Porpoise Jokes
113 porpoise jokes and hilarious porpoise puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about porpoise that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Porpoise Short Jokes
Short porpoise jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The porpoise humour may include short porcupine jokes also.
- For my cake day, a joke I made up as a kid: Why is Aquaman such a dedicated super hero? Because he was born with a sense of porpoise.
- Every day I go down to the harbour and throw fish to a baby dolphin. My friends say it's a waste of time. But at least I'm serving a youthful porpoise.
- Why don't dolphins make mistakes? They do everything on porpoise.
I thought of this myself, but I'm probably late to the punch. - A dolphin trespassed and took over my pool... I guess I could drain it, but that would defeat the porpoise.
- THERAPIST: What's the problem with your marriage? WIFE: He replaces words with animal names just to annoy me ME: I don't do it on porpoise
- I heard that dolphins have vestigial legs... It would seem evolution defeeted the porpoise.
- I've spent my whole life searching for an invisible dolphin. But now I don't see the porpoise.
- People say I should find a friend that isn't a marine mammal. But that defeats the porpoise.
- I got so angry with poachers illegally killing dolphins that I began randomly implanting some with tiny bombs. But it just ended up defeating the porpoise.
- My wife asked me if I had heard that female dolphins have clitorises that are very similar to humans. I asked her why she was telling me this.
She replied, "Do you think God did that on porpoise?"
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Porpoise One Liners
Which porpoise one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with porpoise? I can suggest the ones about whale and moose.
- Hello, this is Seaworld... your call may be recorded for training porpoises
- A Swiss Army Knife is a lot like a pod of dolphins... Multi-porpoise!
- Why was the dolphin sad? He had no porpoise in life.
- Why dont they allow harpoons in dolphin hospitals? It defeats the porpoise
- I hate dolphins... ...for all intents and porpoises.
- My wife started swimming for exercise... she said it gave her a sense of porpoise.
- Why was the dolphin keeper depressed? Because he had no porpoise.
- What do philosophical dolphins say? What's the porpoise?
- Hello, you're through to Sea World Your call may be used for training Porpoises.
- I'd make a joke about a Dolphin But I don't see the Porpoise.
- Why was the dolphin depressed? It had no porpoise in life
- Last summer I rode a dolphin on accident. Usually it's on porpoise.
- Why shouldn't you throw away an old dolphin? Because they can be re-porpoised!
- What do you use to clean dolphins and whales? All porpoise cleaner
- I'm so sad since my pet marine mammal died. It's like my life has no porpoise anymore.
Dolphin Porpoise Jokes
Here is a list of funny dolphin porpoise jokes and even better dolphin porpoise puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What do you call a dolphin that doesn't know what to do with its life? A porpoise without a purpose.
This is my own material, be kind :) - I bought a dolphin Now my life has a porpoise.
- What did the dolphin say when he got in trouble? "I didn't do it on Porpoise!!"
- Scientists have discovered a way to make dolphins nearly invisible to the human eye. I don't really see the porpoise.
- I went on a camping trip to try to save the dolphins. It was a waste of time for all in tents and porpoises.
- Why are dolphins so passionate? Because they have a sense of porpoise.
- Anybody see that movie about the dog who befriends a dolphin? A Dog's Porpoise
- Did you hear about the man who bought a dolphin? He didn't want to live life without a porpoise!
- What did the dolphin say during its existential crisis? I feel that my life has no porpoise.
- So scientists have invented a way to turn dolphins nearly invisible It's pretty neat, but I don't really see the porpoise.

Uplifting Porpoise Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about porpoise you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean sea animal jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make porpoise pranks.
A marine biologist developed a race of genetically engineered dolphins...
could live forever if they were fed a steady diet of seagulls. One day, his
supply of the birds ran out so he had to go out and trap some more. On the way
back, he spied two lions asleep on the road. Afraid to wake them, he gingerly
stepped over them. Immediately, he was arrested and charged with transporting
gulls across sedate lions for immortal porpoises.
Why did the marine park worker feel aimless?
Because they lacked porpoises.
You know how dolphins r**... a lot?
They do it on porpoise.
A Dolphin meets the Buddha...
The Buddha says you may ask me any question young dolphin and I shall answer for you.
The Dolphin thinks about what he should ask and after several minutes of soul searching he ask the Buddha "What is my Porpoise in life?"
What did the sea-world trainer's friend say to him after he spilled water on his friends lap?
You did that on porpoise
This joke goes out to all the campers and dolphins in the world.
For all in tents and porpoises, that is.
Why did the dolphin kill himself?
A lack of porpoise.
Did you hear about the college for dolphins?
It was for educational porpoises only.
Did you hear about the guy who was caught having s**... at Sea World?
Apparently he did it on porpoise.
Thought I could put dolphin in my fish pie.
Until I noticed I was using all porpoise flour.
What did the nihilistic sea world trainer say to his boss?
"There is no porpoise."
My dolphin died...
I have no porpoise in life.
Sea World threw me out for trying to ride the manatee
What's the big deal? It's not like I did it on porpoise!
Marine Biologists
A team of marine biologists accidentally catch a porpoise in one of their nets. They about to let it go, when they notice it has feet! They study it and perform tests, and are now ready to release it. One of the biologists asks, "Why don't we cut its feet off?" To which the other replies, "That would defeat the porpoise!"
Why couldn't the dolphin choose a career?
She had no sense of porpoise.
What did the depressed dolphin say?
I need a porpoise.
Why did the fisherman commit s**... when the last dolphin died?
Because his life had no porpoise.
I rang my telecom provider.
Before I got through , I had to say "Jump through the hoop! Do a flip!"
They said my call may be recorded for training porpoises.
Thank you for calling SeaWorld, your call may be used for training porpoises.
Why was God hesitant to implement his evolution idea?
He worried it would defeet the porpoise.
Why can't you ever accidentally ride a dolphin?
Because it's always on porpoise
Help I killed a dolphin!!!
It wasn't on porpoise.
New Original joke
I had s**... on top of a dolphin,
You could say I did it on porpoise.
Why was the dolphin happy?
It found a porpoise in life.
I once tried driving to Mexico to steal a couple pet dolphins.
But I was arrested for trying to enter the country for i**... porpoises.
Dolphin joke...made it up myself today. :)
An aquarium guide brought a group of visitors around to see the dolphins, which were split up into two tanks. In the first tank the dolphins were all having fun, playing around with a beach ball. In the second tank the dolphins were training, working hard on a new trick. One of the visitors asked the guide, "So is this tank for the more serious dolphins?" The guide said, "Yes, for all intensive porpoises."
I was thinking about building a campground with a theme of aquatic life.
A vacation for sea lovers and campers alike, to all in-tents and porpoises.
I rang Seaworld the other day.
A lady answered the phone and said "This call may be recorded for training porpoises"
What is a dolphin's favorite book?
The porpoise driven life.
I honestly didn't know what I wanted to do with my life until i discovered dolphin-watching.
You could say I found my porpoise.
It only costs 1 penny to get into our local aquarium, as long as you're camping or dressed as a dolphin...
So, to all in tents and porpoises, it's free!
Why did the dolphin cross the road?
No porpoise.
My Marine Biologist friend was so excited about her job.
She said she's found her life porpoise.
I was recently asked why I bought paper with dolphins on them
Because the paper was multi-porpoise.
A Texas Biologist
A Texas biologist, who discovered that the life of a porpoise could be prolonged indefinitely if it were fed a steady diet of seagulls, has been arrested at the Louisiana border. He faces charges of transporting gulls across state lines for immortal porpoises.
Did you know that dolphins have existential crisis too?
They wonder if their life has a porpoise.
Even though Sea World is shut down, the animals still need to be taken care of
Obama answers the call for volunteers. On his first day, they assign him to feed the baby dolphins.
As he is doing so, another volunteer accosts him "Our country is in crisis. Don't you have anything better to do?"
He replied "I think I'm serving a youthful porpoise."
Did you know that dolphins can commit s**...
On porpoise?
What do dolphins use to keep clean?
Multi-porpoise cleaner.
The wizard materialized on the hill above the outdoor festival and proclaimed, All shall be vanquished.... except those in temporary shelters supported by a pole, and fully aquatic animals with s**...-shaped teeth!
The area was safe for all in tents and porpoises.
An old man owned a dolphin
A few kids went to the old man and asked
"Why do you own a dolphin?"
The old man smiled and said
"When I was younger my dreams were crushed so I bought a dolphin."
He smiled.
"Buying him gave me a porpoise in life."
A scientist is looking to conduct an experiment using dolphins
He goes to the pet store and asks the clerk if they have any dolphins
The clerk responds We don't have any dolphins, but would a whale work?
The scientist responds No thank you, that defeats the porpoise
So everyone is getting mad at me after telling jokes about marine wildlife
I think it's a turtle over reaction. It just being shellfish and it's giving me a bad haddock. I mean, I don't do them on porpoise...
From my 8 yr old: Why did the girl dolphin not forgive the boy dolphin?
Because he did it on porpoise!
My buddy has been really depressed since his pet dolphin died.
His life has no porpoise.
Did you hear about the dolphin being killed?
Apparently it was on porpoise.
Did you hear about the existential crisis at Sea World?
Given all the pressure they're under to release their animals, they're fearful of a porpoise-less existence...
I'll see myself out.
Remember: If you are riding a dolphin...
The everything you do is completely on Porpoise.
Why do sharks have teeth?
For eating porpoises.
Does a porpoise know its purpose?
Dolphinately not.
What did the shark say after he bit the dolphin?
I'm sorry, I meant to do that on porpoise.