Pizza Hut Jokes
28 pizza hut jokes and hilarious pizza hut puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about pizza hut that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Pizza Hut Short Jokes
Short pizza hut jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The pizza hut humour may include short pizza slice jokes also.
- Did you hear mike tyson was just arrested for nearly beating a Pizza Hut waitress to death? As he was finishing eating, she asked "Hey, mister, you wanna box for the rest of your pizza?
- I mixed up the Pizza Hut app and Grindr. There is a 10 vegetarian with extra cheese on the way over and I'm not sure what to expect….
- How do you know when there’s an accordion player at your front door? His hat says “Pizza Hut” and he doesn’t know when to come in.
- Did you hear about the lobster that got a job at pizza hut? He's working in the crust station.
- I don't remember if I used my pizza hut and Grindr app. All I know is that I got a 10 inch meat lover coming my way.
- After working long and hard for my PhD people finally recognize me.. As the neighborhood pizza Hut delivery guy now.
- Become a PhD After many years of studying at a university, I've finally become a PhD… or Pizza Hut Deliveryman as people call it.
- I got a notification that my 10 inch Italian meat lover is on its way. I'm not sure if that's from Pizza Hut or grindr.
- What do you call a fake noodle? An im-pasta.
Lol, sorry if it's corny. Pizza hut guy came and my delivery request was to tell a joke. Shout out to delivery dude! - I just got a free meal in Pizza Hut. They do it for everyone who jumps out of the toilet window and runs away.
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Pizza Hut One Liners
Which pizza hut one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with pizza hut? I can suggest the ones about pizza oven and pizza delivery.
- Pizza Hut is very consistent... The pizza tastes exactly like the box it comes in.
- What's Bob Wylie's favorite food? Pizza HUT!
- Yo momma so crusty Pizza Hut is jealous.
- Why did ancient Roman build the hut? Cuz it's pizza hut
- What did the Italian architects help build USA? Pizza Hut.
- I like my Africans like I like my pizza... Thin and in a hut.
- Yo Mama Yo Mama so fat, she ate a whole pizza.... Hut
- My d**...'s like Pizza Hut... Kids eat for free.
Pizza Hut Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about pizza hut you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean pizza toppings jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make pizza hut pranks.
My Dad actually said this is a Denver area Pizza Hut.
A group of maybe 6\-8 of us were finishing up our meal when a rather large woman \(our waitress\) came over and asked my dad if "we wanna box for our left over pizza?" Without skipping a beat, my dad looks her right in the eye and says "no, but I'll wrestle ya for it!". The look on her face was priceless!
Man found dead in Pizza Hut.....
Police found the body of a man in the storeroom at Pizza Hut. He was covered in ham, pineapple, anchovies and pepperoni, They don't suspect m**.... They think he topped himself.
I think Pizza Hut is the cockiest pizza chain on the planet
because Pizza Hut will accept all competitors' coupons. That makes me wish I had my own pizza place: Mitch's Pizzeria -- this week's coupon: unlimited free pizza.'