
Postal Jokes

72 postal jokes and hilarious postal puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about postal that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! Why did the duck cross the road? To get to the other side! Why did the mosquito cross the road? To get to the other side! Why did the banana cross the road? Because he was sick of being mashed! Why did

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Funniest Postal Short Jokes

Short postal jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The postal humour may include short inbox jokes also.

  1. It must be hard for women to work in the postal service. It's such a MAIL dominated industry.
  2. I told my daughter she should reconsider becoming a postal worker. It's difficult to make it in a mail dominated industry.
  3. It's crazy how sexist the postal service is. I guess that's natural with such a mail dominated industry.
  4. There's radical feminist plot to attack the postal service... They heard it was a mail dominated industry..
    ( Possibility OC?)
  5. I feel terrible for women who work for the USPS or other postal services.... It's such a mail-dominated industry
  6. Does anyone else have trouble remembering whether the postal abbreviation for Maine is ma, mi or mn? Or is it just me?
  7. Yesterday I accidentally sent a n**... picture of myself to everyone in my address book. Not only was it embarrassing but it cost a fortune in stamp.
  8. What's the difference between the Secret Service and the Postal Service? One protects your secrets and one goes through your mail, and you'll *never* guess which is which.
  9. The United States Postal Service is, in the interest of gender neutrality, discontinuing the title of "Mailman" and changing it to "Personman".
  10. What does the Postal Service have in common with Medieval Blacksmiths? They both deliver the Mail.

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Postal One Liners

Which postal one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with postal? I can suggest the ones about post office and paste.

  1. Why are women in the Postal service…. When it's such a mail dominated industry.
  2. Why do feminists hate the US Postal Service? Because it is a mail dominated industry
  3. My joke about negligence in the postal service isn't bad but the delivery is messed up
  4. Why do feminists hate the Worldwide Postal System? Because it is a mail focused system
  5. Why are postal carriers the most masculine profession? Because they're male men
  6. Why do feminists hate the postal service? Because they deliver straight white mail.
  7. Another hard day of work At the US postal service.
  8. Britain has more than one royal mail Like you Philip Harry Charles and the postal service
  9. Reports show that feminists don't like the US postal service They don't like male
  10. What do you call a pregnant man who's also a postal worker? A male carrier
  11. Chuck Norris sent a e-mail through the postal service.
  12. Yo mama's so fat.. She have her own postal code
  13. If a guy postal worker is a mailman, what is a girl postal worker? Female.
  14. What do you call a transgender postal worker? A Male Lady
  15. I got a job with the Postal Service So I could tell people I'm a mail e**....

Postal Service Jokes

Here is a list of funny postal service jokes and even better postal service puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Several feminist organizations have attacked the postal service for the use of the word "Mailman"... In response to the demands, they've switched to "Femaleman".
  • Article on the future of L.A. rapper "Post Malone" was withdrawn from print by local mail service. Or;
    Post on post-Post Malone's career and goals was postponed from posting by postal service.
  • What do the Dallas Cowboys and the Postal Service have in common? Both, don't deliver on Sundays.
  • Courage, Discipline, Faith. We are the total package. Join the United States Postal Service.
  • Why do some find the postal service offensive? Because the postal service assumes items being shipped are male.
  • What did the United States postal service name it's new disabled driver outreach program? [OC] Ups and downs!
  • So, if someone who works for the Postal Service did an AMA and answered every single question... ...does that mean OP delivered?
  • Why does the US Government own and regulate the postal service? Because while right now we're united, if you switch the right two letters we become untied.
  • I just got a job with the postal service So I can call myself a mail e**...
  • What kind of tattoo does a Postal Service worker get? A t**... stamp, and it says, "No postage necessary if nailed in the US."

Postal Worker Jokes

Here is a list of funny postal worker jokes and even better postal worker puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Postal workers are some of the most innovative people around They really push the envelope.
  • A good postal worker can leave you with a smile on your face for the rest of the day. A bad postal worker uses staples.
  • Why doesn't the postal worker's wife have s**... with him on his day off? Because mail men don't come on Sundays.
  • I'm not sure what to call the woman postal worker but apparently "female mailman lady" is **not** it.
  • You know why postal workers are great at s**...? They know to lick it before you stick it
  • Why did the t**... postal worker get arrested? Committing male fraud
  • What do you call a t**... postal worker? a mail lady
Postal joke, What do you call a t**... postal worker?

Postal joke, What do you call a t**... postal worker?

Delightful Fun Postal Jokes for a Roaring Good Time

What funny jokes about postal you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean mail jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make postal pranks.

I slashed my Postal Delivery Driver's tires today

I wanted to be sure *all* of my last minute packages had flat rate shipping.

What is the Italian postal motto?

We know where **you** live, your family too!

8 Days' Worth

Mary goes to the post office to buy 50 stamps for her Hanukkah cards. What denomination? asks the postal clerk.
Mary thinks a second before 
replying, Give me six Orthodox, 
12 Conservative, and 32 Reform.

USPS releases a stamp with Trump's picture

The US Postal Services releases a stamp with a picture of President Trump. But the new stamp was not sticking to envelopes. This enraged the President, who demanded a full investigation.
After weeks of testing and $1.73 million in congressional spending, a special Presidential commission presented the following findings:
The stamp is in perfect order. There is nothing wrong with the adhesive. The fact is, people are spitting on the wrong side.

The US Postal service released a new stamp with a picture of Donald Trump on it, however the new stamp isn't sticking to envelopes. The POTUS got an investigation underway.

Investigation outcome:
There's nothing wrong with the stamp.
People are spitting on the wrong side.

How do you know that it really is a post office employee that goes postal?

The bullets hit the wrong building three days late.

Everyone knows the Beverly Hills postal code os 90210

But did you know the Dawson's Creek post code is 90108 (...for our lives to be over)

A postal carrier is working on a new beat.......

when all of a sudden he comes upon a garden gate marked BEWARE OF THE PARROT!
Befuddled, he looks down the walk and into the garden and, sure enough, there is indeed a parrot sitting on its perch.
He has a little chuckle to himself at the sign and the parrot there on its perch.
The mailman opens the gate and walks into the garden.
He gets as far as the parrot's perch, when suddenly the parrot calls out: "REX, ATTACK!"

The US postal service releases a stamp of Donald Trump

After sometime, reports start to come in that the stamp was not sticking. Infuriated that his own stamps were not working, Trump conducted a $1,300,000 investigation to find out what happened. After eliminating all of the possibilities, they observe the post office to see if the fault was on the consumers end. They soon found out that people were spitting on the wrong side.

The U.S. postal services came out with a new Donald Trump stamp. Although they received many complaints that they were defective!

After polling the public on how the stamp is defective, they figured out nothing was wrong with the stamp at all!
The americans were just not spitting on the right side!

It's 294 days after the US Election...

...Biden has progressed to 269.99 electoral votes, and Nevada has discovered 26 million uncounted postal votes that were discovered on 'Storage Wars'. More updates coming soon.

Air Postal Service

A man sets down three pieces of luggage at a very famous **International Airlines** (*that shall not be named*) check-in counter and says, "I want the brown bag to go to London, the black one to go to Paris," he said. "And keep the third bag here till my return from Australia next week for pick up."
The check-in clerk blinked. A supervisor standing behind him overheard the request and came up. "I am sorry sir, but we are not the **post office**," he said, "we can't do that."
"Why not?" the irate passenger said, raising his voice, "That's what you did the last time!"

John Cleese Joke ..

The U.S. Postal service created a series of commemorative stamps commemorating lawyers, but they had to withdraw them within a couple of weeks because people couldn't figure out which side of the stamp to spit on.

Postal joke, Does anyone else have trouble remembering whether the postal abbreviation for Maine is ma, mi or mn?

jokes about postal