
Picket Jokes

31 picket jokes and hilarious picket puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about picket that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Feeling down? Want to lighten the mood? Check out these hilarious picket line jokes! From jokes about picket fences to unionizing Titsburg, this collection will have you rolling on the floor and brightening your day! Check it out now.

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Funniest Picket Short Jokes

Short picket jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The picket humour may include short picking jokes also.

  1. What do protestors and people with big noses have in common? They both know how to picket.
  2. Did you hear about the cow that jumped over the picket fence? It was an udder disaster!
    Edit . Ruined the joke - udder
  3. My grandmother was extremely anti-Union. She always used to tell me that things won't get better if I picket
  4. Why can you keep out Europeans with a picket fence? Because union members never cross a picket.
  5. Why are workers who cross a picket line called scabs? When you have a scab, you aren't supposed to pick it.
  6. Why did the protester picket the football game? Because he found the touchdowns offensive.
  7. What's the difference between a Jokes Mod and a drunk Scottish lad fighting a picket fence? [OC] The brighter one gets to tell his pals "aye, f**...'in took care of that wee-post boys!"

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Picket One Liners

Which picket one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with picket? I can suggest the ones about picks and protest.

  1. I'm against picketing.... But I don't know how to show it.
    - Mitch Hedberg
  2. If I was a pro-life picketer My sign would say "You Can't De-Fetus!"
  3. How do you steal from a fence? You picket's pockets
  4. I saw the most beautiful girl in the picket line. She was truly striking.
  5. Why shouldn't you protest wound treatment? It won't get better if you picket it.
  6. My nose is on strike I have to picket.
  7. I really hate picketing but I don't know how to show it!
    RIP Mitch
  8. I am against picketing, but I don't know how to show it Happy Birthday man, we miss you
  9. What do you call a hemophiliac that crosses the picket line? A bleeder.
  10. I don't like my nose so I decided to picket
  11. I'm really against picketing… I just haven't figured out a way show it.
  12. I'm against picketing. I'm just not sure how to show it...
  13. I'm really against picketing. I just don't know how to show it.

Picket joke, I'm really against picketing.

Cheeky Picket Jokes that Will Make You and Your Friends Chuckle

What funny jokes about picket you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fence jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make picket pranks.

Two men on a train both have black eyes.

Man 1: "how did you get that black eye?"
Man 2: "I was buying my ticket from this beautiful b**... girl and instead of saying 'a ticket to Pittsburgh' I accidentally said I wanted 'a picket to Tittsburgh' so she hit me. How about you?"
Man 1: "Yeah, something similar happened to me. I was sitting around having breakfast with my wife and I meant to say 'pass the wheaties' and I accidentally said 'you ruined my life you s**... b**...'."

I wrote this little ditty just seconds after waking up.

An auto worker storms into his union leader's office. "I have a really pesky booger in my nostril, and management won't get us anymore tissue boxes!!" he shouts.
The union manager calmly responds: "Maybe you should picket."

A picket to Tittsburgh

A guy travels out to visit a friend of his in Pittsburgh who is going through some hard times. His friend picks him up at the airport.
"How was the flight?"
"The flight was fine but I embarrassed myself when I bought my ticket."
"Oh? What happened?"
"The woman at the counter was very attractive and instead of asking for a ticket to Pittsburgh, I asked for a picket to Tittsburgh."
"Oh that's just a Freudian slip. Happens all the time. Just the other night at dinner I meant to ask my wife to pass the salt but instead said 'you ruined my life you b**...'".

So a black store owner goes to his work

He sees a group of people holding up picket signs that say "We Hate Gingers". Confused, he goes up to them and asks, "Who are you and what are you protesting?" They answer, we're the sect of dyslexic k**..., and we want you out of our town!

Two women were chatting in the airport lounge…

The younger one says I must be jet lagged, I went to get my ticket to Pittsburgh and asked for a picket to dicksburgh
The older one replies and says I know what you mean, I called my husband to remind him to take out the trash and instead said 'you ruined my life you drunken b**...'

When doctors go on strike ....

"Doctors at a hospital in Brooklyn, New York have gone on strike. Hospital officials say they will find out what the Doctors' demands are as soon as they can get a pharmacist over there to read the picket signs!"

Last week I moved into a new suburb

My neighbour came over on the first day and borrowed a hammer so he could replace his white picket fence. I watched as he took the pickets off one by one until they were all off and then he stood there looking confused. I went over with a shovel and asked if he needed a hand. He said "no I'm alright, I'm just deciding whether to repost because this place hates reposts"

Picket joke, What do you call a hemophiliac that crosses the picket line?