
Probiotics Jokes

7 probiotics jokes and hilarious probiotics puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about probiotics that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Probiotics Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good probiotics joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Have you heard about the rising political tensions between yogurt and penicillin? One side is probiotic, and the other is antibiotic.

They're calling it a culture war.

A little boy asks his dad, "Where does p**... come from?"

His father is taken aback by the question but decides to tell the son the truth.
"Well, son," he says, "food passes down the oesophagus, enters the stomach, where digestive enzymes induce a probiotic reaction. Then it passes through the alimentary canal before waste enters the colon, and then it finally emerges as p**...."
"Wow," says the boy. "So where does Tigger come from?"

I finally got some probiotics

These amateurbiotics in my stomach just aren't cutting it.

Went to a seance in a probiotic yoghurt factory last night.

Scared the life out of me. Last time I dabble with the Yakult.

My girlfriend asked me if she should buy probiotics

I told her my gut feeling was no.

I've heard many things about the benefits of probiotics, but I think they are too expensive . . .

So can anyone recommend any good amateur biotics?

What do you call a non-amateur live bacteria?

A Pro-Biotic

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