
Poems Jokes

56 poems jokes and hilarious poems puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about poems that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover an array of humorous poems from various styles and authors featuring engaging haiku poems, witty love poems, captivating lyric poems, and silly sonnets. Enjoy a variety of creative and funny poems to tickle your funny bone!

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Funniest Poems Short Jokes

Short poems jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The poems humour may include short poetry jokes also.

  1. I dig, she dig, we dig, he dig, they dig, you dig .. It's not a beautiful poem but it's really deep.
  2. There Once Was A Poet Named Bates, His poems weren't always first rate,
    His first lines weren't bad, but the problem he had,
    Was that he always tried to put too many syllables into the last line.
  3. I wrote a poem. I dig.
    You dig.
    She digs.
    He digs.
    They dig.
    We dig.
    Now I know it's not a very good poem, but it's pretty deep.
  4. A Valentines Poem Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    whitney houston is dead
    and iiiiiiieeeeiiiii will always love yoooouooooou
  5. I dig, you dig, we dig, he dig, she dig, they dig. It might not be a beautiful poem but it's very deep.
  6. You dig ,I dig, she dig, he dig, we dig, they dig. It's not a great poem but it's very deep.
  7. There once was a man named Brent He made poems wherever he went
    The poems were fine
    But on the very last line
    He added too many syllables
  8. I just heard a beautiful poem... "I dig, you dig, we
    dig, he dig, she dig,
    they dig, we all dig."
    I'll admit it's not a very *beautiful* poem, but it sure is deep.
  9. Let me tell you a little poem. I dig
    You dig
    He digs
    We dig
    And so do they

    Not a great poem, but it's very deep.
  10. A short poem about women's underwear... > Rose's are red,
    Violet's are blue,
    Heather's are green.
    ~Lee Mack

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Poems One Liners

Which poems one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with poems? I can suggest the ones about wrote poem and hymns.

  1. When she screams "deeper!"... But you're all out of poems.
  2. I dig, you dig, he digs, she digs we dig, they dig. It's not a long poem, but it's deep.
  3. A Poem Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Stop memes about Harambe
    -Cincinnati Zoo
  4. I wrote a poem about communism for my English class I had to share it with everyone
  5. High quality Poem Error 404
    Your Haiku could not be found
    Try again later
  6. A poem about old ladies underwear Roses are red.
    Violets are blue.
    Margarets are green.
  7. Roses are red, violets are blue Some poems rhyme
    this is not one of them
  8. My dyslexic son came last in the school pottery contest... He wrote a poem.
  9. My Poem to you Roses are 0xff0000
    Violets are 0x0000ff
  10. I'm compiling a book of poems by felons. I'm going to call it "Prose and Cons".
  11. Poem I dig, she dig, he dig, they dig.
    Not a beautiful poem but it is deep.
  12. I've written a very short poem about myself. \*ahem\* Here it goes;
  13. What do you call a religious fish poem? A Psalmon.
  14. I call this poem Old Women's Knickers Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Ethels are green
  15. Dog Poem I am a dog And you are a flower. I lift my leg up And give you a shower.

Love Poems Jokes

Here is a list of funny love poems jokes and even better love poems puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Some love one,
    Some love two.
    I love one,
    That is you.
  • What poem do guys love, but their girlfriends hate? Ode to the Fortnite-ingale
  • NASA has finally announced what would have happened to the earth if the moon wasn't present. 50% less poems and love songs.
  • Best love poem Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm bad at poetry, date me
  • A poem for Valentine's Day Love is the f**... of every heart, for when held in it pains the host, but when released pains others most.
  • A love poem Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Tonight we'll have s**...
    Cuz I'm stronger than you.

Haiku Poems Jokes

Here is a list of funny haiku poems jokes and even better haiku poems puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Autocorrect Inspired Poem It means no worries
    For the rest of your days
    Haiku na Mattatta
  • High quality poem Error 404
    Your haiku could not be found
    Please try again
  • Did you know Tommy Wiseau wrote a poem? Oh, Haiku.
  • A hiker tried to write poems but he didn't know what to do
    he tried all kinds
    but cleared his mind
    when he went for a haiku.
Poems joke, A hiker tried to write poems

Poems joke, A hiker tried to write poems

Fun-Filled Poems Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle

What funny jokes about poems you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rhymes jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make poems pranks.

There Once Was A Poet Named Bates,

There Once Was A Poet Named Bates,
His poems weren't always first rate,
His first lines weren't bad, but the problem he had,
Was that he always tried to put too many syllables into the last line.

A dyslexic friend of mine thought it might help his condition if he joined a poetry club.

He hasn't come out with any poems yet, but he's made some pretty nice j**... and vases and stuff.

When your girlfriend tells you to go deeper...

... but you already ran out of poems to recite.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
faces like yours
belong in a zoo.
Don't worry I'll be there too,
not in the cage,
but laughing at you.

Winner of the National Championship for Poems - Category: "Timbuktu"

Tim and I off hunting went.
Found three girls in a pop up tent.
They were three and we were two.
So I bucked one and,
Tim bucked two.

Woman talking to her husband: My friend Susan said her boyfriend recites poems about love to her, I think that's so romantic, why can't you do something like that? Husband replies I can do that.

Roses are red your p**... are moist, I'd take you to bed, but I don't have a hoist.

I just finished reading a book by a group of amateur poets...

The poems aren't bad, but you can tell they're not prose.

Having some romantic time with yo girl when she asks you to go deeper

But you run out of poems.

Roses are blue
My thumb's got a sliver
I drank far too much and I'm killing my liver.

Grass is green,
trees are greener.
When I think of you,
I play with my wiener.

She told me to go deeper....

But I was all out of poems.

Birdie, birdie in the sky
Dropped some white stuff in my eye,
I'm a big girl I won't cry,
I'm just glad that cows don't fly.

Don't you hate it when your girlfriend asks you to go deeper

and you ran out of poems?

Little Lucy met Little Johnny after school and ask him, "Johnny do you you think I'm cute?"
Little Johnny looked at her from head to toe irritably and replied.
"Roses are red.
Your blood is too.
You look like a monkey.
And belong in a zoo.
Do not worry, I'll be there too.
Not in the cage, But laughing at you".

s**... is when a guys communication,
enters a girls information,
to increase the population,
for a younger generation,
do you get the information...
or do you need a demonstration.

Mary held her little daughter,
twenty minutes under water.
Not to care for any troubles,
just to look at those funny bubbles.

There was a crooked woman,
who ran a crooked mile.
She found a crooked w**...,
who always made her smile.
She belongs in prison,
for she is just a crook.
And if you don't believe me,
you can read it in her book.

If you have a grief nobody feels,
If you have a pain nobody feels.
If your heart is broken nobody feels,
but if you f**... all will understand.

Al Gore was a programmer and moreover, a poet

All his poems are now called AlGoreRhythms.

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My wife's face is green.
The room is now pink.
I think she yelled at me,
"That's your 21st drink!"

My analogies are like the world's best crafted poems


I hate it when a girl says to me "go deeper" .. but I'm out of poems

Poems joke, I hate it when a girl says to me "go deeper" .. but I'm out of poems

jokes about poems