
Plastic Wrap Jokes

54 plastic wrap jokes and hilarious plastic wrap puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about plastic wrap that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Plastic Wrap Short Jokes

Short plastic wrap jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The plastic wrap humour may include short saran wrap jokes also.

  1. A man walks into a psychiatrist's office He's wearing nothing but plastic wrap. The psychiatrist says, "no need for a diagnosis, I can clearly see your nuts!"
  2. Did you hear about the man who went to the psychiatrist's office wearing nothing but plastic wrap? The psychiatrist said "this won't take long, I can clearly see your nuts"
  3. A guy walks into a doctors office wearing nothing but clear plastic wrap... Doctor: "Well, I can clearly see your nuts."
  4. A guy wraps himself in plastic wrap A guy wraps himself in plastic wrap, no clothes or anything and walks into a psychologists office.
    The first thing she says is, "I can see your nuts."
  5. A man walks into a Psychiatrists office wrapped completely from neck to toe in nothing but plastic wrap... The Psychiatrist takes one look at him sighs and says, "Well, I can see your nuts."
  6. A guy walks into his psychiatrist's office The guy's wearing only plastic wrap for underwear. The psychiatrist looks at him and says, "I can see your nuts."
  7. Why are some cucumbers individually wrapped with plastic at the grocery store? Double usage
  8. A guy walks into the psychiatrist wearing only plastic wrap for shorts... The shrink says, "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts."
  9. I like my women like I like my plastic wrap. Clingy, easy to handle, and microwave and freezer tested.
  10. A man walks into a mental hospital wearing nothing but plastic wrap. The clerk says to him, "You definitely belong here, I can clearly see your nuts!"

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Plastic Wrap One Liners

Which plastic wrap one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with plastic wrap? I can suggest the ones about wrapping paper and gift wrap.

  1. Why are cucumbers sold in plastic wrapping? So you can still eat them after using them.
  2. How do you wrap plastic around a baby sheep? Lambinate
  3. A man wrapped in plastic goes to visit his shrink... Dr: Well, I clearly see your nuts.
  4. What brand of plastic wrap do they use in North Africa? Saharan Wrap
  5. I found a baby sheep wrapped in plastic sheets the other day It had been lamb-inated
  6. Why do thugs use plastic wrap instead of foil? Because it only sticks to itself
  7. I don't like plastic bags Because they wrap me onto something.
  8. I like my w**... like I like my women Wrapped in plastic and stuffed under the floor board

Plastic Wrap Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about plastic wrap you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean plastic bag jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make plastic wrap pranks.

A man walks into a psychiatrist's office n**... and wrapped in plastic wrap...

The psychiatrist takes one look at him and says "I can clearly see your nuts"

A teacher I had in high school told me this one. It may better when told out loud rather than read, but it's still funny.

A guy wearing nothing but plastic wrap walks into a psychiatrist's office.
The psychiatrist looks at the man and says,
"Well, I can clearly see your nuts"

A Man goes to the psychiatrist's office...

He walks into the psychiatrist's office wearing short made out of plastice wrap.
The psychiatrist takes one look at the man and says, "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts."

Latex gloves

A happy couple are laying in bed when the husband farts, the wife says to him "Harry, you f**... every morning in bed. One day you're going to f**... your guts out!" Harry just grunted and ignored her.
4 months later...
It's the morning after thanksgiving and the wife Fiona is looking in the fridge when she notices the insides of the turkey in plastic wrap. She knows what she had to do. She goes upstairs and while Harry is sleeping she slips the insides into his boxers. She goes back downstairs and acts like nothing ever happened.
15 minutes later...
Fiona hears a scream from upstairs, and she sees Harry run down the stairs straight into the bathroom.
10 minutes later...
Fiona hears the door open and Harry walks out of the bathroom. "Are you okay honey? Fiona's says.
"Well, you know how you said I would f**... my guys out? Well it happened, but with some pliers and a pair of latex gloves I managed to get most of them back in.

I like my women how I like my cheese..., filled with holes, and wrapped in plastic in my fridge.

A guy goes to the psychiatrist...

...wearing shorts made of clear plastic wrap. The psychiatrist looks at him and says, "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts!"

In the shrinks office...

* jack paces around muttering "I'm a wig-Wam; I'm a tee-pee. I'm a wig-wam; I'm a tee-pee." Shrink urges, "you need to take a seat, you're too tents."
* meanwhile the receptionist presses the emergency button because a deranged man walked in wearing nothing but a plastic wrap thong. Shrink asks through the intercom, "why do you think he's deranged?" The receptionist responds, "Doc, I can clearly see he's nuts."

A man goes to see a psychologist wear only plastic wrap on his whole body

The psychologist says well I can see your nuts

I like my women like I like my beef

Slaughtered and then wrapped in plastic with an expiration date stamped on

A man walks into a psychiatrist's office wearing only shorts made of plastic cling wrap..

A man walks into a psychiatrist's office wearing only shorts made of plastic cling wrap. The man says to the shrink, "Sir, I need you to evaluate me." The psychiatrist looks up from his clipboard, sighs, and says, "Well, I can clearly see your nuts."

A man walks into his psychiatrist's office wearing nothing but underwear made out of plastic wrap...

Appalled, the receptionist exclaims, "Sir, I can clearly see you're nuts!"

A guy walks into a bar wearing plastic wrap pants...

The bartender says "Whoa there buddy, just turn around and leave - I can clearly see you're nuts!"

A man walks into a psychiatrists office wearing plastic wrap underwear.

Psychiatrist says "Well, i can clearly see your nuts."

Why did linkin park wrap themselves up in plastic wrap before they jumped off a cliff?

So in the end they didn't even splatter.

A person walks into a hospital wearing nothing but plastic wrap around his g**....

The front desk clerk says "I can clearly see your nuts."

A man runs into a bar

A man runs into a bar, dashing through the doors, wearing absolutely nothing but a sheet of plastic wrap covering his entire body. The bartender stares at the man and says, "I can clearly see your nuts."

A guy goes to a shrink, takes off all his clothes, and wraps himself head to toe in plastic wrap.

The doctor took one look at him and said "Well, I can clearly see you're nuts".

I went to the psychiatrist wearing nothing but my brand new plastic wrap underpants and she was very judgmental...

The first thing she said was "I can clearly see your nuts"

Did you hear about the e**... at the plastic wrapping convention?

Their féte was sealed.

A man goes to see a psychiatrist wearing nothing but plastic shrink wrap for clothes.

The doctor looks at him and says, Well, I can clearly see your nuts!

A man walks into a psychiatrist's office..

..wearing nothing but plastic wrap around his waist. The doc looks at him and says, well, I can clearly see you're nuts.

A man goes to see a psychiatrist.

The man is n**... and wrapped is plastic wrap.
The psychiatrist says "I can clearly see your nuts."

So this guy goes to a psychiatrist wearing nothing but clear plastic wrap

The guy says what's wrong with me, Doc?
The psychiatrist says I can clearly see your nuts.

A guy goes to a psychiatrist

A guy goes to a psychiatrist seeking help dressed in nothing but food plastic wrap.
The doctor looks the man up and down and says "well...I can clearly see your nuts!

I like my women how i like my subway sandwich

Sliced up, put in the oven and then wrapped in a plastic bag.

Why did David l**... visit the Apple Store?

Because when he received his new phone it was already dead, wrapped in plastic.

Recently, I bought a cartridge for my printer

It came in a box mounted on a card and wrapped in plastic. When I took it apart, I found that the printer cartridge itself was actually quite small, but they made the packaging unnecessarily large to make it harder to steal and to make the customer feel better about the high price.
I pointed this out to my wife and mentioned how my weight gain over the years of our marriage should have the same effect: It made me seem more valuable and also made me harder for other women to steal.
She's still laughing.

A guy walks into a psychiatrist office...

Totally n**..., wrapped in plastic wrap.
He said, "Doc I need help..."
The doctor said, "I can clearly see your nuts!"