Premise Jokes
9 premise jokes and hilarious premise puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about premise that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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What is a good premise joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Latvian Joke.
What are one potato say other potato?
Premise ridiculous. Who have two potato?
Latvian man goes to buy iPhone..
Premise ridiculous! iPhone cannot be use to farm potato.
Also, salesman die of malnourish.
One Latvian potato talking to another.
Is bad premise, nobody in Latvia have two potato.
In light of the rising number of r**... cases, the police is advising women to carry a Tide pod in their purses at all times.
It's supposed to deter gents.
>!Had to change up the premise a bit, since in my language detergente - > deter gente, literally "to detain/arrest people". Glad it works out almost the same!<
Do you know what does the straightforward w**... say as a premise to everything?
"I'll be blunt".
A flustered carpenter holding a hammer entered a premise. The ladies in there gaped. Finally, the lady at the counter asked: "What's up?"
"Thought this was a nail salon..." he muttered, before hurrying off.
Should I get get worried when the moon goes dark?
Nah, it's just a phase.
Credit to u/jej1 for the entire premise, I just reworded it.
Amazon Prime now comes with a joke of the day
The premise isnt too funny, but the delivery is great
"Fuller House" was billed on a misleading premise.
There wasn't a single geodesic dome to be seen.
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