
Police Academy Jokes

8 police academy jokes and hilarious police academy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about police academy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Giggle-Inducing Police Academy Jokes for Joyful Times with Friends

What is a good police academy joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

My girlfriend asked me to choke her and hit her during s**... but it makes me feel guilty.

I'm joining the police academy to learn how to a**... and choke someone without being guilty.

I was discharged from the police academy for refusing to wear anything except Delta hats, Boeing ties, and JetBlue shirts.

I just wanted to be a plane-clothes cop.

A Mother's Day joke.

A recruit at a police academy is asked some difficult questions when it comes to the job. He is asked,
"If you pulled over your mother, and had to arrest her, what would you do?"
The recruit replies, "I'd call for backup"

I applied to the police academy

The academy head approached me "I am afraid I have to decline your application".
"What's the problem?"
"Your family history. Specifically your mother and father."
"My parents are happily married."
"That's the problem. All cops are b**...."

I found a stash of guns in my academy and reported it to the police

Needless to say i was kicked out of the gun academy

Did you know some dogs don't pass the Police Academy?

...they didn't pass the pawlygraph test.

Four cops had to take a test...

They were all asked the same question:
"What would you do if a man with a knife was coming at you?"
The Cop from the U.K answered by listing the steps in order what he was taught to do in Police Academy and in the Police Handbook
The Cop from the U.S Answered:
The Cop from Japan answered:
"Disarm the man and arrest him using any form of martial arts that is best suited"
The Cop from Canada answered:
"Please put the knife down."

Why did the dyslexic police academy applicant get shot when he showed up for an interview?

He let the Captain know he was an aspiring POC on his cover letter.

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