Pirate Argh Jokes
27 pirate argh jokes and hilarious pirate argh puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about pirate argh that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Pirate Argh Short Jokes
Short pirate argh jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The pirate argh humour may include short pirate jokes also.
- A pirate walks into the bar with a steering wheel in his pants... The bartender says "hey, you know you have a steering wheel in your pants?" the pirate responds "ARGH! it drives me nuts!"
- People are always mistaken thinking there is only 1 letter in the pirate dictionary, in actual fact there is 10 Eye eye, argh and the 7 seas
- The creator of Arby's was a pirate. He was walking one day thinking of a name for his new restaurant, until he got stung by a bee and shouted "Argh-bees!"
- A pirate walks into a bar. He has driving wheel sticking out his nether regions.
The bartender asks him "Doesn't that make you go crazy?"
The pirate replies "Argh. It's driving me nuts!" - What did the pirate say when he got a steering wheel stuck in his pants Argh! Yer driven me nuts.
- What's a pirates favourite letter You think it be The argh but a pirate first love really be the sea
- What did the pirate CEO say to his crew? Argh you have to work harder! Our **sail** are down!
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Pirate Argh One Liners
Which pirate argh one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with pirate argh? I can suggest the ones about pirate arr and pirate treasure.
- Why did the pirate go on vacation? He felt like he needed some argh and argh
- What tax filing service does a pirate use? H&ARGH Block
- How do you save a pirate's life? Sea pee ARGH!
- What did the Indian pirate say to the boat Captain? "Argh, gimmie me alla yer Buddha!"
- What does an emo pirate say? Argh XD
- What's a pirate's favourite amino acid? Argh-ginine!
(arginine) - What did the Jewish pirate say when he heard his wife died? Argh, shiva me timbers
- What did the pirate say to the hot blonde? Argh, I come to plunder your b**...!
Unearthly Funniest Pirate Argh Jokes to Tickle Your Sides
What funny jokes about pirate argh you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean pirate ship jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make pirate argh pranks.
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel coming out of the front of his pants.
The bartender looks up and says "Hey Pirate, you've a got a steering wheel coming out of the front of your pants!"
The pirate says "Argh, it's driving me nuts."
What's a pirate's favorite letter?
Not, not "Argh." Too obvious.
Not the "C" either. Everyone has heard that one.
"Without a P he's irate hahahahaha!" Blah blah blah. Nope.
Give up?
A letter of marque. It makes his profession semi legitimate, provides for a legal way to store his wealth in his homeland, and allows him to attain social prestige far above his station if successful enough.
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
The FBI seize a collection of pirated movies.
The movies were Footloose, dirty dancing, ferris bueller's day off, ghost busters and the breakfast club.
As the pirate sees his beloved movies taken away from him, he cries
"ARGH! Me eighties!"
This pirate
So a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender asks him 'Why in the world do you have a steering wheel in your pants?' The pirate responds 'Argh I don't know but it's been driving me nuts all day.'
A pirate walks into a bar...
So a little pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pant and orders a drink. The bartender give him the drink but first asks, "Doesn't that steering wheel bother you? It looks uncomfortable."
The pirate replies "Argh!! Its driving me nuts!!"
I went to dinner and there was a man dressed as a pirate at the bar (long)
I had to find out what the deal was with this guy so I sat down next to him.
We talked for a while and then eventually he turned towards me and that's when I noticed he had a ship steering wheel sticking right out of his pants.
I tried listening to his story but it was too distracting so finally I interrupted him.
"Hey do you know you've got a ship steering wheel coming out of your pants?"
"Argh, it's driving me nuts!"