
Present Tense Jokes

43 present tense jokes and hilarious present tense puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about present tense that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Present Tense Short Jokes

Short present tense jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The present tense humour may include short past tense jokes also.

  1. I had posted this on Clean Jokes, just thought you guys would appreciate it. So, The Past, Present, and Future all walk into a bar
    It was tense.
  2. The past, the future, and the present all walked into a bar at the same time. It was tense.
  3. The Past, Present, and Future unexpectedly meet in a bar ... It was a very tense situation!
  4. Teacher: "What is the present tense for the sentence 'I killed someone'?"
    Student: "The present tense would be 'I am in prison.'"
  5. Past, Present, and Future walked into a bar at the same time The encounter was is will be tense.
  6. The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future are all sitting in a bar together. What a tense atmosphere.
  7. The future, the present and the past walk into a bar.... ....needless to say, things got a little tense.
  8. It was fun watching a Christmas carol. The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future were great. It was in tense.
  9. Siri: The past, present and future walk into a bar. It was tense.
    I did have to ask for a joke in English, as the first time Siri said she would, but I wouldn't understand a joke in her language.
  10. When separating, what did present tense say to future tense? See you later.

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Present Tense One Liners

Which present tense one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with present tense? I can suggest the ones about present perfect and present time.

  1. So...the past, the present, and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.
  2. Why is nostalgia like grammar? We find the present tense and the past perfect
  3. The Past, the future and the present walked into a bar An things got tense
  4. The Past, The Present, and The Future walk into a bar It was tense.
  5. The past, present and future walk into a room. It got all tense.
  6. The Past, The Present, and The Future walk into a bar. The situation was tense.
  7. The future, the present and the past walked into a bar. Things got a little tense.
  8. The past, present, and future walk into a bar It was tense.
  9. The past, the present and the future had a meeting. It was tense in there.
  10. The past, present and future got into a fight Things got pretty tense
  11. The past, present and the future started fighting. It was in*tense*
  12. Growing old is a lot like grammar The past is perfect and the present, tense
  13. So the past, present and future walk into a bar Things got a little tense
  14. The past, present and future walk into a bar... Bartender says... "Well this is tense."
  15. What happened when past, present and future met each other? Things got a little tense

Hilarious Present Tense Jokes that Bring Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about present tense you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean present jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make present tense pranks.

Past, Present, and Future walked into a bar, and it was simply tense.

As they were drinking it was clear it was becoming progressively tenser.
By the time they'd walked out it had become perfectly tense.

Present tense of cloud?

As I was saying goodnight to my 10 year old son this evening he said:
I saw a bunch of clouds while we were out hiking today. I wonder which one holds my data...
I groaned as I closed his bedroom door. He'll make a great dad someday!

It wasn't that I didn't like my future present

It's just it was two tense.