Prime Number Jokes
78 prime number jokes and hilarious prime number puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about prime number that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Prime Number Short Jokes
Short prime number jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The prime number humour may include short prime jokes also.
- What do prime numbers and stoners have in common? The higher they are, the more spaced out they get
- king Charles has a realistic chance of breaking one of Queen Elizabeths most famous records: The record number of 15 prime ministers during her reign.
- If California splits into 3 states, we just need to make Puerto Rico a state. We's have a prime number of states and finally be one nation, indivisible
- My girlfriend from college was obsessed with trying to find the largest known prime number. I wonder what she's up to now.
- Why are stoners and prime numbers so similar? The higher they are, the more spaced out they become
- The number 29 was murdered. The cops arrested all the numbers from 24 to 34. But 31 was the prime suspect.
- My ex girlfriend was obsessed with trying to discover the largest prime number. I wonder what she is up to now.
- When my son learned about prime numbers, he told me that the Pledge of Allegiance would be better if we added three more states Because 53 is indivisible.
- We need to add PR, DC, and Guam as states. 53 is a prime number.
Then we can truly be one nation, indivisible. - What numbers are in the number plate of optimus prime? Prime numbers. A'right a'right I'll see my way out.
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Prime Number One Liners
Which prime number one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with prime number? I can suggest the ones about odd numbers and prime day.
- We should give credit to the number 2. It became a prime number against all odds.
- 2 is the only even prime number. It's kind of odd, isn't it?
- What do prime numbers and white girls have in common? They literally can't even.
- Feminists are like prime numbers The only thing that goes into them is themselves.
- How did the prime number react when it found out it wasn't a 2? I can't even
- Whenever anyone asks me for a random number, I say seven. It's a prime example.
- Why are most prime numbers such divas? Because they literally. Can't. Even.
- Why do British hate the Prime numbers? Because they can't be divided
- Did you know that the number 7 Is a prime example of and odd number.
- What are numbers? 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are prime examples
- 2017 is less divisive It's a prime number
- I may not be too good at math, but I know that 69 is a prime number!!
- 2 is the oddest prime number because it's the only even one
- Why is Austria Hungary like a prime number? Because it is inseparable and indivisible.
- What number is the oddest prime number? 2
Source: My discrete professor
Prime Number Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about prime number you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean digit numbers jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make prime number pranks.
Chuck Norris can divide prime numbers into whole numbers.
Conjecture: All odd numbers are prime.
Mathematician's Proof:
3 is prime. 5 is prime. 7 is prime. By induction, all odd numbers are prime.
Physicist's Proof:
3 is prime. 5 is prime. 7 is prime. 9 is experimental error. 11 is prime. 13 is prime ...
Engineer's Proof:
3 is prime. 5 is prime. 7 is prime. 9 is prime. 11 is prime. 13 is prime ...
Computer Scientists's Proof:
3 is prime. 3 is prime. 3 is prime. 3 is prime...
A blonde and a lawyer are on a plane.
The lawyer keeps trying to get a blonde to play a game with him. After awhile she finally agrees.The lawyer explains the game to her. He says that he will ask her a question and if she can't answer it she will give him $50.Then she will ask him a question and if he can't answer it he will give her $500. She agrees. He ask her to say the first seven prime numbers in order. She thinks for awhile then gives him $50.She then ask him what has no legs, three arms, and is covered in fur.He thinks for awhile then gives her $500.Curious he asks her what the answer is.She gives him $50.
Why is six afraid of seven?
Because 7 is a prime number and those are pretty intimidating.
Why is six afraid of seven?
Since seven was a child, he has always been a prime number. He excelled at everything he did, but he was kind of odd. Seven was very vengeful and quick to anger. Even though he was popular and well praised, he couldn't stand the sight of six, who was well rounded and has a good circle of tight friends.
When prom came, seven was alone and bitter. Of all his achievements, not one helped him land a date. Then six came in with his +1. Filled to the brim with jealousy, seven spread rumors that 6 and 9 were performing unspeakable acts. Six was alone again.
While walking to class, six saw seven with six's former +1and averted his eyes. As they passed by eachother, seven whispered into six's ear "now, we're even".
A barman is complaining about all the weird customers he's been getting lately...
Then a half n**... man walks in with a huge number 19 tattooed on his body. "There... that's a prime example"
Why is Michael Jordan's Jersey number 23?
Because then he will always be in prime.
What's the difference between the number 3 and David Cameron?
One's a prime number, the other's a prime minister.
Not all numbers are evenly divided, these are some prime examples.
Two prime numbers stayed married for life.
They couldn't be divided
REPORT: Number 9 found dead, half eaten in home. 7 has been brought in for questioning.
When asked for comment, the Chief of Police said, "Due to overwhelming evidence, 7 is the prime suspect in this case."
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 is a prime number... and prime numbers can be quite intimidating...
A team of computer scientists just announced their discovery of the new largest prime number.
Apparently it's 5x larger than the last one!
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Since seven was a child, he has always been a prime number. He excelled at everything he did, but he was kind of odd. Seven was very vengeful and quick to anger. Even though he was popular and well praised, he couldn't stand the sight of six, who was well rounded and has a good circle of tight friends.
When prom came, seven was alone and bitter. Of all his achievements, not one helped him land a date. Then six came in with his +1. Filled to the brim with jealousy, seven spread rumors that 6 and 9 were performing unspeakable acts. Six was alone again.
While walking to class, six saw seven with six's former +1 and averted his eyes. As they passed by eachother, seven whispered into six's ear "now, we're even".
Women are like numbers ...
* Some are Rational, but infinitely more are Irrational.
* The Real ones might be Proper or Improper, but only the Imaginary ones are ever Pure.
* Some are Natural, the rest are Negative, or just not there.
* Some are Prime, but those are hard to find.
* Every other one is just plain Odd.
Two students were complaining about math class.
"I hate math. Well, I really just hate numbers." "What do you mean?" "Take seventeen, for instance. I hate seventeen. There's nothing good about seventeen." "What's so bad about seventeen?" "Nothing really. It's just a prime example."
What's the difference between novocaine and an index finger?
One's a digit divisible by two, the other is a prime number.
Some people want Puerto Rico to become the 51st State...
Some people want Puerto Rico to become the 51st State...
I say let's do it, and find two more new states.
Then we'd have 53 states.
A nice PRIME number...
D.C. voted overwhelmingly to be a state.
D.C. voted overwhelmingly to be a state. If congress passes it we only need 2 more states to get to 53 which is a prime number. Then we will truly be one nation, indivisible.
The higher they are, the more spaced out they get
What do prime numbers and stoners have in common?
^^The ^^punchline ^^need ^^not ^^be ^^always ^^at ^^the ^^end...
What do you get when you take eBay and make all the prices non-divisible numbers?
Amazon Prime
Today, In our first math lesson of 2017 our teacher wishes us a good year
"and did you know 2017 is a prime number?"
Please,... not already,....
Why did the number 13 want to work for the church?
He was hoping that he could become a Prime Minister
Yeah, it's a math joke
17: Hey 11, want to hear a joke?
11: Sure.
17: What did one prime number say to the other prime number?
11: I give up.
17: "I can't even."
11 and 17 together: HAHAHA!!!!!
2: I don't get it.
Math one liner
All prime numbers are odd except one.
The Justice League has a vacancy and the number 7 is interviewing to fill a superhero position...
Batman: Thank you for coming, 7. Its been rough since the Flash took off and we're having a hard time finding someone to replace him. Let's get right to it. What is your first power?
Number 7: Well, for my whole life I've been in prime condition and I don't anticipate that changing anytime soon.
Bathman: That's great to hear. What do you consider your second power to be?
Number 7: 49
11/13/17 is 3 consecutive prime numbers.
How math, physics, programmimg and philosophy convince that all odd numbers bigger than one are primes...
Math: 3 prime, 5 prime, 7 prime. I'll get the rest of them with induction.
Physics: 3 prime, 5 prime, 7 prime, 9 measurement error, 11 prime, 13 prime.
I tested enough numbers.
Programming: 3 prime, 5 prime, 7 prime, 7 prime, 7 prime...
Philosophy: 2 prime, 4 prime, 6 prime
It's amazing how much has changed since the 80s
Back then we had a celebrity president with ultraconservative views and a cult following who was obsessed with a wall in the White House, a female Prime Minister with a complicated relationship with the EU and a total disregard for the poor of the country in Number Ten, the Russians were under a regime that made idols of their leaders, took part in mass espionage schemes and got involved in wars in Muslim Countries and we all lived in fear of Nuclear War.
A man was trying to subdivide a large piece of property he owned in Manhattan.
But no matter how many ways he tried, he was unable to split it up into any number of equal sized parcels. He asked a realtor if she could help, but the realtor said there was simply no way to do it.
The problem, she said, is that's a piece of prime real estate.
5, 7, and 11 are both Safe *and* s**...
Prime Numbers.
Oddly, 5 & 7 are Self-Priming, while 11 isn't.
My friend is a mathematician that hates prime numbers...
He will stop at nothing to avoid them !
The US should make DC, Guam, and PR states.
53 is a prime number.
Then we would truly be 1 nation, indivisible.
I love the number 3
It is a prime number.
Why was 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 is a PRIME number
The number 5 was a champion at boxing. He lost when he turned into a 6.
The reason he started losing was because he wasn't in his prime.
A friend of mine asked me why I preferred composite numbers over prime numbers.
I said it's not a simple answer as more than one factor led me to that conclusion.
I'm binging a TV show for free on Amazon, but it won't let me watch certain episodes. Specifically episode number 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, and 97.
Those are only available on Amazon Prime.