
Preferred Pronouns Jokes

27 preferred pronouns jokes and hilarious preferred pronouns puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about preferred pronouns that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Preferred Pronouns Short Jokes

Short preferred pronouns jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The preferred pronouns humour may include short preferred pronoun jokes also.

  1. What's chocolate's preferred pronouns? Her/she
    I got an eye roll from the wife on this one. I guess that's the dad joke seal of approval.
  2. A joke about pronouns I prefer to be called "thee/thou" because I identify as a Shakespearean cuckold
  3. Do people with multiple personalities prefer… …to be referred to as plural pronouns or singular pronouns?
  4. What do you say when someone asks you your preferred pronouns? "See you never, bye, and goodbye!"

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Preferred Pronouns One Liners

Which preferred pronouns one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with preferred pronouns? I can suggest the ones about pronouns and they them pronoun.

  1. My uncle's joke he just came up with: What are chocolate's preferred pronouns? Her, She
  2. What pronouns do Amber Heard's lawyers prefer? Hear/say
  3. What are the preferred pronouns for a Witch He He He
  4. What are Michael Jackson's preferred pronouns? He/He
  5. What's a chocolate bars preferred pronouns? Her/she
  6. Did you hear about the Donkey that changed it's gender pronouns? They now prefer Hee/Haw
  7. What are a chocolate kiss' preferred pronouns? Her/she
  8. What gender pronouns does choclate prefer Her/she
    (Not my joke)
  9. What is Michael Jackson's preferred pronoun? Hee-hee
  10. What pronouns does Michael Jackson prefer? He/he
  11. What was Michael Jackson's preferred pronoun? Hehe!
  12. Did you know about Michael Jackson's preferred pronouns? He/he.

Preferred Pronouns Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about preferred pronouns you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean gender neutral jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make preferred pronouns pranks.