Princess Di Jokes
9 princess di jokes and hilarious princess di puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about princess di that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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What is a good princess di joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Princess Diana Jokes
What's the difference between Princess Diana and a blade of grass? About six feet.
How is Princess Diana like a mobile phone? Both die in tunnels.
Where does Diana stay when she visits Paris? Any place she can c**....
How is Princess Diana like breaking a bone? Both need a doctor to remove the plaster of paris.
What's the difference between Princess Diana and thirty-nine pennies? It's easier to scrape together thirty-nine pennies.
Why did Princess Diana cross the road? Because she wasn't wearing a seatbelt.
What's the difference between Princess Diana an Casper the ghost? Casper can go through walls, Diana can't.
What's the difference between a Mercedes and Princess Diana? A Mercedes will easily reach 40.
What would Di be doing if she were alive today? Scratching at the lid of her coffin.
Yes I am a horrible person wow.
What was the real reason Princess Di divorced Prince Charles?
She found out that not all rulers have 12 inches.
Me: Do you want something to drink?
Me: We've got this new soda called 'Princess Di.' It's a tribute to Princess Diana
Friend: Got anything else?
Me: Just Mountain Dew.
Friend: So those are my only two options?
Me: It's Dew or Di.
The British use the phrase "Long live the queen," & the queen is the longest lived monarch in history.
So you'd think they would have realized that they would have realized there might be an issue always saying Princess Di...
Did you know that Princess Di had really bad dandruff?
They found her head & shoulders in the glovebox.
What do Princess Di's coffin and a Queen Bee have in common?
They're both filled with Royal Jelly.
What's the difference between
Nicole Simpson and Princess Dianna?
Princess Di was killed ~ by a white man ~ in a black car.
I don't understand the obsession with Princess Di.
Shouldn't it be Princess Dead?
Why did Princess Di cross the road?
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