Prosperity Jokes
3 prosperity jokes and hilarious prosperity puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about prosperity that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Cheerful Fun Prosperity Jokes to Brighten Your Day with Humor and Joy
What is a good prosperity joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
A Mexican, a Black guy and a White guy are walking down the beach...
They find a bottle and the Mexican guy decides pick it up and rub it. A genie comes out of the bottle and speaks to them and grants them each one wish.
The Mexican guy goes first and says, "I wish that all my Mexican brethren and I could be transported back to our native homeland and we could all be happy there."
The genie grants his wish and p**..., the Mexican guy disappears.
Now it's the black guy's turn. He says, "I wish that all my African brothers and I could all go back to our motherland and be happy, prosperous and free."
The genie grants his wish and p**..., the Black guy disappears.
Now it's the white guy's turn.
The white guy pauses for a moment, scratches his head and says "Are you telling me that all the b**... and Mexicans are gone from America?
The genie nods his head and says yes.
The white guy makes up his mind and says, "Ok, well i'll have a Coke, thanks."
What face does a Syrian make when he has a bad day?
Assad one.
On a side note, I hope prosperity upon all the Syrians who have been displaced.
In North Korea...
[edited] everything is grand and prosperous and USA is smelly
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