insects
Don't bite them.
A lot of people think Sigmund Frued is a hack.
And yes, some of his theories were proven wrong but the work he did made the field of psychology so famous he should never be forgotten. They just go hand in hand, you cant have one without the mother,
Scientists discover a food proven to lower a woman's s**... drive by at least 95%
This discovery has been named "Wedding Cake"
Turquoise is the best color in the world!
It's cyantifically proven
It blue my mind
I am purplexed
I red it on the internet
Did you hear that "I before E except after C" rule is obsolete?
It's been proven wrong by science.
Scientists have proven that females can express their emotions better than males.
As a man, that information makes me feel...something...
Attention: The chemical CHCl3 has been proven to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
So before you leave your home to engage in risky behavior, make sure you soak your mask in chloroform.
Did you know? In Marseille, they actually give you a certificate with every souvenir you buy, as a means of demonstrating that it's a genuine product of southern France.
It's proven Provence province provenance.
Doctor: I have some good news and some bad news....
The good news is that we've definitely proven you're not a hypochondriac.