Poker Game Jokes
51 poker game jokes and hilarious poker game puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about poker game that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Poker Game Short Jokes
Short poker game jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The poker game humour may include short poker jokes also.
- My mate's gambling is getting out of hand. He's just bet his newborn son in our game of poker.
I thought, "I might have to raise him." - All the big cats gathered for a game of poker. Why did the tiger lose? Because one of his opponents kept on lion. Another had a puma-nent poker face. But the real problem was the cheetah.
- Why did the vampire get nervous during the poker game? His opponent had just raised the stakes.
- Two zombies were playing a game of poker The first one threw his hand in the pile and the other laughed his head off.
- Why does Queen Elizabeth's toilet do so well in poker games? Because it's got a royal flush.
- Why was the poker game at the zoo cancelled? Some believed that there was a cheetah among them.
- Poker game I was playing poker with my friends Robin and Drake and some of their distant cousins.
There was this one chick who won almost every hand.
I can't be sure but I suspect fowl play. - 1 and 2 were playing poker. Suddenly, 2 discovers 1 is cheating. Angry, 2 shouts at 1: "Three can play that game!"
- The best hand of all Had some buddies over to play poker the night before my colonoscopy.
It was quite a game, flush after flush after flush. - Did you hear about the weekly poker game with Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Leif Erikson, and Francisco Pizarro? They can never seem to beat the Straights of Magellan.
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Poker Game One Liners
Which poker game one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with poker game? I can suggest the ones about card game and board game.
- How does Queen Elizabeth win a game of poker? She goes to the bathroom.
- Why don't cows play poker? Because it's a high steaks game
- Why do witches avoid poker games? Because they hate seeing the stakes being raised
- A toilet beat me at a game of Poker. I had a straight; it had a flush.
- I challenged an origami expert to a game of poker. He folded.
- Which deck of cards does Professor Oak use for his poker games? His poker decks.
- BILL CLINTON'S FAVORITE CARD GAME Q: What is Bill Clinton's favorite card game?
A: Poker. - What's the best hand in a game of toilet poker? A straight flush.
- Chuck Norris once won a Poker tournament using only Pokemon cards.
- What did the tiger say to the leopard at the poker game? You better not be a cheetah
- Did u hear about the l**... poker game? everyone threw their hands in
- j**... Seinfeld at a Poker game: What's the deal?
- When does a s**... poker game start getting good? When somebody's got a big pair showin'.
- Growing up I always heard life is like a game of poker.... And I'm one j**...

Uplifting Poker Game Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about poker game you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean playing cards jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make poker game pranks.
Q: Did you hear about the l**... poker game?
A: o**... threw in his hand and the other three laughed their heads off.
Eating spicy food is like...
Having your whole body sit down for a game of poker. Your stomach always wins while your sinuses and intestines get cleaned out.
The Bat family were playing a game of "old maid" with a poker deck...
Needless to say it was a never ending game. Everyone wanted the joker.
2 boxes
2 boxes finish a game of poker. One says to the other "hey man you fancy another game?", to which the other one replies "no.. i'm cardboard'
What did one bird say to the other bird when he played five aces in a poker game?
Cheat, cheat, cheat.
Entering a friend's home for his weekly poker game, Slick is amazed to see a dog sitting at the table.
He's even more surprised when the dog wins the first hand with a full house, and takes the second with a royal flush.
"This is unreal," Slick says after the dog wins the next two hands. "He's got to be only dog in the world that can play like that."
"Aw, he's not so great," says the host. "There's a dog in Las Vegas who doesn't wag his tail every time he gets a good hand."
My gambling addiction must be getting out of hand because I've just lost my wife in a game of poker...
She said "How could you do such a thing, losing your wife in a s**... card game!?"
I replied, "Sorry honey, it was very hard for me at the time."
She said, "What do you mean?"
I replied, "Well, it wasn't easy, folding when I had four aces."
A chicken, a goose and a pheasant were sitting in a tavern drinking…
The chicken said, "How about we go back to my place and play s**... poker?"
The goose nodded its head, the pheasant said "I'm game."
A Guy Gets Home From Playing Poker....
...and says to his wife, "Pack your bags. I just lost you to Frank in a Poker game."
She indignantly exclaims, "How could you do such a thing?"
"It wasn't easy," he replied. "I had to fold a full house."
I like to think of the act of p**... like a game of poker
You go all in with a royal flush.
I joined an underground poker game at the local gay bar...
and lost my a**... to a pair of queens.
100 years ago, a poor Polish immigrant was begging for money in New York city
Suddenly, a stranger appears and starts to talk with her.
Stranger: What is your name, sad lady
Lady: My name is Edit, I am the daughter of Solomon and Alta. I am asking for help because I have nothing to eat
Stranger: I just won this golden coin in a game of poker. I feel guilty for keeping something earned so dishonestly. Looks like you could have better use for it.
My wife challenged me to a game of s**... poker, but then I realized she just wanted to do laundry.
So I folded.
A man wins a neighborhood door prize.
it's a toilet brush, and a week later, some of the guys invited him him to their weekly poker game. While there, one of them asks, "Hey Ollie, how's that toilet brush, the one you won from us neighbors?" Ollie responds, "Well, it works real good, but I prefer toilet paper."
Dog Casino
A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. "What's new with you?" the bartender asks. "Well I just opened a new casino for dogs. They can play poker, black jack, roulette... almost all the games," the guy says. "They have to go outside for craps, though."
A bunch of cows were smoking w**... & playing poker.
Man, we're those steaks high in that game!