
Premature Jokes

116 premature jokes and hilarious premature puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about premature that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

This article examines the art of making premature jokes and humorously explores how identifying something as premature can bring about laughter. From babies born prematurely to jokes that are told too early at a party, learn about the comedic value in the concept of “pre-maturity”.

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Funniest Premature Short Jokes

Short premature jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The premature humour may include short early jokes also.

  1. My previous relationship was like a presidential term. It aged me prematurely and my replacement was elected two months before I was officially out of office!
  2. Calls that Roy Moore would win the election were... Pre-mature
    Big shoutout to Alabama though for not becoming the joke of the whole country
  3. My New Year's resolution for 2019 is to not do things prematurely. So far it's going well.
  4. Americans celebrate so prematurely 364 days until Christmas and they already have their decorations up.
  5. Look on the bright side if you are a nice guy, you might finish last... But at least it's not prematurely
  6. Did you hear about the gun that was admitted to the Emergency Room at the hospital? Everyone freaked out when it was prematurely discharged
  7. To all the people who stand up as soon as the plane has landed... You must suffer from p**... evacuation.
  8. I s**... telling jokes.. Because I start laughing even before I reach the punchline. The doctor says I have a p**... hehejaculation.
  9. p**... Ejokeulation What do you call it when someone puts the punchline to a joke in the title?
  10. So I told a p**... baby joke at an open mic night but I don't think the crowd liked it. Apparently it was too soon

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Premature One Liners

Which premature one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with premature? I can suggest the ones about immature and improper.

  1. What do you call a prematurely born Chinese baby? Sudden Lee
  2. I'll ride you like the Titanic End prematurely and sea men going everywhere
  3. I was born ready but not my brother, he was born prematurely
  4. Kim Jong-Un comes like his missiles. Prematurely.
  5. Two Asian parents gave birth to a child 2 months prematurely. They named him,"Sudden Lee"
  6. I almost had s**... with a Hawaiian... But I ended up prematurely evacuating.
  7. What do you call a case of p**... burial? A grave mistake.
  8. What do you call carving a pumpkin in September? p**... ejackolantern
  9. People say I'm overconfident No, I'm not.
  10. Did ypu know p**... ejaculations are hereditary? It comes in your jeans.
  11. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Sorry, I suffer from p**... congratulation.
  12. I carve all my pumpkins in September. I suffer with p**... ejackolantern
  13. Yesterday I went to a costume party as a p**... ejection I just came in my pants
  14. What type of bean results in p**... death? Sean Bean
  15. Happy Valentines! A little early I know, but l suffer from p**... congratulation

Premature Baby Jokes

Here is a list of funny premature baby jokes and even better premature baby puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why did the mother name her p**... baby after her husband? He also came too soon.
  • What do you call a baby Pumpkin with a face cut in it? A p**... jack-o-lantern
  • What do you call a p**... baby born addicted to h**...? A freeloader that got the hook
  • What is a p**... baby's favorite game?
  • Wht do you call a p**... chinese baby? Female

Premature Ejaculation Jokes

Here is a list of funny premature ejaculation jokes and even better premature ejaculation puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I went to my first p**... Ejaculations Club today but they sent me back. It turns out I came a bit early
  • I invited my p**...-e**... support group over to my house for dinner... ...but they came a lot earier than expected, typical!
  • A guy who suffered from p**... ejaculations meet a woman and says "There is no punch line."
Premature joke, A guy who suffered from p**... ejaculations meet a woman and says

Premature joke, A guy who suffered from p**... ejaculations meet a woman and says

Gather Around for Fun Premature Jokes and Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about premature you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean too soon jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make premature pranks.

How do you call it when a girl kicks a boy in the groin during the first date?

p**... emasculation.

I left 10 minutes before the fire alarm went off..

I now suffer from p**... evacuation.

Why was no at the p**... Ejaculaters' support group when I arrived?

I came early.

What did the Roman p**... ejaculater say?

Veni, Vidi, Veni.

I thought Jack Nicholson and Jack Black followed me on Twitter earlier and I got excited... wasn't them.
Guess it was p**... e-Jack elation.

What do you call it when a rude person comes early?

p**... Ejerkulation.

What do you call it when flu season comes early?

p**... inoculation.

What do you call a teenage boy who turns into a vampire before he gets bit?

p**... Edraculation

p**... Ejokeulation

What do you get when you cross someone with a s**... disorder and someone who ruins punchlines?

The s**... and His Father

Little Johnny s**... opened his eyes, in what seemed like hours of being passed out. He rubs his eyes and looks around to see anybody familiar. Luckily, he sees his father, old Matthew s**....
[Johnny:] Dad, where are we?
[Matthew:] I'm afraid I'll have to tell you when you're older.
[Johnny:] Why is that?
[Matthew:] It's because you're p**....
I hope this is funny, I just thought of it a minute ago 😂 If it isn't, help me find a better way to get to the punchline.

Happy Easter!...

Sorry it's a bit early, I suffer from p**... congratulation.

What did the s**... Bomber think about the p**... bomb e**... ?

Wow this blew up.

What did the p**... ejaculatist say to his offended lover?

That came out wrong.

What was the t**...'s pick up line?

'hey babe, I've got a large pipe bomb and I never pre-maturely detonate."

How can you tell when Halloween is coming too soon?

The sight of p**... Ejack-o-lanterns in the neighborhood.
I'm a Dad so this joke is OK

what do you call a young, green Pumpkin for Halloween?

A p**... e-Jack-O'-Lantern.

Kanye West ruined his chances of having s**... with Taylor Swift this weekend...

TIDAL and his album release have proven he's p**....

Why did the Soviets pull their missiles out?

Because they feared a p**... ejectulation

What do you call it when you turn into a vampire before being bitten?

p**... Edraculation

Happy new year!

Sorry, I suffer from p**... congratulation.

Did you hear about the Mongolian Olympic wrestler?

He lost the gold medal due to p**... jock elation. (all credit to /u/sasquatchiam, link in comments)

What do you call it when someone leaves at the first sign of a hurricane?

A p**... evacuation.

Whenever someone makes a p**... blanket conclusion based on a single piece of information...

I automatically assume they're a complete idiot.

What do Koreans name their p**... still borns?


What do you get when you carve your pumpkin in September?

p**... Ejack-O-Lantern.

I went to the doctors with a rather embarrassing problem the other day.

I have a habit during c**... where I yell my exact bearings shortly before being asked.
Apparently I suffer from p**... exact location.

What are the two problems Donald Trump is currently being treated for ?

Electile Dysfunction

p**... Congratulations.

What is something a woman hates about a man but a man would love about a woman?

p**... ejactulation.

Happy new year everyone!

Sorry, I'm a p**... congratulator.

A baby boy born without eyelids...

Recently at a baby boy was born prematurely without eyelids. The doctors decided to take him off to surgery and circumcise him and use the skin removed to make new eyelids.
The surgery went great except he came out a little cocked eyed...

Apparently, Donald Trump is currently being treated for Electile dysfunction and p**... congratulations.

Isn't it Hillaryous!

When a fire breaks out at a swingers convention

It causes p**... evacuation.

North Korea must have a s**... problem

Because their rocket always explodes pre-maturely

What do you call a p**... drug?

I'll let myself out

What's it called when you leave Charleston for Irma?

p**... evacuation

What do you call Halloween displays that are up way too early?

p**... e-jackolanterns

This year is going by quickly

Oh wait, that's just the idiots playing p**... Christmas music.

We had a fire drill at the s**... bank today...

But everyone gathered in the car park before the alarm went of, it was a p**... evacuation

I always try to leave work 5-10 minutes earlier than when my shift is supposed to end.

I'm a p**... evacuator.

My mate wished me a Merry Christmas earlier.

A bit early, yes, but he suffers from p**... congratulation.

What's the worst thing that can happen while receiving a b**...?

A p**... evacuation.

What do you call someone who blurts out the punchline before he finishes the

A p**... Ejokeulator!

What's it called when a substance goes directly from solid to gas?

p**... evaporation

My automatic toilet is the absolute worst. Sometimes it flushes before I even use it.

It suffers from p**... evacuation.

What do you call it when a pilot hits the eject button as he's going down the runway?

p**... ejectulation

What was the governor of North Carolina criticized for responding to Hurricane Florence so quickly?

Because women don't like p**... evacuations

I have the ability to leave a building 5m before the fire alarm starts

I call it p**... evacuation.

Did anyone hear about the family that made pumpkins a month early?

The pumpkins were p**... e-jack-o-lanterns.

A fireman kicks down the door of a house and carries the family out 1 by 1, but there is no fire. A week later the building catches ablaze.

He suffers from p**... evacuation.

Many websites are already changing their look for Christmas

I guess it's a case of p**... e-decoration.

I have a joke for when Harvey Weinstein goes to prison...

...but it's still a bit p**....

The earlier we start Christmas...

the more likely Jesus will be born dangerously p**....

What is it called when you leave your office building well before the fire drill begins?

p**... evacuation

What do you call e = mc ?

A p**... e-calculation

Why is vaccinating before proper safety testing can occur such a bad idea?

Nobody likes p**... Inoculations.

Premature joke, Why is vaccinating before proper safety testing can occur such a bad idea?

jokes about premature