Progress Bar Jokes
13 progress bar jokes and hilarious progress bar puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about progress bar that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Progress Bar Short Jokes
Short progress bar jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The progress bar humour may include short progress jokes also.
- I am taking a stand to be progressive. I support youthinasia. So I adopted a kid from there. Sorrymyspace bar isn't working allthetime now.
- I've got a meeting with the guy that invented the progress bar during the era of dialup internet. He's going to be here in 2 hours and 13 minutes.
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Progress Bar One Liners
Which progress bar one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with progress bar? I can suggest the ones about quick bar and passing the bar.
- Karl Marx walks into a bar The punchline gets progressively better over time
- My computer is so slow . . . . . . I get a progress bar when I copy and paste . . . text.
Hilarious Progress Bar Jokes to Make Your Friends Roar with Laughter
What funny jokes about progress bar you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean work in progress jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make progress bar pranks.
The golfer
A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. As the night progresses, he finds himself with a very attractive woman and they hit it off immediately. He asks her out on a date. "But, before you say yes, I must warn you. I am an amateur golfer. Golfing is my life. Every free moment I'm out golfing. I read about golf, watch golf on TV, talk about golf. My exes all broke up with me because of my obsession with golf," he says. "Well, if you're going to be that honest, than so will I," she says. "I'm actually a h**...." "Oh my God!" the guy exclaims. "Me too!"
Past, Present, and Future walked into a bar, and it was simply tense.
As they were drinking it was clear it was becoming progressively tenser.
By the time they'd walked out it had become perfectly tense.
I approached a lesbian at a bar.
I wasn't aware she was a lesbian at the time, so I asked if she would like to go home with me.
"How rude!" she responded. "Did you just assume my sexuality? I'll have you know that I'm not interested in men!"
I'm a fairly progressive man, so I wasn't going to let her beat me at my own game.
"How rude!" I shouted, catching her attention as she walked away. "Did you just assume my gender?"
Shakhter Karagandy (Celtic's Champions League opponents)
Apparently they've been given permission for their pre-match tradition of sacrificing a sheep, I'd like to see them progress given Celtic's pre-match tradition of sacrificing a Mars bar.
What is common in Windows 8 and female?
They both can take hours "getting ready".
(I tried installing Windows 8 today morning. There's no installation progress bar. Instead just a "getting ready" message which takes a couple of hours).
Greeks versus the French.
A Greek and a Frenchman sit down at the same bar one evening, and after a few rounds of beer, they begin amicably chatting, first about the occasional state of things in their respective countries.
Eventually as the night progresses they descend into debating which country has done the most for the rest of the world and, naturally, slide into sniping back and forth into ever greater and more magnanimous gestures toward the end.
At last, the Greek shoves up to his feet and announces before the rest of the bar, "My people invented s**...!"
Stunned silence descends upon the environment at this, and for several seconds the Frenchman gives it some thought, before smiling and nodding his head and then answering,
"And mine introduced it to women."
Jacque LaRock...Famous French Fighter Pilot
(This joke is typically done in a French accent)
A famous French fighter pilot walks into a bar and orders a glass red and white wine. He sees a beautiful woman, walks up to her, kisses her on the lips and then takes a sip of his red wine. I am Jacque LaRock, famous French fighter pilot! If I taste ze red meat, I must have ze red wine. Ze woman blushes, Oh Jacque!
He takes her to ze backroom. Things start to progress a little further, he starts to kiss her on ze breast and takes a sip of his white wine, saying I am Jacque LaRock, famous French fighter pilot! If I taste ze white meat, I must have ze white wine. Ze woman blushes again, Oh Jacque!
Things start to progress even further, he lifts up her skirt, goes under white grabbing a bottle of 151 and a lighter... At this point ze woman stops him and says, Oh Jacque, I understand ze red meat with ze red wine, and ze white meat with ze white wine, but I don't understand ze 151 and ze lighter? Jacque stops and looks at her very stern… I am Jacque LaRock… famous French fighter pilot! If I go down, I go down in flames!