Polio Jokes
72 polio jokes and hilarious polio puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about polio that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Polio jokes have been around since the early 1900s, when the disease was still prominent in the US. But have you ever stopped to consider why this type of humor seems so pervasive, despite being a tragedy for many? This article explores how and why polio jokes have become so ubiquitous, how they can provide a narrative to help us process the memories of the measles and polio vaccines, and how they can still be used in a humorous way today.
Funniest Polio Short Jokes
Short polio jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The polio humour may include short polo jokes also.
- "Mom, why didn't you vaccinate me?" "I didn't want you to get autism, honey."
"Thanks mom. I could have not survived having autism and polio at the same time." - I'm surprised so many people stand up against vaccinating their kids. I thought the Polio would have prevented that.
- Did you hear about the recent polio outbreak among Stormtroopers? I guess it's because they always miss their shots.
- What's the difference between a folder of an artist work and a diseased strong hold? One's a portfolio, and the other's fort polio
- A patient overhears the doctor yelling, "Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, Covid..." He asks the nurse what's going on. The nurse replies, "Oh, he just likes to call the shots around here."
- Polio is a lot like how Japan was in World War 2. Two drops and you'll be able to get rid of it.
- Non vaccinated I don't believe in vaccines for my children. FDR never had the polio vaccine and he was President for 12 years.
- What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... ...except for polio
- What's an unvaccinated child's favorite game to play in the pool? Marco Polio
- What is the saddest Olympic sport to watch? Water Polio
Share These Polio Jokes With Friends
Polio One Liners
Which polio one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with polio? I can suggest the ones about chicken pox and swine flu.
- What game do Anti-Vaxxer's kids play in the pool? Marco Polio
- What .io game did people in the 1920s play Pol.io
- What do anti-vaxx children play in the pool? Marco-Polio
- Do you know what game non-vaccinated kids play? Marco Polio.
- Did you hear the joke about polio? It used to be killer, but no one gets it anymore.
- What's an anti-vaxxer's favorite game? Marco Polio.
- What game do unvaccinated kids play in swimming pools? Marco Polio
- What do you call a game that antivaxxed children play? Marco Polio
- Antivax kid in the pool Marco!
Polio! - 1890s Kids will get this Polio
- A joke but only anti-vax kids get it. Polio
- What's an anti vaxx kids favourite game? Marco polio
- What do Anti-Vax kids play in school? Marco Polio
- Two anti-vaxxers walked into a bar And died of polio
- What did Helen Keller get for Christmas? Polio, she had everything else!
Polio Vaccines Jokes
Here is a list of funny polio vaccines jokes and even better polio vaccines puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- These vaccinated kids miss out on so much in life and it's disgusting Polio, measles, rubella, typhoid, the list just goes on and on really
- My parents refused to vaccinate beacause they thought it caused autism Now I have autism and polio
- What do you call an un-vaccinated fat kid? Roly Polio

Uproarious Polio Jokes to Share with Friends
What funny jokes about polio you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean poly jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make polio pranks.
What's an antivax kid's favourite game?
Marco - Polio
*Anti-vax kids splashing happily in the pool* "Marco!"
Polio !
Hey baby, is your name Polio?
Because I am stiff below the waist
Polio walks into a bar
and no one walks out.
What is a great game for unvaccinated children?
Marco Polio
What do you call a pirate with polio?
FD Arghhhh.
The anti-vax movement just got its first clothing sponsor
Polio Ralph Lauren
Only 2010's kids will get this.
Polio and shingles.
What sport is all the rage in the anti vaxxer community?
Water polio.
Terrible diseases...
A newlywed couple on their honeymoon prepares to see each other n**... for the first time.
The husband exposes his knotted and twisted feet. He explains, "I had tolio as a child."
The wife asks if he means polio. He says, "No, it only affects the toes."
He removes his pants and reveals deformed knees. He admits, "I had kneesles, too."
Finally, he pulls off his boxers. In shock, the woman gasps, "Oh no -- smallcox, too!"
Jenny Mccarthy better be careful outside in the cold in NYC.
She might catch polio.
What does someone with polio get for breakfast?
Scrambled legs
A Man and Woman are getting it on for the first time
She takes his socks off and notices his gnarly toes
"What happen to your toes?" she asks
he says " when i was a child i suffered from Toelio"
She says "you mean Polio?
He says "no it's like polio but of the toes"
She isn't willing to let this stop her. And she slides his pants down and notices his oddly colored weirdly shaped knees.
"What happened to your knees?" she asks
"in my teens i had the kneesles" he says
She said "you mean the measles?"
he says "no it's like the measles but of the knees"
Still this won't stop her. She slides his boxers down. She giggles and says "let me guess...smallcox"
What's an anti-vaxxers favorite sport?
Water Polio
Ativaxxers: Marco!
World: Polio!
What's a fun, stationary pool game that really gets the lungs pumping?
Marco, Polio!
How did the Iron Giant breathe when he got polio?
With iron lungs.
What is the reason that only 'Anti-Vax' jokes are becoming top post nowadays?
Well, because most of the Anti-vaxxer's have died from polio to downvote those jokes and make them disappear.
Essential Oils found to help with Polio
They are effective in cases of polio to lubricate the seal between between the one's neck, and the iron lung.
What kind of clothes do anti-vaxxers love to dress their kids in?
Ralph Lauren Polio
A lawyer, garbage collector, and hair stylist sit down at a bar
The lawyer orders a shot of whiskey and drinks it right away. The garbage collector orders some tequila and downs it immidiatly. The hair stylist says "I don't do shots" and then quickly dies of polio.
What would Christopher Walken's name be if he had polio?
Christopher Wheelin'
A newlywed couple on their honeymoon prepares to see each other n**... for the first time. The husband exposes his knotted and twisted feet. He explains, "I had tolio as a child." The wife asks if he means polio. He says, "No, it only affects the toes." He removes his pants and reveals deformed knees. He admits, "I had kneesles, too." Finally, he pulls off his boxers. In shock, the woman gasps, "Oh no -- smallcox, too!"
What .io games did people play in 1920?
A nurse, a doctor, and an anti-vaxxer walk into a bar.
A nurse, a doctor, and an anti-vaxxer walk into a bar.
The nurse sits down at the bar and says, "I'll have a b**... Mary!"
The doctor sits next to her and says, "Give me a r**... and coke!"
The anti-vaxver says, "No shots for me."
She then collapses and dies from polio.
New doctors
An old couple goes to see a new doctor , the doctor greets them and asks: have you had any deseases or injuries ?
The man replies : I hurt my toe years ago and I think I had Toelio ?
Doctor says: Toelio ? You mean Polio ?
Doctor again asks : anything else ?
The man replies : I hurt my knee years ago and I think I had kneeeasals ?
Doctor relies : kneeeasals? You mean measles ?
Doctor is reluctant to ask but asks: is there anything else ?
The man says : yes and the man drops his pants
The doctor says : let me guess smallcocks ?
A man is being examined by his doctor.
He hears a voice down the hall, yelling.
"Polio! Diphtheria! Measles! Chicken pox!"
Alarmed, he asks his doctor what's going on.
"Don't worry," the doctor says. "That's just our head nurse. She likes to call the shots around here."