Plaice Jokes
27 plaice jokes and hilarious plaice puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about plaice that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Plaice Short Jokes
Short plaice jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The plaice humour may include short plaque jokes also.
- I was unlucky to be sacked as a chef for using the incorrect fish and herbs Wrong plaice, wrong thyme
- I have a joke about fish and herbs. But I don't think now is the thyme or the plaice to tell it.
- Our local fish market ranks their catches on how rare they are I noticed today that they had rare salmon. It definitely isn't common plaice!
- I've got a really good joke about a fish and some herbs But it neither the Thyme nor the Plaice
- I was going to make a joke about herbs and fish... But this is neither the plaice nor the thyme to do so.
- Sorry to anyone who felt my joke about herbs and fish was inappropriate. I realise there's a thyme and a plaice for these things...
- Last night, in bed, my wife asked me to put fresh fish and herbs on her. I said, "There's a thyme and a plaice for that sort of thing."
- Why couldn't the man open a fish and herb shop? Because he didn't have the thyme or the plaice.
- I remember once I was forced to choose between Dwayne Johnson and a lifetime supply of frozen fish. I was stuck between a Rock and a hard plaice.
- What did the chef say to his assistant when he got handed the wrong ingredients? This is neither the thyme nor the plaice.
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Plaice One Liners
Which plaice one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with plaice? I can suggest the ones about resting place and plum.
- I wanted to make a lame pun thread about fish. But its not the right time or plaice.
- Why should you sparingly put herbs on fish? Because there is a thyme and a plaice for it
- A man walks into a fish and chip shop... "Nice plaice"
- When it comes to seasoning fish.. It's all about right plaice, right thyme
- What do you call a fish that stands out? Out of plaice.
- When it comes to cooking herb-crusted fish... ...there's a thyme and a plaice.
- I used to work in a fish gutting factory... But I couldn't handle the plaice.
Laughable Plaice Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles
What funny jokes about plaice you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean plugs jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make plaice pranks.
Why was the fisherman upset with his new property?
After selling his sole for a small plaice perched by the sea (something to the tuna 500 square feet), he found something fishy within contract and realised he cod do better if he weren't such a cheap-skate.
I was hosting a f**... for my goldfish, and my friend thought it was okay to ask "What herbs should I season which fish with?"
I told him "Come on dude, there's a thyme and plaice."
I want to tell you a joke about some herbs and fish
But this is neither the thyme or the plaice
A young woman starts choking on her seafood at a restaurant.
The man behind her says "Stand back! I'm a doctor!" and proceeds to use the Heimlich manoeuvre on her.
A whole small fish shoots out of her mouth and the woman finally gasps in a few breaths.
The doctor picks up the fish and says "What's a plaice like you doing in a girl like this?"
The fish and chip shop near me has gone into liquidation
Now the owner is stuck between a rock and a hard plaice