
Posts Comments Jokes

38 posts comments jokes and hilarious posts comments puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about posts comments that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Posts Comments Short Jokes

Short posts comments jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The posts comments humour may include short comments section jokes also.

  1. As I get older and remember all the people I've lost along the way, I think to myself... maybe a career as a tour guide wasn't for me.
  2. Why do chinese people love IPhones and Apple products? Because the greatest gifts are the ones your children made.
    (inspired by u/lorenzomofo 's comment on a
    r/nextfuckinglevel post)
  3. I'm tired of seeing "Hey OP, I banged your mom" comments every time I post a submission.... I never should have given dad my username.
  4. What's at the centre of No Man's sky universe? A refund.
    credit to /u/xROSSTHEHOSSx (saw it on another post as comment, thought it deserved own post)
  5. Reddit banned me from commenting on posts about trains. .
    They said I kept derailing the discussion.
  6. What did the Pirate say to the plank as it was being installed on the ship? Welcome a Board!
    (Inspired by a comment I left on another post, though I'm confident it's been posted many times before)
  7. Don't expect me to respond to any comments regarding this joke… …I have abandoned my post.
  8. How can you tell a post on Reddit is high effort? Simple, just look for the "0 Comments" under it
  9. I don't know why people complain about using your phone whilst driving. I can drive on the freeway and post this comment at the sa
  10. If you decide to comment on this joke, be aware that I won't be replying… …because I have abandoned my post.

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Posts Comments One Liners

Which posts comments one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with posts comments? I can suggest the ones about comment section and comments.

  1. I'd post a joke about a Cow but... I'm sure you guys would Milk it in the comments.
  2. Chuck Norris can comment on Facebook posts, before you publish them.

Charming Humor Posts Comments Jokes with Loads of Fun

What funny jokes about posts comments you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean facebook comments jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make posts comments pranks.

A girl posted a status in her facebook wall "I got my period today."

20 boys liked it.
10 boys commented, "Thank God."

What is Facebook?

Its a Place where Boy posts a JOKE and Gets no Response & If a Girl Posts the same JOKE , She gets Hundreds of likes , comments and Friend Requests and Lots of PM's .

What happens if you take a popular website, add a dash of censorship, and allow the discretionary system of control to be based on the biases of individuals...

[This post is locked. You won't be able to comment.]

Each comment thread is a joke, but each user may only post one word.

You may only comment one word, or reply with one word to another comment. Good luck!

Wanna see a magic trick? Post you social security number in the comments below

and I will make the funds in your bank account disappear!

If I had a dollar for every post I've seen about NET neutrality...

...the rest of this comment is only viewable with premium membership. Upgrade for $79.99.


If this 'A' gets to the front page, I'll delete this text and it'll make people go crazy wondering how an A got to the front page.
Post mysterious comments like So true! And don't talk about how it's an inside joke.

Watched a YouTube clip staring a special needs comedian

I wanted to post below about how inspiring it was but it said, "comments are disabled" [True story]

Do you guys know why in every post of this sub, the best punchline is always in the comments?

In the comments

Can everyone who thought it was coming home please reply to this post.

Because the real joke is in the comments.

I hate when people comment on their own posts to make theirself seem more popular. Especially when thwy forget to change account.

Christopher Columbus is like...

...the person who comments First on a post even though they are not the first.

Waiter: ...and if you need anything, my name is Dave

Me: What's your name if I don't need anything?
(Yes, this is a repost of a comment, but since I posted the original, I figure I'm entitled.)

Ever remember a joke but not where you heard it?

No problem. Just post it here and someone in the comments will give you the entire history of every time it was every made over the past 30 years.

There are two types of human beings found on Facebook. One who gets enormous amount of likes and comments on their posts. And the others are men.


When is it FINALLY okay to start upvoting or commenting on a p**.../rule34 post?

When you forget to switch accounts....

14. Having your title be an extension of the post as well

Things I hate
1 Lists
2 Irony
4 Numbers being out of order
5 Skipping numbers
F Inconsistency
7 Repetition
7 Repetition
8 Speling wurdz rong
10 Replying to your own comment

Bad punz 1

Got electrocuted at work today.
Didn't think That would happen to me.
I was shocked.
I know you're trying not to laugh,
But give up.
Resistance is futile.
This post isn't going anywhere.
One could say it appears to be static.
It Has taken all my will power to type these.
I hate my current self.
Pls comment "NO PART 2 PLS GOD NO" so i can die a happy man.

Looking for a particular joke

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post. There's a joke shot fishing rods and stuff. Or about Movie recordings. I'm not sure which. Either way, comment it below. I hear the reel joke is always in the comments.

I made a pencil with two erasers.

It was pointless...
PS: I actually didn't, but it's my favourite bad joke, and it's my cake day, so I can do whatever I want!
Edit #1: If you didn't see my comment somehow, I feel scammed, because at the time of posting this, I yet had like 2 hours of my cake day left. I guess Reddit doesn't use European time...
Edit #2: I feel honoured to receive my first award ever!

My wife's friend had a baby...

She posted a picture on Facebook and my wife commented "Aww, what a little angle." I replied to my wife's comment "Ya, she's pretty acute."
I felt like a tremendous nerd for even thinking of a geometry joke, but ya...

My project manager posted in linkedin 'When I die,I want my developers to carry my coffin so that they can put me down one last time"

I commented on that post
"For the first time ,you have mentioned the requirements clearly".

My daughter posted a FB status asking where's the best place to get a nose piercing

I commented: on the nose

Thank you.

I read the post from u/AndiPandi92 about how she woke her dad up every morning with a joke from this subreddit. It is a beautiful post as are the comments. It inspired me to do the same for my dad. I already see him once a week - he has had seven strokes, can hardly talk but has an enormous brain capacity - very sharp and an easy laugh. I have told him jokes for two days and both times he laughed so tears fell down his cheeks (my mom told me afterwards) and he say thank you afterwards.
So thank you from me and my dad - you are all awesome ❤

How to post the world's best joke here…

Post an average joke, then inevitably a better joke will be added to the comments, steal that joke and post it, take that joke's best comment joke and post it, repeat ad infinitum. Voila the world's best joke guaranteed eventually.